Meet Caitlyn Jenner

No whites are.
lol ..You're a funny guy... You know the truth. No need for me to convince you. Now go about your board games
Youre a silly guy. Yes I know the truth. Every since the Greeks went down in flames and the Catholics reigned over europe whites have a phobia about homosexuality.
A little too abstract... I live in the real world. Leftist, unless they are black, are more accepting and push the gay agenda. The Black people that i know, that would be in the hundreds, all are against the gay agenda very fervently.:thup:
Well I'm Black and I know 100's of thousands of other Black people. The general consensus is that its no ones business unless they are molesting you or a child.
100k people...that's a heck of a number. You are right it's his own body and his business do whatever he wants. Not bothering anybody. However that doesn't mean it's generally accepted. It only meant he is biological screwed up. Just a thought.

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Its only a heck of a number if you are afraid of getting to know people. Some estimates say the average person without trying meets 80K people in a lifetime. For someone like me that goes out of his way to get to know people due to having an agenda the number is of course going to be way higher.
Black are the most homophobic people there are:thup:
No whites are.
lol ..You're a funny guy... You know the truth. No need for me to convince you. Now go about your board games
Youre a silly guy. Yes I know the truth. Every since the Greeks went down in flames and the Catholics reigned over europe whites have a phobia about homosexuality.
A little too abstract... I live in the real world. Leftist, unless they are black, are more accepting and push the gay agenda. The Black people that i know, that would be in the hundreds, all are against the gay agenda very fervently.:thup:
Well I'm Black and I know 100's of thousands of other Black people. The general consensus is that its no ones business unless they are molesting you or a child.
you know hundreds of thousands of black people?.....sure you do....
how kind to call him screwed up, mean, obnoxious and hateful, however...

all he said in essence was that bitterness can lead to disease.
Not as fast as fudge-packing leads to disease amongst those circus-freaks, however...
You know what they call a man who refuses to give his wife anal sex when she wants it?

How big of you... So you also personally know 100s of thousands of black people right?:doubt:
It has nothing to do with my size. Its common sense. Yes. I meet lots of Black people on a daily basis.
LOL.....Good one. Meeting and personally knowing is not synonymous, although I'd have to admit, people who live in Cali have a skewed view of the world. I'm a Detroiter:thup:
i didnt say it was synonymous. Thats you trying to deflect. I said I personally know hundreds of thousands of Black people. Thats a subset of everyone I have met.
Umm ok if you say so:doubt: Go play with you little friends here..I'm off to the gym now. the black girls love well built Jews, or maybe it's just my animal magnetism. When it comes to women i'm very Multicultural ;)
I wasnt looking for you belief. I was just informing you. The fact that you deflected to dreams of Black women loving you is actually amusing but cute. :itsok:
"Dreams" LOL.. I've pleasured as many black women as white women...Now quit hatin:D
It has nothing to do with my size. Its common sense. Yes. I meet lots of Black people on a daily basis.
LOL.....Good one. Meeting and personally knowing is not synonymous, although I'd have to admit, people who live in Cali have a skewed view of the world. I'm a Detroiter:thup:
i didnt say it was synonymous. Thats you trying to deflect. I said I personally know hundreds of thousands of Black people. Thats a subset of everyone I have met.
Umm ok if you say so:doubt: Go play with you little friends here..I'm off to the gym now. the black girls love well built Jews, or maybe it's just my animal magnetism. When it comes to women i'm very Multicultural ;)
I wasnt looking for you belief. I was just informing you. The fact that you deflected to dreams of Black women loving you is actually amusing but cute. :itsok:
"Dreams" LOL.. I've pleasured as many black women as white women...Now quit hatin:D

He probably thinks black women shouldn't be with white men. We all know how racist he is. :wink_2:
LOL.....Good one. Meeting and personally knowing is not synonymous, although I'd have to admit, people who live in Cali have a skewed view of the world. I'm a Detroiter:thup:
i didnt say it was synonymous. Thats you trying to deflect. I said I personally know hundreds of thousands of Black people. Thats a subset of everyone I have met.
Umm ok if you say so:doubt: Go play with you little friends here..I'm off to the gym now. the black girls love well built Jews, or maybe it's just my animal magnetism. When it comes to women i'm very Multicultural ;)
I wasnt looking for you belief. I was just informing you. The fact that you deflected to dreams of Black women loving you is actually amusing but cute. :itsok:
"Dreams" LOL.. I've pleasured as many black women as white women...Now quit hatin:D

He probably thinks black women shouldn't be with white men. We all know how racist he is. :wink_2:

My friend Asclepias, is familiar with my history I made sure of that:)
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Whatever else is true, she's a human being just doing the same thing all of us are doing - just trying to live her life the best way she can. I wish her well.

