Men-Pretending-To-Be-Women DOJ Lawsuits & School Decrees Just Got Hamstrung: Judge Warns Lynch

The "Family Values" folks are such shitty people, puking vile hate from their shit eating grins.

They are the most un-Christian people you will ever meet. Fear and hate rule their lives and they twist the bible to justify their sick actions.
I'm with this guy.

Trans activists are effectively experimenting on children. Could there be anything more cruel?
Brendan O'Neill
The treatment of non-conforming or plain funny kids as ‘transgender’ strikes me as a stunning abdication of adult responsibility. It is the job of adults to correct childish confusions, to guide kids through weird or rough patches, and ensure, to the best of our abilities, that they come out the other end as rounded, hopefully happy adults. But now, the cult of relativism runs so deep that adults even balk from making that most basic of all judgements – that a child with a penis is a boy and a child with a vagina is a girl – and instead we accommodate to the child’s own fads and silliness.

What about children who want to be dogs, or dinosaurs, or racing car drivers? Should we indulge them? ‘Transgender kids’ aren’t at fault at all here – the problem is an adult society that has so profoundly lost the plot that it can no longer steer and socialise the next generation, and can’t even bring itself to say ‘boys will be boys and girls will be girls’ because to do so in our Queer Studies-saturated era is apparently to be discriminatory, judgemental, oppressive.

There’s one more, seriously dark element to the promotion of the ‘trans kids’ phenomenon: it’s being pushed by adult trans activists as a way of pursuing their own interests and agenda. More and more trans campaigners are using ‘trans kids’ effectively as a moral shield, hoping that if they can convince the world that transgenderism is something that emerges as early as three or four then it must be natural, good, healthy, and thus should be insulated from criticism.

That is, they’re effectively experimenting on children, both socially and medically, both through filling kids’ heads with nonsense about dysphoria and offering them drugs, in order to advance their own adult demands for greater recognition. This is repulsive, the creation of a new generation of castratos who are paraded and praised in public by self-serving trans activists who only want more political clout and respect. Stop it. Let kids be kids. A boy who plays with dolls is not trans or dysphoric – he’s just a boy who plays with dolls.

Trans activists are effectively experimenting on children. Could there be anything more cruel? | Coffee House
Hateful. Completely hateful. Have your own trans kid and see what you say then, bigot.
If I had gender confused kids there's no way on earth they'd be getting puberty delaying hormones, cross over hormones, or having their healthy body's messed with in any other way. NEVER. What they do when they are adults is up to them, and there's every chance that by not f***ing them up further with drugs and delaying puberty, they would no longer consider themselves confused by adulthood, anyway. Hope that helps. Sorry you think it's hateful. Lol.
Men-pretending-to-be-women (identical meaning to "transgender" for purposes of clarity and legal definition), just got nudged back from the door with the sign "women" on it.....let me explain.

Just recently, a federal judge Ordered Loretta Lynch's DOJ lawyers either stripped of their bar standing across state lines, or to take remedial legal ethics classes. The reason? The judge found, as well as other courts found, that Lynch's DOJ has be purposefully misleading the courts and the American public about law and legal practice in their various endeavors. The judge also sent a warning to Lynch that any future misleading will not be tolerated: 179125570172

"This Order is tailored to give the 26 Plaintiff States some avenue for relief from the possibility of any damage that may result from the misconduct of the Defendants’ lawyers and to prevent future harm to any Plaintiff State due to the Government’s misrepresentations. The Court also enters this Order to deter and prevent future misconduct by Justice Department lawyers by ordering an appropriately tailored continuing legal education program, which will not only serve to educate the uninitiated, but more importantly will remind all trial lawyers that their honest and ethical participation is a necessity for the proper administration of justice. It also compels the Attorney General, or her designee, to take the necessary steps to ensure that DOJ attorneys act honestly in the future."

And the footnote just below that paragraph (all near the end of the Order from the link above)

18 Other courts have noticed these problems as well. Just in the last six months, both the Fifth Circuit and the Sixth Circuit have questioned the conduct of those employed by the Department of Justice. United States v. Bowen, 799 F.3d 336 (5th Cir. 2015); In re United States, No. 15-3793, 2016 WL 1105077 (6th Cir. Mar. 22, 2016). The Fifth Circuit went further and suggested that not only was there misleading conduct, but the conduct was followed by an inadequate investigation and a cover-up. These are just two of an ever-growing number of opinions that demonstrate the lack of ethical awareness and/or compliance by some at the Department of Justice.

