Melania and Ivanka Support Jewish Community Centers

Oh good, they tweeted, this is profound.
It's the coin of the realm these days. President Trump could do the same. " I stand against any group that seeks to impose their views on a religion, whether Jewish, Christian or otherwise."

You might have noticed lately that tweets from the WH seem to get a lot of coverage.
Oh good, they tweeted, this is profound.
Fenton, what else can they do? It's safe to assume they are both as appalled as any other 'normal' person. I personally would like to slap the crap out of the perps.

Along those lines, I do find it interesting though that our President famously railed at frenzied crowds at every opportunity about Obama not saying "Radical Islamists" then speaks at a Holocaust occasion and chooses to not mention Jews.
Is it muslims white supremacists?

you raise an interesting point-----in fact, Muslims ---to a large extent ARE,
INDEED, "white supremacists". Both arabs and Iranians----and even muslims of south-east asia------exhibit a very remarkable degree of BIAS against "black"
persons------that would be persons who are commonly considered of the "negro"
race. The fact that some USA country bumpkins define the "white race" ----as something WAY UP NORTH------is just a silly foible.
Is it muslims white supremacists?

you raise an interesting point-----in fact, Muslims ---to a large extent ARE,
INDEED, "white supremacists". Both arabs and Iranians----and even muslims of south-east asia------exhibit a very remarkable degree of BIAS against "black"
persons------that would be persons who are commonly considered of the "negro"
race. The fact that some USA country bumpkins define the "white race" ----as something WAY UP NORTH------is just a silly foible.
It was a typo . I left out "or".

Sounds like you think sand monkeys and whites are the same. This is the kind of racist bullshit from you that is putting you back on ignore.
Is it muslims white supremacists?

you raise an interesting point-----in fact, Muslims ---to a large extent ARE,
INDEED, "white supremacists". Both arabs and Iranians----and even muslims of south-east asia------exhibit a very remarkable degree of BIAS against "black"
persons------that would be persons who are commonly considered of the "negro"
race. The fact that some USA country bumpkins define the "white race" ----as something WAY UP NORTH------is just a silly foible.
It was a typo . I left out "or".

Sounds like you think sand monkeys and whites are the same. This is the kind of racist bullshit from you that is putting you back on ignore.

there is a "science" called ANTHROPOLOGY-----the anthropologists
define what are commonly called "arabs" as CAUCASION. ----
there are three MAIN races in the accepted anthropological model.
"arabs" are, generally, considered by physiogamy, to be members of
the caucasion race. Race is a very vague issue in humans----humans
are all ONE SPECIES and -------INTER-SCREW and have been inter-screwing
for so long-----that all boundaries are blurred
Is it muslims white supremacists?

you raise an interesting point-----in fact, Muslims ---to a large extent ARE,
INDEED, "white supremacists". Both arabs and Iranians----and even muslims of south-east asia------exhibit a very remarkable degree of BIAS against "black"
persons------that would be persons who are commonly considered of the "negro"
race. The fact that some USA country bumpkins define the "white race" ----as something WAY UP NORTH------is just a silly foible.
irosie, about 40 years ago I worked with a black girl who had spent a couple of years working as a teacher in Korea. She told me that the Korean women working in the fields all wore long sleeves and those wide hats in an effort not to darken. She said that 'fair-ness' was a valued asset for women. This surprised her because she though that was exclusively a western value of superiority. I had forgotten that chat until now. This thread reminded me.
Is it muslims white supremacists?

you raise an interesting point-----in fact, Muslims ---to a large extent ARE,
INDEED, "white supremacists". Both arabs and Iranians----and even muslims of south-east asia------exhibit a very remarkable degree of BIAS against "black"
persons------that would be persons who are commonly considered of the "negro"
race. The fact that some USA country bumpkins define the "white race" ----as something WAY UP NORTH------is just a silly foible.
irosie, about 40 years ago I worked with a black girl who had spent a couple of years working as a teacher in Korea. She told me that the Korean women working in the fields all wore long sleeves and those wide hats in an effort not to darken. She said that 'fair-ness' was a valued asset for women. This surprised her because she though that was exclusively a western value of superiority. I had forgotten that chat until now. This thread reminded me.

so true------here is a bit of advice---if you come a across a family with a new
born girl FROM ANYWHERE in south east asia------comment thusly----
"OH--HER SKIN IS SO FAIR"-------her parents will be your friends for life

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