Melting of Greenland's ice sheets accelerates dramatically

The warming rate is now 33 times what it was 10,000 years ago. What the fuck do you think?

Where did you pull this lie from? Your ass?

Please provide the paper and the data that proves this lie... You cant! You can not because the proxy data you claim to be so precise has a data point plot of 250 years at a minimum thus the data your using to make this lie CAN NOT PROVE IT. The SPACIAL RESOLUTION makes it impossible to prove your assertion...
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ANY post by Billy Bob
Your post is a classic example of a useful idiot and a classic moron dupe..

You have no facts to back up your ass assertions only wild ass conjecture and made up data sets from failed computer modeling...

I have and use links from published scientific studies, well-respected researchers and research institutions. Your posts, as we have all seen for the entire time you've been here, are backed up by absolutely nothing. You are the world's champion of the unsubstantiated assertion.
I wouldn't be bragging about using liars and papers that have been debunked by real science and real scientists..
I wouldn't be trying to pass yourself off as a published atmospheric physicist.
I wouldn't be trying to pass yourself off as a published atmospheric physicist. just lie about being educated and being an engineer...can't read a graph to save your ass and you call yourself an engineer...what a laugh.
I am quite confident that my posts here have been a good indication of my education level and experience. I am also quite confident that Billy Bob is not an atmospheric physicist and has published nothing on the topic of science in any field. I haven't the faintest idea what your posts indicate besides an incredible level of willful ignorance.
I wouldn't be trying to pass yourself off as a published atmospheric physicist.

Bob asked you a question about what you claimed, you wrote:

"The warming rate is now 33 times what it was 10,000 years ago. What the fuck do you think?"

The question you are ducking:

"Where did you pull this lie from? Your ass?"

He also asked this too:

"Please provide the paper and the data that proves this lie... "

I know you are B'sing us here, but giving you a chance to back up your extraordinary claim.
Now, Tommy, when are you going to demand Billy Bob identify his sources?
And during the Ice Age someone noticed and left us a note.
Climate change: Study shows 'off the charts' melting of Greenland's ice sheet - CNN

There is enough ice there to raise sea level by 23 feet. And this dump of cold, fresh water will impact the operation of the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic's MOC.
I did not know Al Gore was on this board. I just donated some money to the Polar bear flotation device fund.

How very thoughtful of you. But I'm afraid it (like many posts) have nothing to do with the thread topic: The accelerated melting of Greenland's ice sheet.
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Climate change: Study shows 'off the charts' melting of Greenland's ice sheet - CNN

There is enough ice there to raise sea level by 23 feet. And this dump of cold, fresh water will impact the operation of the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic's MOC.
I did not know Al Gore was on this board. I just donated some money to the Polar bear flotation device fund.

How very thoughtful of you. But I'm afraid it (like many posts) have nothing to do with the thread topic: The accelerated melting of Greenland's ice sheet.
The warming rate is now 33 times what it was 10,000 years ago. What the fuck do you think?
Actually, it isn't, but then most of what you think you know is bullshit. The rate of warming, and the magnitude of the warming was greater 10,000 years ago than it is today as these ice core temperature reconstructions from both poles demonstrate...and before you start your mewling about the poles not being the globe, let me remind you that climate science has repeated over and over that the poles are the canaries in the coal mine and whatever is happening there, is going to happen globally.


The warming rate is now 33 times what it was 10,000 years ago. What the fuck do you think?

Where did you pull this lie from? Your ass?

Please provide the paper and the data that proves this lie... You cant! You can not because the proxy data you claim to be so precise has a data point plot of 250 years at a minimum thus the data your using to make this lie CAN NOT PROVE IT. The SPACIAL RESOLUTION makes it impossible to prove your assertion...

He just makes it up as he goes. Don't ask for actual evidence because he can't provide it..and his published papers are dissertations on models, not actual empirical research.
I am quite confident that my posts here have been a good indication of my education level and experience. .

You got that right...which is why it is so damned easy to kick your ass all over the board.
I calculated it myself from Holocene reconstruction data versus GISTEMP data for the last 30 years. However, you can find similar figures in the literature.

This from the fellow who claimed the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis provides more light to one pole than the other. And has absolutely no apparent problem with his buddy Billy Boy who never provides supporting links to ANYTHING he posts.
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This from the fellow who claimed the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis provides more light to one pole than the other. And has absolutely no apparent problem with his buddy Billy Boy who never provides supporting links to ANYTHING he posts.
I guess you missed the basic tenet of 'Angle of Incidence' which does indeed cause one pole to always be colder. The earths axial tilt changes over time and one pole is ALWAYS further away from the sun.. (This is 6th grade science level stuff...Come on man!)

Your soo damn fun to watch.. I am a researcher and currently working on a Phd.. You, along with most of the people here, can not grasp the basic physics concepts nor those of molecular physics. You prove it every day..

I have proven over and over again that the empirical evidence shreds your beloved AGW myth. As for you, you have never produced even one shred of empirical evidence to prove AGW or what mans contribution to it is.. You want to tell me again where your magical hot spot is?

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