And further..

The Court does not have the power to disbar the counsel in this case, but it does have the power to revoke the pro hac vice status of out-of-state lawyers who act unethically in court. By a separate sealed order that it is simultaneously issuing, that is being done...The Court cannot help but hope that the new Attorney General, being a former United States Attorney, would also believe strongly that it is the duty of DOJ attorneys to act honestly in all of their dealings with a court, with opposing counsel and with the American people....

It's that last bit that creates the snag for men-pretending-to-be-women (transgender). In the DOJ's recent bullying of public schools to allow boys to shower with girls or face withdrawel of federal education funds, Lynch cited improperly (she's a lawyer, she knows how to read), Title IX of the education code. That is intentional misleading of the public. Nowhere in Title IX does it talk about males pretending to be females:

******* Overview Of Title IX Of The Education Amendments Of 1972, 20 U.S.C. A§ 1681 Et. Seq. | CRT | Department of Justice
On June 23, 1972, the President signed Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., into law. Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against those practices. Title IX applies, with a few specific exceptions, to all aspects of federally funded education programs or activities. In addition to traditional educational institutions such as colleges, universities, and elementary and secondary schools, Title IX also applies to any education or training program operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance. The Department of Education has issued regulations on the requirements of Title IX, 34 C.F.R. § 106.1et seq. The Title IX common rule published on August 30, 2000 covers education program providers/recipients that are funded by other federal agencies.

Do you see anything about males pretending to be females? Neither do I. What's worse for Lynch is that Justice Ginsburg already spoke and clarified Title IX with exact respect to segregated bathrooms (and obviously showers, locker rooms etc.) marked "women" (or "men") outside:

“Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy,” she wrote in a 1975 commentary printed by the Washington Post....“Individual privacy, a right of constitutional dimension, is appropriately harmonized with the equality principle,” she wrote.....The author?....Ruth Ginsburg, now on the bench of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Lynch representing to the American public that Title IX covers boys-pretending-to-be-girls (transgender) is intentional deception of the Pubic.

But it gets worse. Lynch's threats to schools were more veiled,not direct. Her threats to North Carolina came with punch and promise...and a separate suit filed by her Office against NC. In the suit, it's entire hinge & premise relies on Lynch's purposefully false interpretation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In it Lynch claims that the Act covers men-pretending-to-be-women "as a protected class". NOWHERE in the US Constitution nor the 1964 Civil Rights Act does it even remotely insinuate, much less say men-pretending-to-be-women are a "protected class".

What the DOJ is up to is using "incremental subterfuge from below". And that's going to come out in the future in a big way in other LGBT legal advances. Only Congress can create specific language to add or remove from the US Constitution. Judges are not allowed to add extra and new language to the Constitution. The purpose of the Highest Court of Appeal, the USSC, is to INTERPRET the Constitution against legal challenges from below that come before it. What the USSC in collusion with lower courts has done, is to create a Trojan Horse of ghost-writing new terms to the Constitution's 14th Amendment...each blaming the other for "the ultimate source of the findings/interpretation" (new law not written/ratified by Congress). Lynch looks to a lower court ruling in violation of the Constitution (because men-pretending-to-be-women are to be found not even remotely insinuated in the Constitution as "protected") to justify her lawsuit against North Carolina. She should know better. And in fact I argue she DOES know better. She is pushing it, and it's something the judge warned her not to do.

So, wisely, North Carolina asks Lynch in its own lawsuit to clarify what her department means by "transgenders having rights" (men-pretending-to-be-women having "rights"). Lynch now on her heels and scrambling, must HONESTLY and with ethical intent, define to the American public, and particularly North Carlolina how it is that the 1964 Civil Rights Act covers a behavior and not a static thing like sex or race. NC attorneys (and Lynch) knows she can't do that. Because if one odd behavior like men-pretending-to-be-women (transgenders) has protected status from the majority regulation, which other odd behaviors the majority objects to do not? :popcorn:

Lynch knows she's backed into a corner on the clarification issue. And now she has a court Order warning her not to deceive the public further...or else...

