Men's 1st contact with porn dramatically impacts how they view women


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The age at which males are first exposed to porn significantly impacts their attitudes towards women in later life, a new study claims.
Research presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association claims that the earlier
Men’s 1st contact with porn dramatically impacts how they view women - study

And it's no different than telling a drug addict they are addicted, try telling someone who gets off on their porn with five fingered Rosey, that . They see no harm because they don't want to stop their drug.
Yeah you have those who claim how great their sex life is with their wives who watch it with them, bank on it it's doing more harm than good and in the end she won't accept it.
Some wives go along with it to appease their husbands while really not wanting to, some don't give a dam and your the nearest thing to a live usable penis bhaahahh.

Some can't wrap their heads around the psychology of the damage just like telling them Trump is trying to fix America there's how dunce they are.
So I was at this gas station in New Jersey and the pump attendant claimed he was a porn actor.
I didn't believe him.

Then he proved it. Just before the tank was full he pulled the nozzle out and sprayed gas all over my trunk.

The age at which males are first exposed to porn significantly impacts their attitudes towards women in later life, a new study claims.
Research presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association claims that the earlier
Men’s 1st contact with porn dramatically impacts how they view women - study

And it's no different than telling a drug addict they are addicted, try telling someone who gets off on their porn with five fingered Rosey, that . They see no harm because they don't want to stop their drug.
Yeah you have those who claim how great their sex life is with their wives who watch it with them, bank on it it's doing more harm than good and in the end she won't accept it.
Some wives go along with it to appease their husbands while really not wanting to, some don't give a dam and your the nearest thing to a live usable penis bhaahahh.

Some can't wrap their heads around the psychology of the damage just like telling them Trump is trying to fix America there's how dunce they are.
I practice not judging women by the clothes they don't wear, on the Internet and try to port it to real life, whenever I have the presence of mind to do so.
What is the role of the man in a porn flick and likewise the female's role in general ? Is it one that stereo types typical behaviors, and are such behaviors poisonous to the mind or glorious/glorifying to the mind ?? If the roles are that of influencing a bad trend or mindset to be placed upon the sexes, then the younger mind may become influenced by that bad if exposed at to early an age I would imagine. I was profoundly influenced by my families love of hunting and fishing when I was young, and so it was a glorifying positive experience. Nothing bad has come from it, only good has come from it. It's how you weigh things out in life. I remember the people saying that if a child see's his father mis-treating his mother, and depending on who is the most influential in that child's life it will cause either one or two things to possibly occurr. 1. The child will end up doing the same (becomes a wife beater). Or 2. Becomes a defender against the abuse of any kind, and especially against mom's being abused by the dad's or vice-versa. If one is a girl, then the same would apply as well.
The healthy female form is beautiful, clothed or unclothed.
Except in burlap

. Not supposed to be for your eyes (i.e the wrap), but what does she really think about it ? In a western society, would she want to unwrap (wear more moderate clothing), in order to show her friends what her husband had scored in life, and is he so insecure that he would fear her doing that ? Does the wrap or berka show the possibility of being able to control a human beings thinking in religious terms, and therefore she is in subjection to her husband freely because she also believes in the religion ? If they are happy, then who are we to judge, but if they are unhappy then it's really a sad situation for both husband and wife.
I cannot believe how easy it was for me get used to really hot strippers come up to me nude, and simply and honestly ask me, if we can discuss straddling options for our lap dance.

Then they find out you are on welfare and spend all of THAT on dope, and move on to other Johns...
I guess I need to work on my client relations, diversity, and stress management in a team oriented environment skills, more.
The age at which males are first exposed to porn significantly impacts their attitudes towards women in later life, a new study claims.
Research presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association claims that the earlier
Men’s 1st contact with porn dramatically impacts how they view women - study

And it's no different than telling a drug addict they are addicted, try telling someone who gets off on their porn with five fingered Rosey, that . They see no harm because they don't want to stop their drug.
Yeah you have those who claim how great their sex life is with their wives who watch it with them, bank on it it's doing more harm than good and in the end she won't accept it.
Some wives go along with it to appease their husbands while really not wanting to, some don't give a dam and your the nearest thing to a live usable penis bhaahahh.

Some can't wrap their heads around the psychology of the damage just like telling them Trump is trying to fix America there's how dunce they are.

If you don't like porn, don't watch it.

Problem solved.
The age at which males are first exposed to porn significantly impacts their attitudes towards women in later life, a new study claims.
Research presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association claims that the earlier
Men’s 1st contact with porn dramatically impacts how they view women - study

And it's no different than telling a drug addict they are addicted, try telling someone who gets off on their porn with five fingered Rosey, that . They see no harm because they don't want to stop their drug.
Yeah you have those who claim how great their sex life is with their wives who watch it with them, bank on it it's doing more harm than good and in the end she won't accept it.
Some wives go along with it to appease their husbands while really not wanting to, some don't give a dam and your the nearest thing to a live usable penis bhaahahh.

Some can't wrap their heads around the psychology of the damage just like telling them Trump is trying to fix America there's how dunce they are.

If you don't like porn, don't watch it.

Problem solved.
. Wasn't she talking about a study, and what the study might reveal or represent ? What kind of answer was that ? Not a good one really.
The age at which males are first exposed to porn significantly impacts their attitudes towards women in later life, a new study claims.
Research presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association claims that the earlier
Men’s 1st contact with porn dramatically impacts how they view women - study

And it's no different than telling a drug addict they are addicted, try telling someone who gets off on their porn with five fingered Rosey, that . They see no harm because they don't want to stop their drug.
Yeah you have those who claim how great their sex life is with their wives who watch it with them, bank on it it's doing more harm than good and in the end she won't accept it.
Some wives go along with it to appease their husbands while really not wanting to, some don't give a dam and your the nearest thing to a live usable penis bhaahahh.

Some can't wrap their heads around the psychology of the damage just like telling them Trump is trying to fix America there's how dunce they are.

If you don't like porn, don't watch it.

Problem solved.
Moved over to a thread more your speed I see...
Hehehe, another feminist thread. There was always a market for hookers, it is the world's oldest profession. Now that men are replaced by feminist family law, the market for hookers is twice as big. Only a feminist will not understand this. The study may be correct, and the more feminist laws we write, the more correct it will get. Is it men's fault? Of course it is. Every thing is, as per law, hehehe.
I read it on the Internet the other day, that watching porn can give regular headaches for females. As a result, one man who applied to terminate the child support payments to his ex got denied, because his ex claimed that the 18 year old employed daughters headaches incapacitate her.

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