Megyn Kellys report on Obamacare lies

Wonderful compilation. Too bad some people won't look because it's Fox News ... even though it's video of people like Obama and Pelosi.
Wonderful compilation. Too bad some people won't look because it's Fox News ... even though it's video of people like Obama and Pelosi.

Nahh, Megan Kelly is ok. People won't read it because you three like it.
The people who are getting letters telling them there insurance is being cancelled and finding the Obamacare website is a disaster already know the truth.

^^ And the truth IS, the Unaffordable Health Act, is far more of a disaster than the website. :evil:
The people who are getting letters telling them there insurance is being cancelled and finding the Obamacare website is a disaster already know the truth.

Obama said that we could keep our plans...our doctors...Tell that to the over 300,000 in FLORIDA, that were sent letters telling them of cancelation of their plans...and to stay tuned to NEW PLANS that conform to ObamaCare Standards...that WILL and ARE more costly than what they had in the first place.

Obama, the Democrats...LIED.

"We have to pass it to SEE what's in it"...~Botox Babe Pelosi

Yeah Nance..WE see what's in it and it SUCKS like YOU.
Has anyone,anyone,from the administration,from the WH controlled media,the Obama followers here addressed the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are being dropped from their

This was Obama's big selling point that if you had health care you would not be affected.
Has anyone,anyone,from the administration,from the WH controlled media,the Obama followers here addressed the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are being dropped from their

This was Obama's big selling point that if you had health care you would not be affected.

This failure...the LIES are squarely owned by the Democrats...

Hello 2014.
Has anyone,anyone,from the administration,from the WH controlled media,the Obama followers here addressed the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are being dropped from their

This was Obama's big selling point that if you had health care you would not be affected.

I'm listening as closely as I can without cable TV. I haven't heard anything. I am curious to say that least about how Obama will deal with it -- when he'll so much as mention the fact and when he'll talk about a remedy for the people whose lives he has thrown into turmoil.
Has anyone,anyone,from the administration,from the WH controlled media,the Obama followers here addressed the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are being dropped from their

This was Obama's big selling point that if you had health care you would not be affected.

I'm listening as closely as I can without cable TV. I haven't heard anything. I am curious to say that least about how Obama will deal with it -- when he'll so much as mention the fact and when he'll talk about a remedy for the people whose lives he has thrown into turmoil.

Don't you know he knows nothing until he hears it on an approved maobama Pravda source. How many times has he said he learned about something on the news?
Obamacare is affordable? Hey check this out! This is really affordable! Not.

For a bronze plan, I would have to pay $2,152 in premiums for the year. Really? Affordable. Yeah, they keep using that word, but I don't think it means what they think it means.
Obamacare is affordable? Hey check this out! This is really affordable! Not.

For a bronze plan, I would have to pay $2,152 in premiums for the year. Really? Affordable. Yeah, they keep using that word, but I don't think it means what they think it means.

Instead, just go to the ER. We'll pay the tab for you. Our pleasure.
This is me:

Household income in 2014:

0% of poverty level

Maximum % of income you have to pay for the non-tobacco premium, if eligible for a subsidy:


Health Insurance premium in 2014 (for a silver plan, before tax credit):

$2,596 per year

You could receive a government tax credit subsidy of up to:

$0 per year
(which covers 0% of the overall premium)

Amount you pay for the premium:

$2,596 per year
(which equals Infinity% of your household income and covers 100% of the overall premium)

Other Levels of Coverage

The premium amounts above are based on a Silver plan. You could purchase other levels of coverage, such as a Gold plan (which would be more comprehensive) or a Bronze plan (which would be less comprehensive).

For example, you could enroll in a Bronze plan for about $2,152 per year (which is Infinity% of your household income). For most people, the Bronze plan represents the minimum level of coverage required under health reform. Although you would pay less in premiums by enrolling in a Bronze plan, you will face higher out-of-pocket costs than if you enrolled in a Silver plan.

Out of Pocket Costs

Your out-of-pocket maximum for a Silver plan (not including the premium) can be no more than $6,350. Whether you reach this maximum level will depend on the amount of health care services you use. Currently, about one in four people use no health care services in any given year.

A Silver plan has an actuarial value of 70%. This means that for all enrollees in a typical population, the plan will pay for 70% of expenses in total for covered benefits, with enrollees responsible for the rest. If you choose to enroll in a Bronze plan, the actuarial value will be 60%, meaning your out-of-pocket costs when you use services will likely be higher. Regardless of which level of coverage you choose, deductibles and copayments will vary from plan to plan, and out-of-pocket costs will depend on your health care expenses. Preventive services will be covered with no cost sharing required.
Has anyone,anyone,from the administration,from the WH controlled media,the Obama followers here addressed the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are being dropped from their

This was Obama's big selling point that if you had health care you would not be affected.

I'm listening as closely as I can without cable TV. I haven't heard anything. I am curious to say that least about how Obama will deal with it -- when he'll so much as mention the fact and when he'll talk about a remedy for the people whose lives he has thrown into turmoil.

Don't you know he knows nothing until he hears it on an approved maobama Pravda source. How many times has he said he learned about something on the news?

But even the approved Pravda sources are mentioning it!

He's having to do a lot of lalalala-ing to shut out the news.

I will be happy to pay 10000 after my company drops me in 2015.

As with anything liberal they said affordable and exactly the opposite has occurred.
Has anyone,anyone,from the administration,from the WH controlled media,the Obama followers here addressed the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are being dropped from their

This was Obama's big selling point that if you had health care you would not be affected.

I'm listening as closely as I can without cable TV. I haven't heard anything. I am curious to say that least about how Obama will deal with it -- when he'll so much as mention the fact and when he'll talk about a remedy for the people whose lives he has thrown into turmoil.

Will once be enough? Please pay attention.

Nearly 15 million Americans ( commonly referenced ) have health insurance purchased on the individual market ( not employer based ). Many of these plans are shitty and do not meet the minimum standards for consumer protection stipulated in the ACA.

If a person has one of these shitty plans, their insurance company has or will send them a notice telling them that they must make a change in coverage. Some unscrupulous insurance providers are using these cancellation letters to scare consumers into buying costlier plans outside of the exchange. law, the letter must tell the insured that they have the option of going on the exchange....which has a variety of plans...all of which are better quality plans than the one they currently have. In some cases, the plans on the exchange will cost a few bucks more.....but most people in this demographic will qualify for subsidies that bring the cost down.

In most cases, the insurance company that is sending the letter also has plans on the exchange which are very similar and have the same doctors, etc.

This is the consumer protection aspect of the law in action. It is a good thing.

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