If I were Lynch, and wanted to keep my job, I would very meekly retract my veiled threats to public school boards across the country...and...I'd retract my lawsuit against NC. She is heading into a box canyon and there is literally no way out for her unless she very quickly retraces her steps.

Remember on the men-pretending-to-be-women (transgender) issue with bathrooms, showers etc., there's a real, actual static class protected by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Ginsburg subsequent statement: the 17 million women rape survivors who would be plunged into PTSD the instant they saw a man-pretending-to-be-a-woman standing naked next to them in the showers behind a door marked "women"... These people ACTUALLY DO have Constitutional protection. Men-pretending-to-be-women DO NOT.

The USSC is NOT allowed to interpret lower court rulings that mislead the Public about the actual wording of the Congress-ratified 14th Amendment. And, last time I checked, the USSC Justices are also required to be in good standing with the bar in order to continue their jobs..

You are a trans-American or a human piece of shit pretending to be an American Citizen.

Can we please flush the homophobes off this board.
Typical tard wants to silence the opposition. Lol.

The judge is a total wingnut and this won't stand.


The judge is a judge and he issued a court Order. Do you want him to hold YOU in contempt of court too? Since when does your cult get to decide who sits on the bench even? Let me guess...Rachael Maddow's gestapo is going to hunt down dirt on that judge, have 1,000 of you drones write some commission in charge of him being on the bench, and then magically his career will be over.

With laser-targeted precision...just like all the GOP governors she's brought down who were duly elected by their state...bringing most of them down for bullshit infractions she trumped up until the faction of the army in that governor's state rattled the right cages and got him dethroned. Her type of sedition is coming to a quick end if conservatives are clever enough to get this election. "Brazen" is a word I think of as I watch her use her laser to destroy career after career of people who voice any opposition to the LGBT Agenda..

It's all a bunch of bluster and I'm guessing this dickhead knows very well that he can't compel what he's ordering.

But hey, idiot wingnut dumbasses such as yourself are loving it and that's all that matters.
We expect parents of transchildren to be wiser than Solomon. No parent wants their kid to suffer if they don't have to. Hormones and surgery are what some want, but it isn't the answer for kids with gender dysphoria.

Some eloquently assert that they will never be cisgender, (cisgender means comfortable in the gender body you've been born in) regardless of whether they take hormones or not.

This individual has made 3 youtube videos and he/she is quite wise.

Don't tag us normal red-blooded men and women with a faggoty term like cisgender.
We expect parents of transchildren to be wiser than Solomon. No parent wants their kid to suffer if they don't have to. Hormones and surgery are what some want, but it isn't the answer for kids with gender dysphoria.

Some eloquently assert that they will never be cisgender, (cisgender means comfortable in the gender body you've been born in) regardless of whether they take hormones or not.

This individual has made 3 youtube videos and he/she is quite wise.

Don't tag us normal red-blooded men and women with a faggoty term like cisgender.

Who decided to categorize and label us?
The "Family Values" folks are such shitty people, puking vile hate from their shit eating grins.

They are the most un-Christian people you will ever meet. Fear and hate rule their lives and they twist the bible to justify their sick actions.

It's're gonna lose this one. :itsok: Maybe you could figure out how to keep DOJ Lynch from being in contempt of court by helping her word her arguments to explain to scientists & the 17 million women rape victims at stake here "how a man is actually a woman".

If Lynch intentionally deceives either the court or the Public, she's in contempt of a court Order. So far she is already in contempt because she cited the Violence Against Women Act to launch protection for MEN pretending to be women to have access to women's showers, bathrooms, locker rooms etc. That is a direct deception of the American Public and the basis of a fraudulent lawsuit against NC. Not to mention putting real actual women in danger by forcing naked women to accept strange naked men suffering from mental delusions to shower next to them.
It's all a bunch of bluster and I'm guessing this dickhead knows very well that he can't compel what he's ordering.

But hey, idiot wingnut dumbasses such as yourself are loving it and that's all that matters.

