Meet New Tea Party Sen. Tim Scott: Impeach President Obama, Kick Kids Off Food Stamps


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Scott Keyes

Tim Scott is America’s newest senator today after getting tapped by South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) to fill the vacancy left by former Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC). DeMint announced this month that he was leaving the Senate to head up the Heritage Foundation, an arch-conservative think tank in Washington DC.

Though DeMint left big, controversial shoes to fill for Republicans, few conservatives will be disappointed with Scott’s record. Elected to Congress just two years ago in the Tea Party wave, Scott has already garnered headlines for his plan to impeach President Obama, his legislation to cut off union members’ children from food stamps, and his defense of Big Oil.
Here’s a quick look at Scott’s record:

More: Meet Sen. Tim Scott: The Tea Party Lawmaker Who Wanted To Impeach President Obama And Kick Kids Off Food Stamps | ThinkProgress
Republicans are fighting for low paying jobs. They call it "right to work". At 10 bucks an hour, no one can support a family. They need government help. Like "food stamps". Republicans are fighting to make jobs low paying and then want to punish people for having a "low paying jobs". The fuckers. Not good people. Republicans enjoy people suffering way too much.
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The first Black Senator hails from the south. Fancy that shit. :lol::lol::lol:

Actually he's the seventh black Senator. And the first two were from Mississippi.

The last one (that was actually elected) went on to be President and is rumored to still be President right now. His name is even mentioned in this thread. See if you can guess who it is. No help from the audience please... :eusa_shhh:
The first Black Senator hails from the south. Fancy that shit. :lol::lol::lol:

Actually he's the seventh black Senator. And the first two were from Mississippi.

The last one (that was actually elected) went on to be President and is rumored to still be President right now. His name is even mentioned in this thread. See if you can guess who it is. No help from the audience please... :eusa_shhh:

yes, but he was from Illinois.. twern't he?
Illinois isn't the south, Skippy.

Nobody said it was, Peter Pan. :confused:

The first Black Senator hails from the south. Fancy that shit. :lol::lol::lol:

Actually he's the seventh black Senator. And the first two were from Mississippi.

The last one (that was actually elected) went on to be President and is rumored to still be President right now. His name is even mentioned in this thread. See if you can guess who it is.
No help from the audience please... :eusa_shhh:

yes, but he was from Illinois.. twern't he?

... and Illinois is part of the United States, and therefore a black Senator from that state (and there have been three) predate Tim Scott because Illinois counts in the history of the Senate just as other states. As do the three black Senators before them, who hailed from Massachusetts and Mississippi, which are also parts of the United States and also count. We don't start counting at number seven.
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I thought the right wing kept screaming about how much they don't care about race... This guy sounds like an evil cocksucker. No way he'll get beyond a regional platform as this guy sounds like cancer to anyone with a brain.
I thought the right wing kept screaming about how much they don't care about race... This guy sounds like an evil cocksucker. No way he'll get beyond a regional platform as this guy sounds like cancer to anyone with a brain.

You sound like you have terminal cancer of the brain.
I thought the right wing kept screaming about how much they don't care about race... This guy sounds like an evil cocksucker. No way he'll get beyond a regional platform as this guy sounds like cancer to anyone with a brain.

You sound like you have terminal cancer of the brain.

Even as an insult that doesn't make sense.

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