Men pay 90% of child support

When my first wife and I divorced, I had the kids and she paid child support. When I took a job that involved travel, she had custody and I paid child support.

But the biggest thing we did was to work it out without the gov't getting involved. We both did what was best for the kids. We put them first. They never heard a bad word about the other parent from either of us.

Yea if you can avoid getting CSED involved it's best to do that for sure. When my ex and I split up the only reason we put it in child support was for insurance and so that they'd take the money out of his paychecks automatically as he didn't want to forget/have to mess with it - we haven't touched it for over 15 years; despite his increased income, despite one of the boys moving in with him for a few years during HS (by kidos choice,) etc. We figure it works out in the long run, and either way its for our kiddos, so who cares (of course neither of us has financial issues either.) In any event we are both terrified to mess with anything because CSED just tries to hose the father no matter what, (even if the father is the custodian,) we were seriously worried that ACA's passage requiring changes in his health insurance would cause a reevaluation of the case, but luckily it didn't. With online transfers from personal bank accounts available these days, we probably would have skipped CSED all together.
Yeah, I knew a guy who went on and on about that sort of "You spend the money on yourself!" bullshit. He was paying $127 a month, and had the gall to tell her to make sure his money went to his daughter, not on other stuff. lmao Like $127 was enough to worry about.

What a stupid thing to say. $127 a month is only $4 a day so i guess that makes it even more trivial to your tiny brain.

Yes, $127 to help pay for your child to be raised is trivial. I married the child's mother and spent far, far more than that.

Just because you send a few dollars doesn't make you something special.
What really is galling about this is that child support is actually ex-wife support. The beyatch takes this money and says "hell with the kids" and spends it on herself and her new bf.

the mantra of deadbeat dads everywhere...

how far behind are you in your child support

Come on now, do you really think that pathetic loser has ever found a woman willing to have sex with him? Do you really think he's even capable?
To me, if unfaithfulness is why the divorce happened, the child support should be on the plate of whoever did the cheating.

Well then you're wrong. Child support from men should have ended the day abortion was legalized.
^^^ What does abortion being legalized have to do with it? When a child is brought into the picture, if one parent cheats on the other, the cheater should be the one who pays the child support should a divorce take place.

God bless you always!!!

But woman get the kids and all the rights. Men get shit on and better shut up about it.

A lot of shit just isn't right.

How lucky for you that no woman on earth would ever get any closer to you than a restraining order, eh loser?
^^^ What does abortion being legalized have to do with it? When a child is brought into the picture, if one parent cheats on the other, the cheater should be the one who pays the child support should a divorce take place.

Abortion means the birth is up to mother and she and she alone should take responsibility for her choice. THINK
^^^ What does abortion being legalized have to do with it? When a child is brought into the picture, if one parent cheats on the other, the cheater should be the one who pays the child support should a divorce take place.
Abortion means the birth is up to mother and she and she alone should take responsibility for her choice. THINK
The birth may be up to the mother since she carries the baby, but the creation was up to both her and the father and since they both had a hand in the creation, the father should also have a say about whether or not the birth should take place. The mother carries the baby, yes, but it belongs to the father just as much if not more.

God bless you always!!!

The birth may be up to the mother since she carries the baby, but the creation was up to both her and the father and since they both had a hand in the creation, the father should also have a say about whether or not the birth should take place. The mother carries the baby, yes, but it belongs to the father just as much if not more.

Yes, i know that but right now the father has NO say in whether the birth occurs or not. The abortion choice is entirely up to the mother and as long as that is the law, no man should have to pay child support.
I do agree that there is a need for a Child Support system, yet I see that there are too many variations of collecting the support which makes the system so unjustice and unfair. The income of the non-custodial parent has become the drastic variable to which whether we are greedy for the support of our kids or greedy for the support of ourselves. Why if the parent makes a lot more money, it takes a lot more money to care for the child? If the parent is unemployed, the bare necessity of an amount is figured. Can not the same child from a higher income family live off the same amount from the low income. When will we start making sure the custodial parent is also do their part in supporting the child. Many Texas Child Support cases continue to say open due to the custodial parents being welfare receipients. When will we start encouraging our families to want more for themselves? Many out there make a way. But there are so many out there that live with no effort. The child support Judge scolds about payment while the other parent sits around with 3 seperate child support cases holding a hand out. The father of my child, unemployed on and off, being only 3500 behind on child support, we keep the other child 2 weeks at a time, and was still sent to jail for $1000 bond before father's day because he's the only one out of her 3 that shows up to court. The whole child support system needs help.
The birth may be up to the mother since she carries the baby, but the creation was up to both her and the father and since they both had a hand in the creation, the father should also have a say about whether or not the birth should take place. The mother carries the baby, yes, but it belongs to the father just as much if not more.

Yes, i know that but right now the father has NO say in whether the birth occurs or not. The abortion choice is entirely up to the mother and as long as that is the law, no man should have to pay child support.
If a baby can still be done away with even if the father wants it, that is not fair!

God bless you and those who have lost what meant everything to them always!!!

Black men have the right idea. They don't marry the mother of their kids and can pretty much avoid child support then.
If women paid 90%, the media would be screaming about this every day. But brazen discrimination against men is always censored by our evil news media.

Dads Represent 85 Of Child Support Providers Pay More Than Female Payers Dads Divorce

Dads continue to pay child support payments more often and in larger amounts than mothers, according to new statistics on child support providers and payments released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Men account for 85% of those ordered to pay child support.

Even in the rare instance where the mother is ordered to pay child support, courts are not ordering women to pay as much as male providers. Annual child support payments averaged $5,450 from male providers and $3,500 from female providers, nearly 56% less.

Overall, child support payments averaged $5,150 annually, or $430 per month

And thus 'traditional marriage' is revealed. In a traditional marriage a woman leeches off a man for her support.
If women paid 90%, the media would be screaming about this every day. But brazen discrimination against men is always censored by our evil news media.

Dads Represent 85 Of Child Support Providers Pay More Than Female Payers Dads Divorce

Dads continue to pay child support payments more often and in larger amounts than mothers, according to new statistics on child support providers and payments released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Men account for 85% of those ordered to pay child support.

Even in the rare instance where the mother is ordered to pay child support, courts are not ordering women to pay as much as male providers. Annual child support payments averaged $5,450 from male providers and $3,500 from female providers, nearly 56% less.

Overall, child support payments averaged $5,150 annually, or $430 per month

And thus 'traditional marriage' is revealed. In a traditional marriage a woman leeches off a man for her support.

^ More D4E hates adult women.

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