Fourth thread about her this morning
Well it’s important to acknowledge who and what the left actually are. Frankly, I respect the hell out of her. Unlike you, she’s willing to admit that she is a communist.

Conflating democratic socialism with communism again?
Boy, some of you people surely are simpletons.


democrat Socialism! It'll be different this time, trust us!

Learn something

Difference between Socialism and Communism | Difference Between


It all end in the same place: Rich leader ruling over starving people who he murders at will whenever they annoy him too much
Wow, this was your complaint, that when she was a waitress, she ticked off one co-worker?
No. I have no “complaint”. I was merely pointing out how everyone on the left is exactly alike. Just like you, she preaches about “sharing” but then steals from everyone and fucks everyone over.

And....just like you....her co-workers hate her. :lmao:

The fact that you would believe that "everyone on the left is exactly alike" exposes your buffoonery.
Fourth thread about her this morning
Well it’s important to acknowledge who and what the left actually are. Frankly, I respect the hell out of her. Unlike you, she’s willing to admit that she is a communist.

Conflating democratic socialism with communism again?
Boy, some of you people surely are simpletons.


democrat Socialism! It'll be different this time, trust us!

Learn something

Difference between Socialism and Communism | Difference Between

idiots arent capable of learning.. theyre pre programmed at birth to be simpletons.
Fourth thread about her this morning
Well it’s important to acknowledge who and what the left actually are. Frankly, I respect the hell out of her. Unlike you, she’s willing to admit that she is a communist.

Conflating democratic socialism with communism again?
Boy, some of you people surely are simpletons.
Democratic Socialism is just the first stage of Communism.
The goal is tricking people into leaving their futures in the hands of the government. Then they sit back while they take their guns and their freedoms erode, and then the government destroys the economy.
We have to do something drastic!!!
Let's vote for Communism Light.
They won't become a full fledged Communist Totalitarianist government, because they promised not to.
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This is really going to sting the ignorant like JoeB131 and DrLove. Of course, they will first get angry, then stutter and stammer, and then desperately attempt to deny reality.
  • Bernie Sanders owns three homes, one in Burlington, VT, another on Capitol Hill in D.C., and a four-bedroom vacation home on the shore of Lake Champlain.
  • Sanders qualifies as an "one percenter" — the income bracket he so frequently attacked on the campaign trail. Though his annual income is 'only' $200,000 per year, his $800,000 in book royalties have elevated him well beyond the $389,000 per year threshold to be considered top 1%. And that's saying nothing of his high-paid speaking engagements and investment partnerships.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who campaigned on the narrative of being "a girl from the Bronx," actually grew up in Yorktown Heights.
  • She attended Boston University in Massachusetts, a school that costs approximately $70,000 per year.
The people on the left laugh all the way to the bank everyday. They've figured out how to take both money and power from the minions on the left. Just feed them a bunch of lines about the wonders of socialism and the mangy, filthy animals like JoeyB will lap it up like a dehydrated stray dog drinking from a dirty mud puddle.

The "socialist" Bernie Sanders owns THREE homes. JoeyB doesn't even own one. He has to rent an apartment! :laugh:

Here’s what ‘Democratic Socialists’ don’t want you to know about capitalism
Hyphen Cortez is the natural evolution of the democrat party. Cortez is the best thing that has happened to politics since Trump was elected. She solidifies the crazy democrat base and her rhetoric clarifies the stark difference between the two political parties like never before. Is it gonna be capitalism or socialism and open borders?
That is fine
Let her see how the public responds further up the line
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Stiffs Co-Workers
WOW, she is just being Trump!
Well...not exactly. President Trump doesn’t run around preaching to the low IQ voter that everything should be taken from those who produce and given to those who don’t.

Tell me - does it hurt when you realize that the people you believe in just laugh at you for being a mindless minion who actually believes in the fantasy known as “socialism”?

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