Meet The Libertarian Presidential Contender Looking To Be The 'Adult In The Room'

An intellectual child, who has likely read a few leftist critiques of libertarianism on the innertubes, and is now trying to pass himself off as some philosophical powerhouse.
I got my copies of The Law and Sophisms of the Protectionists right here anytime you feel confident enough to debate them. I like Bastiat's writing, that doesn't mean I have to agree with him.
Which works for me. The biggest issues I have with Republicans is their obsession with people's sex lives and refusing to even entertain the thought of legalizing pot.

Yes, because raping little boys is okay as long as its in the privacy of the rapist's bedroom. The govt. should stay out of bedrooms n stuff.
Yes, because raping little boys is okay as long as its in the privacy of the rapist's bedroom. The govt. should stay out of bedrooms n stuff.
Way back when Republicans pretended to be libertarians, they used to mock liberals who justified intrusive government by screeching "it's for the children!!!!". How things have changed

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