He is a judge and they are attorneys. He has already removed some of their ability to practice law across state boundaries. A judge's order is a judge's order. And, he's from Texas. I dare Lynch to test his Order by defying it.
Transgender people go both ways. And transgender people already use your bathrooms without it causing issues so, stop panicking.
You don't consider women rape survivor's PTSD an issue then? We'll just tell them they're silly for panicking.
Yes, they are. A transgender male, who wants to be them, is not going to rape them. The dicks they need to worry about are using the urinals in the other bathroom.
you don't know that. Suyppose that TG man has lesbian tendencies. Is attracted to women and stimulated by the sight of their naked bodies?
Transgender people go both ways. And transgender people already use your bathrooms without it causing issues so, stop panicking.
In other words, shut up while we change the very definition of gender?....Not happening. Once we get rid of this politically correct politics of identity cleansed from Washington, this will all end.
You don't don't know what gender is? Few do.

Start with sexes, then we'll move on to genders.

The 6 Most Common Biological Sexes in Humans
Transgender people go both ways. And transgender people already use your bathrooms without it causing issues so, stop panicking.
You don't consider women rape survivor's PTSD an issue then? We'll just tell them they're silly for panicking.
Yes, they are. A transgender male, who wants to be them, is not going to rape them. The dicks they need to worry about are using the urinals in the other bathroom.
you don't know that. Suyppose that TG man has lesbian tendencies. Is attracted to women and stimulated by the sight of their naked bodies?
A transgender man performing a lesbian rape? B period, S period.

Any woman that afraid would be hiding in a closet with a gun, at home.
you don't know that. Suyppose that TG man has lesbian tendencies. Is attracted to women and stimulated by the sight of their naked bodies?

One of my first debates with a tranny was a dude, ugly/masculine as hell and even with the best surgeons wouldn't remotely resemble a woman, who went under the knife. He was married to a woman before he did this. And, he said he was still sexually attracted to women. And he wasn't the only one. Several more since him have said they were married or with a woman and still were sexually attracted to women. Then when I asked him "does this mean you're a lesbian now?" , he flew into a tissy, turned me into the was this huge blowout. I just kept asking him politely "does this mean you're a lesbian now"...more outrage...he finally disappeared from the debate; he was so offended by the question. Oh, and his psychologist passed him for the butchery, you know...because he was so obviously fine in all other ways...processing reality and such..

The deal with lesbians in the showers with women is that at least women can defend from women and most of the 17 million rape victims probably weren't raped by another woman. It's the 99% of them that were raped by a man; the reason the Church of LGBT is going to lose this legal battle...
You don't don't know what gender is? Few do.

Start with sexes, then we'll move on to genders.

The 6 Most Common Biological Sexes in Humans

Sorry, the courts aren't going to decide this case against 17 million rape victims on pseudo-science and superstition.....or an extremely minute portion of the population . The Courts will understand that for the purposes of this debate, 99% of men-pretending-to-be-women are simply just regular men who don't belong showering naked with women behind doors marked "women"; rape survivors or not.

Your using a tiny portion of humanity will only have a judge say that if they have a genetic or physical anomaly, they'll have to get a doctor's signature to state what sex they are for purposes of using the restroom. If there's ever an issue, they can whip out their card. They are essentially handicapped and like all handicapped people who want special services, would have to have the blue ID.
Gender is not sexuality.


I don't care about trannies using the other bathroom. I do care about the government abusing the laws they created to mean something they don't. The courts have been doing this for 100 years.
Updating the law to reflect reality is abuse?

Who's reality, some mentally ill person?
No. The reality, that includes transgender persons.

When you can find a person that can will their sex organs to change by themselves, there's only surgically altered males and females with mental problems.
We have people born with all working parts of both. What are they?

Sil has once again created a thread about something that is not so.

And Jake has once again written a post with no rebuttal as to why this "is not so". Par for the course.
Because you have been rebutted a thousand times, very competently, by very sane, intelligent, and moral people?

Because of that?

No cult of LGBT exists, but the cult of Sil (with one member) does.
No, Jake, pouring on the same ad hominems over and over and over in the form of spam doesn't constitute "a rebuttal".

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