Mexican Troops Drew Weapons On American Soldiers On US Side Of The Border


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Thankfully cool heads prevailed.

Mexican troops questioned two U.S. soldiers along the two countries’ border earlier this month. The American soldiers were on the U.S. side of the border conducting a routine surveillance operation, defense officials say.

Military officials from the U.S. Northern Command said that “five to six Mexican military personnel questioned two U.S. Army soldiers who were conducting border support operations.”

Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give much of a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.
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So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.
It's funny because no one is actually having a "freak out" reaction here.
No one seems interested in the issue at all. Remove your straw man, please.

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.
It's funny because no one is actually having a "freak out" reaction here.
No one seems interested in the issue at all. Remove your straw man, please.
The Left love the idea of uninvited Mexican troops in America.

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to get alarmed at the slightest provocation.
It's funny because no one is actually having a "freak out" reaction here.
No one seems interested in the issue at all. Remove your straw man, please.

The fact a Trumpbot actually started such a silly thread is enough. And I have seen enough of this guy's post to know that his thin is indeed VERY thin.

But in the interest of accuracy - I changed 'freak out' (which granted - may have been a tad strong) to 'get alarmed'.

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give much of a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.

You libtards would just love some violence. Try to make another bullshit story about Trump. Get use to the fact that you low life liberals will have to deal with him for 4 more years. Sleep on that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.
It's funny because no one is actually having a "freak out" reaction here.
No one seems interested in the issue at all. Remove your straw man, please.
The Left love the idea of uninvited Mexican troops in America.

Well, when I actually vote for a Dem candidate (which I have never done) or I want uninvited Mexican troops into America...I will let you know...and then your post will make the remotest sense.

I realize annoying little things like education, reading comprehension and intellectual discussion are not your strong suits. But I suggest you at least try and sound like you IQ is over 80 so as to not come across as...well...someone whom is uneducated with an IQ under 80 - ALL THE TIME.

No need to thank me...the advice is free.

We are done here.

Have a WONDERFUL day.

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to get alarmed at the slightest provocation.
It's funny because no one is actually having a "freak out" reaction here.
No one seems interested in the issue at all. Remove your straw man, please.

The fact a Trumpbot actually started such a silly thread is enough. And I have seen enough of this guy's post to know that his thin is indeed VERY thin.

But in the interest of accuracy - I changed 'freak out' (which granted - may have been a tad strong) to 'get alarmed'.

When foreign soldiers draw weapons on US soldiers inside the US, it is cause for alarm.
The fact a Trumpbot actually started such a silly thread is enough. And I have seen enough of this guy's post to know that his thin is indeed VERY thin.

But in the interest of accuracy - I changed 'freak out' (which granted - may have been a tad strong) to 'get alarmed'.
Well when you say you changed some of your wording, which indeed makes things better, that's not reflected in your actual post. I take it you mean you should have changed your post to make it more reasonable. At any rate the change is an improvement as we both agree.

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.
It's funny because no one is actually having a "freak out" reaction here.
No one seems interested in the issue at all. Remove your straw man, please.
The Left love the idea of uninvited Mexican troops in America.

G'head....let them start some shit...see how freaking fast they get torched.

Thankfully cool heads prevailed.

Mexican troops questioned two U.S. soldiers along the two countries’ border earlier this month. The American soldiers were on the U.S. side of the border conducting a routine surveillance operation, defense officials say.

Military officials from the U.S. Northern Command said that “five to six Mexican military personnel questioned two U.S. Army soldiers who were conducting border support operations.”

Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border
It is very likely that they were asking the American's if they liked DOS EQUIS beer.

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.
It's funny because no one is actually having a "freak out" reaction here.
No one seems interested in the issue at all. Remove your straw man, please.
The Left love the idea of uninvited Mexican troops in America.
America? The left believes this is still Mexico.

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give much of a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.

Lol, you dumb fucking loser.

So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.
It's funny because no one is actually having a "freak out" reaction here.
No one seems interested in the issue at all. Remove your straw man, please.
The Left love the idea of uninvited Mexican troops in America.

G'head....let them start some shit...see how freaking fast they get torched.

--------------------------------------------- [shameful] looks like the 'mex' started some zhit , they shoulda had their azzez kicked . Reminds me of the ' USA' well Armed Sailors that allowed themselves to be captured by 'iranian sailors' a few years ago and i think that those wankers were in sight of their Battleship . ---- [and then the Navy Sailors took the goodies that 'ahmadinejad' offered them for snacking]. ------------- Shameful but at least the sailors and these military on the border were SAFE eh [chuckle] :afro: !!
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So what?

Let me know when someone actually pulls a trigger...then I will give much of a shit.

You Trumpbots seem to freak out at the slightest provocation.
You don't give a shit when Americans that are risking their lives to keep us safe are threatened by foreign soldiers.

Ok. Now say something that could possibly surprise me.
Thankfully cool heads prevailed.

Mexican troops questioned two U.S. soldiers along the two countries’ border earlier this month. The American soldiers were on the U.S. side of the border conducting a routine surveillance operation, defense officials say.

Military officials from the U.S. Northern Command said that “five to six Mexican military personnel questioned two U.S. Army soldiers who were conducting border support operations.”

Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border

So, what?
Thankfully cool heads prevailed.

Mexican troops questioned two U.S. soldiers along the two countries’ border earlier this month. The American soldiers were on the U.S. side of the border conducting a routine surveillance operation, defense officials say.

Military officials from the U.S. Northern Command said that “five to six Mexican military personnel questioned two U.S. Army soldiers who were conducting border support operations.”

Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border
They needs to supply the troop and border patrols with helmet cams to witness everything.

Thankfully cool heads prevailed.

Mexican troops questioned two U.S. soldiers along the two countries’ border earlier this month. The American soldiers were on the U.S. side of the border conducting a routine surveillance operation, defense officials say.

Military officials from the U.S. Northern Command said that “five to six Mexican military personnel questioned two U.S. Army soldiers who were conducting border support operations.”

Mexican troops drew weapons on American soldiers on US side of the border
Ok? and?

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