Live and let live.

Unless you don't accept what is going on should be blasted all over the media, then you are a hater.

This isn't live and let live, its accept and approve or be ridiculed.

no. it's basically... this is who she is. and she has as much right to her identity as anyone else. there is no reason to want to closet her or silence her but for bigotry...,.

last I checked someone else's discomfort is not a reason for silence. and absent discussion, there can never be accemptance. she's entitled to simple human dignity.

At the expense of me being forced to call a guy a girl...

And don't go into discomfort, because its only "approved" discomfort that counts with your side of the aisle. Anyone else has to just shut the hell up.

Quit making ridiculous claims. Nobody is forcing you to call Jenner anything. I'm a little creaped out by the entire thing too, but it's no more my business than it is yours. People get to make decisions that you wouldn't make. That's their right. If that's a choice that makes her life better, then good for her. Notice I called Jenner her. That was my choice. Feel free to make your own, but don't expect to convince anybody who has compassion for others to be convinced to your way of thinking.

And you're exactly right, I don't have to refer to Jenner as a female, and I won't, because he's not.
You on the other hand are free to go on pretending. I suppose if Jenner said he wanted to be viewed as a Triceratops, you and other libs would eagerly agree with him.

I kinda doubt that, but if I did, it still wouldn't be any of your business. Why don't you worry about things that effect you instead of being such a busybody.
It has nothing to do with my size. Its common sense. Yes. I meet lots of Black people on a daily basis.
LOL.....Good one. Meeting and personally knowing is not synonymous, although I'd have to admit, people who live in Cali have a skewed view of the world. I'm a Detroiter:thup:
i didnt say it was synonymous. Thats you trying to deflect. I said I personally know hundreds of thousands of Black people. Thats a subset of everyone I have met.
Umm ok if you say so:doubt: Go play with you little friends here..I'm off to the gym now. the black girls love well built Jews, or maybe it's just my animal magnetism. When it comes to women i'm very Multicultural ;)
I wasnt looking for you belief. I was just informing you. The fact that you deflected to dreams of Black women loving you is actually amusing but cute. :itsok:
"Dreams" LOL.. I've pleasured as many black women as white women...Now quit hatin:D

I guess that when they laugh and point at you that, could be considered a form of pleasuring, but that's not people normally think when they use that term.
LOL.....Good one. Meeting and personally knowing is not synonymous, although I'd have to admit, people who live in Cali have a skewed view of the world. I'm a Detroiter:thup:
i didnt say it was synonymous. Thats you trying to deflect. I said I personally know hundreds of thousands of Black people. Thats a subset of everyone I have met.
Umm ok if you say so:doubt: Go play with you little friends here..I'm off to the gym now. the black girls love well built Jews, or maybe it's just my animal magnetism. When it comes to women i'm very Multicultural ;)
I wasnt looking for you belief. I was just informing you. The fact that you deflected to dreams of Black women loving you is actually amusing but cute. :itsok:
"Dreams" LOL.. I've pleasured as many black women as white women...Now quit hatin:D

I guess that when they laugh and point at you that, could be considered a form of pleasuring, but that's not people normally think when they use that term.
Quit projecting boy.. it's not my fault your nick name is undoubtedly little peter:slap:
This takes real courage and like it or not, she is a role model for anyone who is trying to live a genuine life.

She's luckier than most however in that she has the money to protect herself from the sexually insecure bullies.

OTOH, the whole Kardasian thing is just SO nutty.

I think I'm fairly open minded on gender and sexuality issues, but-

This strikes me as a Reality TV show star who is just begging for attention after his 15 minutes are up.
By the way, this thread is another fine example of the insanity of the American left.
I see it more as an example of how terrified the right is of gay people or more to the point people that dont conform to their simple minded ideas of what constitutes sexuality, gender, etc.

I'm not terrified of jack shit dude, I could care less what gays do, I just don't believe two persons of the same sex should fit the definition of marriage.
Other than that, live and let live.
As far as this particular story, I think Jenner is mentally fucked up, and as I've repeatedly said just because someone says they are now of the opposite sex, doesn't make it so and it isn't factually true until they've been replumbed.
What I find particularly bizarre is how you fucking libs just automatically go along with what someone says even though biology is telling you something different altogether.
You people on the left are lunatics, but I already knew that.
Of course you are terrified. Its obvious you care what gays do. Otherwise you wouldnt care if they got married. Do you see the flaw in your logic?

Jenner may be mentally fucked up but as long as he is hurting no one or not molesting you what are you so upset about? What I find bizarre is that you claim not to care but you get your panties in a wad over what someone else calls himself.

Nope, could care less what they do, I however believe marriage has one definition and that is of two parties who are able to create a new life together biologically.

