Men in Iran are wearing hijabs in solidarity with their wives who are forced to cover their hair

yeah , millennials , I wonder if they are all living in their parents Iranian basements like 'american' millennials are . -------------------- and those poor millennials in England that just got their azzez kicked in the BREXIT . I hear that they are pizzed because the oldsters got their way on BREXIT . Millenials are a funny group of wankers ehh Issac ??
wait till the proper iranian , shiite muslim ayatollah decides to have his millennial basigi kick some millennial apostates azz Issac .
You have to love the younger generations when they say to older generations "enough of this shit, when you're gone we get back to civilization".

The same applies in the US. Younger people have far fewer issues with race than do the older generations. I think it's in Russia where the old saying is 'change happens when the older generation dies'. That is universal truism.

Good for the young people in Iran. Get to it!
---------------------------------------------------- as far as racism in Russia , have you seen some of the depictions of mrobama on Russian billboards in Moscow Issac ??
Why Iranian men are sharing photos of themselves wearing hijabs





Men in Iran are wearing hijabs in solidarity with their wives

Maybe they just want to be able to use either bathroom.
You have to love the younger generations when they say to older generations "enough of this shit, when you're gone we get back to civilization".

The same applies in the US. Younger people have far fewer issues with race than do the older generations. I think it's in Russia where the old saying is 'change happens when the older generation dies'. That is universal truism.

Good for the young people in Iran. Get to it!

i remember when i was kid . even men cant put tshirt . music banned. even arnold-rambo movies was forbideen . even cd player and dvd player was crime.
for example . when i have music cassete in my pocket and walk in street .it was very hard time for me . very scary moment

but its joke now .for example . we have 100000+ proffesional musician in iran
You have to love the younger generations when they say to older generations "enough of this shit, when you're gone we get back to civilization".

The same applies in the US. Younger people have far fewer issues with race than do the older generations. I think it's in Russia where the old saying is 'change happens when the older generation dies'. That is universal truism.

Good for the young people in Iran. Get to it!

i remember when i was kid . even men cant put tshirt . music banned. even arnold-rambo movies was forbideen . even cd player and dvd player was crime.
for example . when i have music cassete in my pocket and walk in street .it was very hard time for me . very scary moment

but its joke now .for example . we have 100000+ proffesional musician in iran

That's it, youth just gets to it. American news outlets have had some of the news out of Iran how the younger generations over there don't really have a problem with the US and just want better lives, as do all human beings.

I say do your own thing go your way and don't look back.
It is a HUGE culture fail to assume that seeing women's' hair will drive men into uncontrollable, animalistic frenzies of lust. Any so-called 'man' with that little self control needs to be sewn into a burlap sack and dropped into the middle of the ocean. No special book needed, no absurd restrictions on the freedoms of women needed. Just put down the animals and move on to civilization.
Is it possible they will be hung for acting in a feminine way ?
if they want hung iranian people for like this .....
80 % of iranian must died
------------------------------- no problem killing them , your government killed huge amounts of young muslim Iranians when they sent those young muslims in huge suicide waves clearing Iraqi minefields and sent them up against Iraqi machine gunners Dani .
You have to love the younger generations when they say to older generations "enough of this shit, when you're gone we get back to civilization".

The same applies in the US. Younger people have far fewer issues with race than do the older generations. I think it's in Russia where the old saying is 'change happens when the older generation dies'. That is universal truism.

Good for the young people in Iran. Get to it!

i remember when i was kid . even men cant put tshirt . music banned. even arnold-rambo movies was forbideen . even cd player and dvd player was crime.
for example . when i have music cassete in my pocket and walk in street .it was very hard time for me . very scary moment

but its joke now .for example . we have 100000+ proffesional musician in iran

That's it, youth just gets to it. American news outlets have had some of the news out of Iran how the younger generations over there don't really have a problem with the US and just want better lives, as do all human beings.

I say do your own thing go your way and don't look back.
------------------------------------------ and then lose when the 'ayatollah' decides to purge the self identified apostates Issac .
whats funny about se
Is it possible they will be hung for acting in a feminine way ?
if they want hung iranian people for like this .....
80 % of iranian must died
------------------------------- no problem killing them , your government killed huge amounts of young muslim Iranians when they sent those young muslims in huge suicide waves clearing Iraqi minefields and sent them up against Iraqi machine gunners Dani .
whats funny about sending young unarmed muslim Iranians in suicide waves against Iraqi machinegunners or to clear minefields with their bodies each carrying a PLASTIC key to 'paradise' ?? You guys even sent the mentally impaired Iranians on those suicide missions , i'll try to find info Dani .
just some more info , might be repeat information but some of it is interesting Dani . --- Changing the situation in Iran ---

i think you are jew
if jewish young people had balls and courage in ww2 like iranian people in iran-iraq war .hitler never could genocide miliions jewish .
iranian and aryans have balls and courage more than you .people can sacrifise themselfs for their people and their lands .people killed themself in mine because bastards arab dont genocide and rape iranian woman and children .
i know . you can understand it . because you havnt persian blood :afro:
just some more info , might be repeat information but some of it is interesting Dani . --- Changing the situation in Iran ---

i think you are jew
if jewish young people had balls and courage in ww2 like iranian people in iran-iraq war .hitler never could genocide miliions jewish .
iranian and aryans have balls and courage more than you .people can sacrifise themselfs for their people and their lands .people killed themself in mine because bastards arab dont genocide and rape iranian woman and children .
i know . you can understand it . because you havnt persian blood :afro:
-------------------------- like I said earlier , the 'arabs' kicked your azzez and forced their muslim religion on you so that doesn't sound like you 'iranians' are so tough Dani . And you couldn't beat the 'iraqis' decisively even though you were sending suicide waves of children and mentally and physically impaired Iranian / basigi against the Iraqis and that doesn't sound very tough or brave to me . Anyway, tell the board about the kid named 'hossein' that had polio but was forced to become a 'basigi' and then join in on the suicide attacks against the superior Iraqi military Dani.
And no , I am not Jewish . But it is YOU muslims that have been trying to kill the Israeli Jews since they became a Nation , think it was 1948 . And the Jews / Israelis have kicked your muslim azzez in every war that YOU muslims started against the Israeli Jews Dani .
tell me and the board about the 'Ashura festival' and the '12th imam' that's hiding in the well Dani .
tell me and the board about the 'Ashura festival' and the '12th imam' that's hiding in the well Dani .
12th imam is copy paste from christianity .
shia are waiting for mahdi . like christian are waiting for jesus
shia jesus is mahdi .


i dont care what do idiots arab or turk in ashura.most iranian shia cleric banned (hurt yourself ) in ashoora

ordinary ashoora festival in iran. havnt catholic or orthodox any religious festival ?








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