Mexican Thugs Hunt Down Trump Supporters Like Prey are an idiot. They don't hate America or they wouldn't be here. They CLEARLY hate Trump and the system that allowed that buffoon to win the republican nomination. Burning a hat and a tiny flag does not make an America hater. It CERTAINLY doesn't make a whole large crowd of people responsible for the actions of a small handful. Oh I know... You think I am a liberal. Nice try moron. You haven't been right about anything you have offered yet...why start now? What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?

Sorry Huggy, but your claims don't stand for large numbers of raza, the ones holding up mexican flags, cursing at and giving the finger to people at their rallies, etc. There are significant numbers of hispanics who do want to destroy the culture of america and turn it into another failed latino country like honduras, el salvador, etc. You'd have to be quite tone deaf not to see them at rallies - people who support, love and want to be a part of america do not wave the flags of other countries. Do you see shit like that in south america or africa, where illegal aliens or new legal immigrants are spitting in the face of the local natives? They'd be fucking killed outright.

Rallies in Mexico can be highly deceiving. I am not talking about "for show" gatherings. I'm speaking about the Mexicans I have met....the average ones.
What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?

That is NOT what he said. Trump stated that mexico, like cuba, is releasing large numbers of its criminals from their prisons into the US. When Carter said that about the cuban flotilla in 1980 (I know, probably 15 years before you were born) did you scream "racist!" then too?

You only missed my birth by 46 years. Close .. :lol: You must be reading someotherbodies posts. I couldn't care any less if Trump is a racist. My problem with the Donald is mostly that he is a buffoon. He is a rich fool. He shoots from the hip with reckless disregard of the consequences of what comes out of his mouth. Hell! I'm a racist. Most people are ..They just don't like to admit it. I am highly more inclined to like those that come from my Irish decent. I do believe some races are more likely to produce inferior people. I don't give a rat's ass who knows it. Piss on them if they don't have the guts to be honest about their preferences.
What if The Donald had said YOUR ancestry was made up of thieves, rapists and drug peddlers? That could be said of many Italians, the Irish and others new to this nation. Would you be so forgiving if it was YOUR people he had gone off on?

That is NOT what he said. Trump stated that mexico, like cuba, is releasing large numbers of its criminals from their prisons into the US. When Carter said that about the cuban flotilla in 1980 (I know, probably 15 years before you were born) did you scream "racist!" then too?
But Huggy is a lying coward and he could not care less if what he says is a lie or not.

He just wants to let out his inner keyboard barbarian and throw a hissy fit.

Sure I am. It's easy to call someone a coward from your keyboard. That's why I never do it. It never comes to proving it now does it sissy.

I pray that someday anyone can buy an app that locates everyone on the internets..EVERYONE! Wouldn't THAT be interesting. Fun and Games! I can hardly wait.
Where are the MEN in Iran? It's up to the people in Iran to establish their OWN freedoms. We cannot go willy nilly all over the planet standing up for people that won't stand up for themselves.

These pussies in places like Iran can see that there are plenty of examples of free people. That's the best we can do. We had to fight for our freedoms and now it's THEIR turn.

They did stand up for themselves in 2009; they just were mass slaughtered in the streets.

The problem is that like in gaza with the scum hamas, lebanon with hezbollah, and assad in syria - it is the terrorist filth that has all the guns, and no compunction about shooting and killing 85% of the population to stay in power - and the leftist/liberals say nothing about that filth because they are anti-Western, and therefore allies, of theirs.
Iran will be our ally by the end of the year. Ditto Libya, dupes.

Number of migrant bodies found on Libyan coast rises to 133: Red Crescent

TRIPOLI The bodies of 133 migrants have washed up on the shore at the western Libyan city of Zuwara in recent days, the Red Crescent said on Sunday.

Libyan brigades capture air base from Islamic State south of Sirte: spokesman
TRIPOLI Brigades aligned with Libya's U.N.-backed government said on Saturday they had captured Ghardabiya air base from Islamic State to the south of the militant group's stronghold of Sirte.

World, Jun 04 2016
Libyans will defeat local Islamic State themselves: unity government PM
TRIPOLI Libya is uniting its various armed factions and will be able to eradicate Islamic State militants on its territory with its own forces, the head of the U.N.-backed unity government in Tripoli said on Friday.

Allowing fascist dictators to own your leadership positions comes at a cost. Everyone must fight for their own freedom or some thug will take it from you.

The above reminds me of it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Mexicans love racial intimidation when THEY do it, when they are the victim? Alligator tears. Boo hoo. There isn't anything wrong with acclimation, all the other immigrants managed to do it. Hispanics aren't any better, do get over it.
First thing we could do is get the racist GOP to stop using them as a wedge issue, pass an immigration bill with a good SS ID card, end illegal immigration, and stop insulting and threatening 11 million hard working immigrants with ridiculous deportation. Perhaps then their young people wouldn't go off on their racist rallies...
OK, first of all, throw out the baggage and the whole Racist concept. The republicans aren't doing anything that the democrats aren't. Mexicans aren't a race, BTW. And besides, Republicans are coming off schizoid here, playing both ends against the middle. Who do you think is profiting from illegal immigration? And Conservative republicans now milk the whole anti immigrant backlash, talk about chutzpah.
The problem with this footage is that it only empowers thugs to obstruct. Thug.
So, is the big orange idiot going to even make it to the convention? What a bigot/con man/disgrace the hater dupes have put up...Winning the general election is a lot different from winning the ridiculous New BS GOP lol...
Mexicans love racial intimidation when THEY do it, when they are the victim? Alligator tears. Boo hoo. There isn't anything wrong with acclimation, all the other immigrants managed to do it. Hispanics aren't any better, do get over it.
First thing we could do is get the racist GOP to stop using them as a wedge issue, pass an immigration bill with a good SS ID card, end illegal immigration, and stop insulting and threatening 11 million hard working immigrants with ridiculous deportation. Perhaps then their young people wouldn't go off on their racist rallies...
OK, first of all, throw out the baggage and the whole Racist concept. The republicans aren't doing anything that the democrats aren't. Mexicans aren't a race, BTW. And besides, Republicans are coming off schizoid here, playing both ends against the middle. Who do you think is profiting from illegal immigration? And Conservative republicans now milk the whole anti immigrant backlash, talk about chutzpah.
You wish lol...
Four Trump Rally Thugs Arrested


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