Back to Jenner, the only reason I care is I truly hate to see one of my hero's from the past end up as a laughing stock cartoon figure.
It's truly sad and humiliating to see him end up this way.
Imagine seeing Ali ending his life behind a counter signing autographs in order to survive.
It's just damn sad.

The part here though that is the most disgusting is the liberal response, in how you fucking weird asses will simply agree with whatever someone tells you they are without hesitation.
You've already proven you care very much hence your outrage at the marriage issue. Again if you didnt care....well you wouldnt care.

Jenner doesnt know you and could care less of what you think of his legacy. If he isnt humiliated you shouldnt be. You have this disease that seems to afflict people that are of the conservative persuasion. You think your belief and hope that things should never change actually means something important. News flash. It doesnt. It just proves you guys are going the way of the dinosaur.

Why would I disagree with what someone wants to be called? Does that really make sense to you? There is no harm in calling him a woman if thats what he wants.

I'm not outraged, I just don't agree with gay marriage.

Obviously Jenner doesn't care what I think, doesn't mean I can't feel bad for him and his legacy though. Luckily for him there are plenty of dupes like you that will go along with anything.
Since you're so open, it goes without saying you'd date him if you were available.
This takes real courage and like it or not, she is a role model for anyone who is trying to live a genuine life.

She's luckier than most however in that she has the money to protect herself from the sexually insecure bullies.

OTOH, the whole Kardasian thing is just SO nutty.

I think I'm fairly open minded on gender and sexuality issues, but-

This strikes me as a Reality TV show star who is just begging for attention after his 15 minutes are up.

And true to those words he apparently broke some Twitter record over this. The desired affect naturally.
Well if Jenner considers it an attack, I suggest he grow a pair.

Oh, wait.....
Okay, that was funny!

But some people here will be butt hurt by it, and recent trends show its progressives that tend to want to punish people who make them feel butt hurt.

THAT is my only point here. I can give a flying fig about what Jenner does to himself, and how he continues on with his life. What I will not tolerate is people thinking this requires me to call him a her, just like forcing me to call SSM marriage if I choose not to.
Yet you are not being forced to do anything.

If you ever figured out my posting, most of my concern isn't about what I want to do, it's about what others can do.
No one can do anything to anyone that refuses to call Jenner a woman or refuses to believe SSM is marriage aside from point and laugh and you want them to be protected from the pointing and laughing.

No, you can do far more than just point and laugh, you can have government fine people, you can start boycott campaigns, you can wage social media war on them.
Still not getting it. So you are telling me no one will be castigated when they make a comment the mob deems "hurtful"?
Sigh. And the mob is castigating him. wtf

and this impacts him how? Besides hurt feewings? Some middle america soccer mom said she wouldn't cater a theoretical gay wedding and she was bombarded with threats and had to go into hiding.

Is Jenner being forced into hiding?
She wasn't forced to go into hiding.

Oh really?

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What the heck was that aside from ridiculous speculation. I betcha twenty funnies that if you go to that pizza parlour you will find the woman working there and not in hiding.

Only because SJW's and media white knights for those various causes have the attention span of a ADHD lemming.
This takes real courage and like it or not, she is a role model for anyone who is trying to live a genuine life.

She's luckier than most however in that she has the money to protect herself from the sexually insecure bullies.

OTOH, the whole Kardasian thing is just SO nutty.

I think I'm fairly open minded on gender and sexuality issues, but-

This strikes me as a Reality TV show star who is just begging for attention after his 15 minutes are up.
Never thought never guessed I would AGREE with you.
God that hurts.
Whatever else is true, she's a human being just doing the same thing all of us are doing - just trying to live her life the best way she can. I wish her well.

Live and let live.

Unless you don't accept what is going on should be blasted all over the media, then you are a hater.

This isn't live and let live, its accept and approve or be ridiculed.

no. it's basically... this is who she is. and she has as much right to her identity as anyone else. there is no reason to want to closet her or silence her but for bigotry...,.

last I checked someone else's discomfort is not a reason for silence. and absent discussion, there can never be accemptance. she's entitled to simple human dignity.

At the expense of me being forced to call a guy a girl...

And don't go into discomfort, because its only "approved" discomfort that counts with your side of the aisle. Anyone else has to just shut the hell up.

Quit making ridiculous claims. Nobody is forcing you to call Jenner anything. I'm a little creaped out by the entire thing too, but it's no more my business than it is yours. People get to make decisions that you wouldn't make. That's their right. If that's a choice that makes her life better, then good for her. Notice I called Jenner her. That was my choice. Feel free to make your own, but don't expect to convince anybody who has compassion for others to be convinced to your way of thinking.

There is societal pressure from the MSM to acquiesce to this sort of thing, just look at that new show on ABC family that's been advertised to death.

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