Megyn Kelly's Delusion: "We are BOTH in the Arena."


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Despite all the self-serving BS coming out of FNC about Donald Trump being "afraid" of Megyn Kelly, the fact remains that she is a petulant child who believes that her presence on the debate stage is at least as important as those of the actual candidates. Furthermore, she is a shameless opportunist who who is desperate to transform herself from another blonde bimbo at FNC into a serious "journalist."

She demonstrated this at the first FNC debate, where her first question of the debate was designed to attack Donald Trump by giving false credibility to the Democrats' phony "war on women." Even after he answered her question, she went on to list a number of allegations against Trump which were right out of their playbook.

Trump's refusal to give her another attempt at center stage is well founded and well deserved. I would not be surprised to see her (tacitly) endorse Hillary Clinton before this campaign is over in order to ingratiate herself to a new audience at CNN. Perhaps she should team up with Candy Crowley...
I agree with what you're saying but by not attending the debate, Trump is giving them all kinds of ammunition to use against him. I think he should go to the debate and kick her ass if she gets bitchy.
I agree with what you're saying but by not attending the debate, Trump is giving them all kinds of ammunition to use against him. I think he should go to the debate and kick her ass if she gets bitchy.

LOL, I think more people may watch his town hall meeting (at the same time) if it is televised. Besides, what more can the other candidates do than just trade more insults?
I know a lot of people who think that but I don't think Trump's popularity stems from debates at all. To me Trump is basically a progressive Democrat but he's in the lead anyway, I think because he thumbs his nose at the "people who matter". This is actually classic Trump and I think it'll help him.
I guess the plan is for Conservatives to now attack Kelly to show how tough they and Donald "Treat me nice" Trump is.

When actually they look more like pussies with every windmill attack they do
Megan Kelly, who claims to be concerned about how Trump talks about women:
View attachment 61288
Yuck. Get a bra.
Thank you. It'd be one thing if they were bigger or a little fuller but she shouldn't be showing those lopsided things off.

I always knew you were a retard.....but if you think those are not worth showing might have less going for you than I imagined.
Then you must be a woman because them's some ugly tits.
(1) Trump is a progressive centrist, which all but the most brain dead now admit.

(2) Once again, he dominates the news cycle.

(3) Since Cruz will be the candidate with the highest percentage on the stage, the other candidates will T off on him.

(4) Vets will get something out of this.
When you don't have cable you realize very quickly how irrelevant Faux News is. They only exist to manipulate the conservative base, otherwise they are a non-entity.
Megan Kelly, who claims to be concerned about how Trump talks about women:

nothing wrong with that picture.

it's funny. I probably agree with nothing that megyn Kelly believes. she was a beauty queen who was also first in her law school class but then played stupid for faux news.

but damn, if you idiots don't make her sympathetic. she has done nothing wrong. she asked trump questions that were appropriately asked. but he's so thin-skinned he can't stand when anyone questions him.

too bad. he might be able to control the publicity he gets on celebrity apprentice, but he's playing with the big boys and needs to suck it up.

btw, i'm sorry a woman's picture offends you. there's nothing wrong with her picture. I understand that misogynist low-lifes think women are supposed to take whatever some jerk dishes out.

get over it
Despite all the self-serving BS coming out of FNC about Donald Trump being "afraid" of Megyn Kelly, the fact remains that she is a petulant child who believes that her presence on the debate stage is at least as important as those of the actual candidates. Furthermore, she is a shameless opportunist who who is desperate to transform herself from another blonde bimbo at FNC into a serious "journalist."

She demonstrated this at the first FNC debate, where her first question of the debate was designed to attack Donald Trump by giving false credibility to the Democrats' phony "war on women." Even after he answered her question, she went on to list a number of allegations against Trump which were right out of their playbook.

Trump's refusal to give her another attempt at center stage is well founded and well deserved. I would not be surprised to see her (tacitly) endorse Hillary Clinton before this campaign is over in order to ingratiate herself to a new audience at CNN. Perhaps she should team up with Candy Crowley...

Yeah right--LOL

Look your John Wayne has turned into Pee Wee Herman. If you can't take the heat in the kitchen get the hell out, because it's going to get a lot hotter than Megyn Kelly.


It is clear that Megyn Kelly was prepared to air an anti-Trump commercial under the pretext of asking him a legitimate debate question. But don't let that stop you from repeating what others have told you to think.
Trump has spies, and he doesn't need to deal with backstabbing assholes......the way Obama did with Iran.

He knew the debate was a setup. Fox wanted the ratings. 13 million is what was estimated watched that cat-fight. All the way down to Democrat debate levels.

Trump didn't miss anything.
The OP's main point that Kelly was show casing herself is well taken. The point that Kelly felt the need to glamorize herself via photos is also well taken. Sadly,or not, depending upon personal perspective, it is left up to you. As cups of tea go, I will pass on her old skinny self. However she does present better with short hair.

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