

Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
lets see I have been married a long time....27 years. I am thinking about killing him today or rather this morning. Mary Winkler got away with it...why cant i? It is all rather simple. He went to a party yesterday. I had to work. No biggie. As long as he is not over drinking and thinking about drinking...i am down with the party scene he likes. that is the way we roll.

He makes an apple pie for the biggie...but then I find out he used my (yes my) polish pottery pie plate for his apple pie and took my polish pottery pie plate to the party with his apple pie. Now he brings me a plate of food, on a paper plate. He could have moved what was left of the pie onto the paper plate and returned MYpolish pottery pie plate....but he did not. He left it there with the drunks. I am furious.

are all men this damn special or did i just pick a real winner? If I kill him ...please delete this post. Thank you.
that's the way we roll ?...with apple pie and polish pie plates?...look just consider yourself lucky he is not a congressmen..senator or a pimp or you could very well of found him snorting coke off a polish hookers ass..count your blessings

i am counting my damn polish pottery pieces....

polish hookers funny....that arent many hookers in boone nc but about 32 years ago ...i lived in the apartment above one...made for some interesting late night conversations...
27 years and you haven't figured out men do not CARE about dishes? Further with the PIE covering the thing how would he know it was one of your "special" ones?

Remember the guy that played the Principle in "Saved by the Bell"? He has a comedy act.

His big points are that Men don't hear a thing women say AND that women hear EVERYTHING men say. ( and quit that). The point being men and Women have different thought process and different values. After 27 years one would hope you had figured that out.

:badgrin::lol::eusa_eh::eusa_drool::redface: :tongue::razz::eusa_angel::D:eusa_shifty:
I am thinking about killing him today or rather this morning.

assault with a deadly meatloaf isn't a crime yet in this country, mainly because the mortality rate isn't easily charted over the years it may take to off us StrollingBones....

a pinch of repressed loathing in each weekly meal, and he'll be in the ground by 2010...
I remember a Roald Dahl short story. Sheila killed her old man with a frozen joint, leg of lamb or something. Cops came around to investigate and found him bludgeoned to death and were looking for the murder weapon.

The woman, despite her obvious grief, wanted to thank them for their consideration so she cooked them a nice roast meal.

Leg of lamb I think it was.....

Oh and your husband - just doing Male 101 - a plate is a plate is a plate. There are two kinds of plate, the ones that break when you drop them and paper plates. Both are good for stopping food from hitting the ground. That is all men know about plates and that is all men are required to know about plates. Potters are excepted from that rule.
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I remember a Roald Dahl short story. Sheila killed her old man with a frozen joint, leg of lamb or something. Cops came around to investigate and found him bludgeoned to death and were looking for the murder weapon.

The woman, despite her obvious grief, wanted to thank them for their consideration so she cooked them a nice roast meal.

Leg of lamb I think it was.....

Oh and your husband - just doing Male 101 - a plate is a plate is a plate. There are two kinds of plate, the ones that break when you drop them and paper plates. Both are good for stopping food from hitting the ground. That is all men know about plates and that is all men are required to know about plates. Potters are excepted from that rule.

I was JUST about to mention that. :lol: :clap2:
lets see I have been married a long time....27 years. I am thinking about killing him today or rather this morning. Mary Winkler got away with it...why cant i? It is all rather simple. He went to a party yesterday. I had to work. No biggie. As long as he is not over drinking and thinking about drinking...i am down with the party scene he likes. that is the way we roll.

He makes an apple pie for the biggie...but then I find out he used my (yes my) polish pottery pie plate for his apple pie and took my polish pottery pie plate to the party with his apple pie. Now he brings me a plate of food, on a paper plate. He could have moved what was left of the pie onto the paper plate and returned MYpolish pottery pie plate....but he did not. He left it there with the drunks. I am furious.

are all men this damn special or did i just pick a real winner? If I kill him ...please delete this post. Thank you.

You have a man who bakes apple pies and remembers to save you a piece, and you're complaining?

