Mexico Should Start Preparing - Now


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
In the advent that Donald Trump becomes president of the United States in January 2017, it behooves Mexico to be ready for what will surely follow very rapidly. That is a mass deportation of all its people who are here in the US, illegally. Since it is Mexico's negligence and deliberate invasion of the US, that has caused this massive migration, the Trump administration should (and probably will) hold Mexico fully responsible for all the harm they have caused us. Justifiably, Trump will make Mexico pay for the new wall, and that should include payment for the repatriation of all the people too.

Mexico will also need to be prepared to deal with the influx of many millions of its own people, and the loss of $20-25 Billion/year in remittances, they have been pillaging America for. They also need to begin to pay their own poverty bill, instead of suckering America into paying it for them via the anchor baby racket, false documentation, and a false defining of the 14th amendment to mean the myth of birthright citizenship. And they need to realize that this convenient package which constitutes their # 1 source of income, is coming to an end.

Mexico should take the lead and show other countries (whose migrants are also here illegally) the proper way to adjust. If Mexico does not make major adjustments, there likely will be a humanitarian crisis of major proportions. Mexico should start now in dismantling the political/economic structure that has caused the widespread poverty and massive migration to the US.
It should start by breaking up the big monopolies (ex. Pemex, Telex, et al), allowing Mexican small businessmen to compete, thereby creating millions of new jobs. Mexico's plutocracy must end, and the Trump administration must see to it that it does.

Mexico has been getting away with the largest imperialism dollarwise, that the world has ever seen. Why it has taken 60+ years, and Donald Trump to address this is quite a mystery, but in any case, if Mexico sits still, and simply allows its repatriated people to go homeless and starve, Mexico should be advised by Trump that US military action will be the result. This should be the end of the days of Mexico's recklessness causing trouble for America.
I waiting for someone to present something that could justify the notion that a mass deportation won't happen.
I waiting for someone to present something that could justify the notion that a mass deportation won't happen.

Too many PC bleeding hearts in this country would prevent it. However, there is no need to round em all up and deport them. Just remove all of the incentives for them to remain here such as jobs, benefits and birthright citizenship for their kids. With no means to support themselves many if not most will self-deport.
I waiting for someone to present something that could justify the notion that a mass deportation won't happen.

Well here I see two 'somethings'
  • Trump has to get elected and
  • Trump would actually have to do what he may- or may not have said and may/or may not believe.
I see no reason to presume either is likely.
I waiting for someone to present something that could justify the notion that a mass deportation won't happen.
political candidates have a habit of telling you what you wanna hear and then after they get elected,the excuses start or the finger pointing begins as to why it may not get i said.....good luck with that...
Too many PC bleeding hearts in this country would prevent it. However, there is no need to round em all up and deport them. Just remove all of the incentives for them to remain here such as jobs, benefits and birthright citizenship for their kids. With no means to support themselves many if not most will self-deport.
I think we will need to deport them. They'll probably see Mexico as a long arduous trip to go to a place that would be no better then here, even under the worst of conditions. This is why we need to get them out , built we we also need topressure the Mexican govt to do economic reform as I mentioned previously, to give Mexicans something to go back to. As I also said, if no cooperation comes from Mexico, they are going to become mincemeat.
political candidates have a habit of telling you what you wanna hear and then after they get elected,the excuses start or the finger pointing begins as to why it may not get i said.....good luck with that...
You can wish luck or whatever else. Right now, the winds are blowing in the direction of mass deportation.
Well here I see two 'somethings'
  • Trump has to get elected and
  • Trump would actually have to do what he may- or may not have said and may/or may not believe.
I see no reason to presume either is likely.
I see no reason to "presume" anything, or presume anything won't happen. What I do see is a trend moving in the direction of Trump getting elected, and mass deportation happening.
In the advent that Donald Trump becomes president of the United States in January 2017, it behooves Mexico to be ready for what will surely follow very rapidly. That is a mass deportation of all its people who are here in the US, illegally. Since it is Mexico's negligence and deliberate invasion of the US, that has caused this massive migration, the Trump administration should (and probably will) hold Mexico fully responsible for all the harm they have caused us. Justifiably, Trump will make Mexico pay for the new wall, and that should include payment for the repatriation of all the people too.

Mexico will also need to be prepared to deal with the influx of many millions of its own people, and the loss of $20-25 Billion/year in remittances, they have been pillaging America for. They also need to begin to pay their own poverty bill, instead of suckering America into paying it for them via the anchor baby racket, false documentation, and a false defining of the 14th amendment to mean the myth of birthright citizenship. And they need to realize that this convenient package which constitutes their # 1 source of income, is coming to an end.

Mexico should take the lead and show other countries (whose migrants are also here illegally) the proper way to adjust. If Mexico does not make major adjustments, there likely will be a humanitarian crisis of major proportions. Mexico should start now in dismantling the political/economic structure that has caused the widespread poverty and massive migration to the US.
It should start by breaking up the big monopolies (ex. Pemex, Telex, et al), allowing Mexican small businessmen to compete, thereby creating millions of new jobs. Mexico's plutocracy must end, and the Trump administration must see to it that it does.

Mexico has been getting away with the largest imperialism dollarwise, that the world has ever seen. Why it has taken 60+ years, and Donald Trump to address this is quite a mystery, but in any case, if Mexico sits still, and simply allows its repatriated people to go homeless and starve, Mexico should be advised by Trump that US military action will be the result. This should be the end of the days of Mexico's recklessness causing trouble for America.
This is as delusional as it is ridiculous.

The hate, bigotry, and stupidity common to many on the right is truly remarkable, this thread being one of many examples.
This is as delusional as it is ridiculous.

The hate, bigotry, and stupidity common to many on the right is truly remarkable, this thread being one of many examples.

As usual, you have nothing to offer but another tossing of the old, worn-out race and bigot card, without a shred of any evidence to back it up. There's the "stupidity." :laugh:
Well here I see two 'somethings'
  • Trump has to get elected and
  • Trump would actually have to do what he may- or may not have said and may/or may not believe.
I see no reason to presume either is likely.
I see no reason to "presume" anything, or presume anything won't happen. What I do see is a trend moving in the direction of Trump getting elected, and mass deportation happening.

Well I am sure Mexico will pay as much attention to your warnings as the United States pays to your claim that Muslims right to freedom of religion is not protected by the First Amendment.
political candidates have a habit of telling you what you wanna hear and then after they get elected,the excuses start or the finger pointing begins as to why it may not get i said.....good luck with that...
You can wish luck or whatever else. Right now, the winds are blowing in the direction of mass deportation.
yea by people like yourself who actually believe that will happen.....if he gets elected 4 years from now if we are still posting here i will ask you why this did not happen....trump is making a lot of statements he will not be able to back up
Well I am sure Mexico will pay as much attention to your warnings as the United States pays to your claim that Muslims right to freedom of religion is not protected by the First Amendment.
As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what Mexico will pay attention to. If they don't pay attention initially, they will pay strict attention once Trump starts exerting the leverage the US has over Mexico, which simply hasn't been used until now >>
1. foreign aid $$ they get from us.
2. Then there's the remittances$$$..
3. Then there the welfare anchor baby $$$.
4. And last but not least, there is US warships on both Mexican coasts, establishing all of Mexico as a no-fly-zone, and US Marines and Army surrounding Mexico City as they did in 1848.

Is this beginning to focus for you now ?
yea by people like yourself who actually believe that will happen.....if he gets elected 4 years from now if we are still posting here i will ask you why this did not happen....trump is making a lot of statements he will not be able to back up
"Not be able to back up" ? What statements are those, and why wouldn't he be able to back them up ? You are now invited to "back up" YOUR statement.
Well I am sure Mexico will pay as much attention to your warnings as the United States pays to your claim that Muslims right to freedom of religion is not protected by the First Amendment.
As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what Mexico will pay attention to. If they don't pay attention initially, they will pay strict attention once Trump starts exerting the leverage the US has over Mexico, which simply hasn't been used until now >>
1. foreign aid $$ they get from us.
2. Then there's the remittances$$$..
3. Then there the welfare anchor baby $$$.
4. And last but not least, there is US warships on both Mexican coasts, establishing all of Mexico as a no-fly-zone, and US Marines and Army surrounding Mexico City as they did in 1848.

Is this beginning to focus for you now ?

LOL- yeah- just your usual nuttiness.

"Trump is going to declare War on Mexico so that he can pretend he is in the Marines"


Mexico will ignore your rantings- just as whoever is the next President of the United States will.

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