I have a note from a former college girlfiend telling me why she was happy to have known me. Among the other things she tallied as being thankful for, she included the following:

"..And thank you for not breaking ALL our dishes"
No, I am NOT kidding.​
lets see I have been married a long time....27 years. I am thinking about killing him today or rather this morning. Mary Winkler got away with it...why cant i? It is all rather simple. He went to a party yesterday. I had to work. No biggie. As long as he is not over drinking and thinking about drinking...i am down with the party scene he likes. that is the way we roll.

He makes an apple pie for the biggie...but then I find out he used my (yes my) polish pottery pie plate for his apple pie and took my polish pottery pie plate to the party with his apple pie. Now he brings me a plate of food, on a paper plate. He could have moved what was left of the pie onto the paper plate and returned MYpolish pottery pie plate....but he did not. He left it there with the drunks. I am furious.

are all men this damn special or did i just pick a real winner? If I kill him ...please delete this post. Thank you.

Damn you're awfully fussy over some dish. :eusa_eh:
lets see I have been married a long time....27 years. I am thinking about killing him today or rather this morning. Mary Winkler got away with it...why cant i? It is all rather simple. He went to a party yesterday. I had to work. No biggie. As long as he is not over drinking and thinking about drinking...i am down with the party scene he likes. that is the way we roll.

He makes an apple pie for the biggie...but then I find out he used my (yes my) polish pottery pie plate for his apple pie and took my polish pottery pie plate to the party with his apple pie. Now he brings me a plate of food, on a paper plate. He could have moved what was left of the pie onto the paper plate and returned MYpolish pottery pie plate....but he did not. He left it there with the drunks. I am furious.

are all men this damn special or did i just pick a real winner? If I kill him ...please delete this post. Thank you.
This reminds me of my father and a guy I used to live with! ANd if you need any help I have a shovel!
hmmmm we are now both up...he makes the mistake of asking me what i am mad about....he is going to get the pie plate today....perhaps you men will get this..replacement cost of pie plate...about 45 bucks....replace cost of same pyrex pie plate...(which was here) 4 bucks.

he did enjoy the replies...all supportive of his stupid ass...thanks guys.. he is also pointing out we have a huge water bed and shooting him while he sleeps would be a big mess.
a true friend.
This isn't the same thing but I am dealing with an ex right now who thinks that I am here to listen about his nex girlfriend. Why are men so clueless? I mean really what happens to their brains sometimes? Do they have a shut off switch?
hmmmm we are now both up...he makes the mistake of asking me what i am mad about....he is going to get the pie plate today....perhaps you men will get this..replacement cost of pie plate...about 45 bucks....replace cost of same pyrex pie plate...(which was here) 4 bucks.

he did enjoy the replies...all supportive of his stupid ass...thanks guys.. he is also pointing out we have a huge water bed and shooting him while he sleeps would be a big mess.

Well, Hell ... it ain't like it's something important like a tool or a gun ...:confused:
:eusa_think: hmmmn .... who was at the party he was "tryin to impress"? A pie-bakin man might be a pretty good catch for some young filly that doesn't know how to cook? :eusa_naughty: It could happen ya know. :eusa_eh:

As far as men using the "good things" around the house, (like butter knives for screwdrivers), and ignoring the "things that are okay for them to use" ... they are all alike - they have no clue! :lol:

Main thing to worry about him .... does he put the toilet seat up when he uses it? If not - kick him outta the house - but I would not suggest "killin him" :lol:
Don't complain about men.

You women would be nothing without our tools.

You should consider yourself LUCKY you have a man who bakes pies. If he can fix things too, you got yourself a catch.

Fucking women...never satisfied no matter how much they have. :rolleyes:
Don't complain about men.

You women would be nothing without our tools.

You should consider yourself LUCKY you have a man who bakes pies. If he can fix things too, you got yourself a catch.

Fucking women...never satisfied no matter how much they have. :rolleyes:

Works both ways, you know.. Fucking men...never satiisfied no matter how much they have. :rolleyes:

That said.. It IS a pie plate, and it's not liikely that you'll never see it again, SB.

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