Medicare is a mandated health insurance.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
But no one is suing to have it repealed.
Social Security Retirement is a federally mandated program run by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and supported by tax dollars.
Healthcare is not a product like broccoli but a service every body needs a sometime in it’s lifetime. Medical care could be a matter of life and death but not broccoli. Broccoli will not set a broken bone and cure pneumonia. I don’t want to pay for your medical care through my taxes or high hospital cost.
No kind of national healthcare program can work without a mandate for all to participate in. Medicare and Social Security will not work if a few participated. Even Illegal Aliens pay into the Medicare and social security system. I paid into the Medicaid program and never used it.
You may not be mandated to buy and pay for healthcare but I am mandated to pay for your medical care through my taxes and medical care cost. Why should I pay for my healthcare and yours when you are able? Not like some on Medicaid who are disabled.
Those who are screaming the loudest to repeal Obamacare and screaming louder “hands of my Medicare.”

Medicare IS Mandated Health Insurance

The Attorney Generals filing lawsuits have alleged that government has never mandated people buy insurance. That is false – look at Medicare.
I’ve also heard those Attorney Generals say that the government has never said they would send the IRS after people if they didn’t buy health insurance. That is also false – look at Medicare.
Medicare IS insurance that the government forces, mandates, us to “buy” via FICA. Even though we may never want to use Medicare – we are still forced to “buy” Medicare via FICA.

IF: any person refuses to pay their share of FICA
THEN: The IRS does, in deed, impose a penalty & interest on the person.
THEN: If the person continues to refuse to buy Medicare via FICA they are jailed.
Medicare IS Mandated Health Insurance | MyFDL
Medicare is not a mandatede health insurance program. An individual can opt out if they want to and purchse whatever health insurance they can afford. Example: Mitt Romney just turned 65. He has opted out of Medicare without any recriminations from the federal government.
But no one is suing to have it repealed.
Social Security Retirement is a federally mandated program run by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and supported by tax dollars.
Healthcare is not a product like broccoli but a service every body needs a sometime in it’s lifetime. Medical care could be a matter of life and death but not broccoli. Broccoli will not set a broken bone and cure pneumonia. I don’t want to pay for your medical care through my taxes or high hospital cost.
No kind of national healthcare program can work without a mandate for all to participate in. Medicare and Social Security will not work if a few participated. Even Illegal Aliens pay into the Medicare and social security system. I paid into the Medicaid program and never used it.
You may not be mandated to buy and pay for healthcare but I am mandated to pay for your medical care through my taxes and medical care cost. Why should I pay for my healthcare and yours when you are able? Not like some on Medicaid who are disabled.
Those who are screaming the loudest to repeal Obamacare and screaming louder “hands of my Medicare.”

Medicare IS Mandated Health Insurance

The Attorney Generals filing lawsuits have alleged that government has never mandated people buy insurance. That is false – look at Medicare.
I’ve also heard those Attorney Generals say that the government has never said they would send the IRS after people if they didn’t buy health insurance. That is also false – look at Medicare.
Medicare IS insurance that the government forces, mandates, us to “buy” via FICA. Even though we may never want to use Medicare – we are still forced to “buy” Medicare via FICA.

IF: any person refuses to pay their share of FICA
THEN: The IRS does, in deed, impose a penalty & interest on the person.
THEN: If the person continues to refuse to buy Medicare via FICA they are jailed.
Medicare IS Mandated Health Insurance | MyFDL

Whomever wrote that wich you parrotted doesn't have a clue what he/she is talking about...

Epic Fail...

Medicare is not a mandatede health insurance program. An individual can opt out if they want to and purchse whatever health insurance they can afford. Example: Mitt Romney just turned 65. He has opted out of Medicare without any recriminations from the federal government.

That's right. My mother was retired civil service and never did sign up for Medicare. the only thing is if you don't, you may have to pay what Medicare WOULD have paid if you did sign up. But so what. Now having it withdrawn from your pay (provided you HAVE a job) is required. Same for Social Security. but you aren't REQUIRED to sign up for that either.

And - when you have the medicare and SS taken out of your check, it is not for YOU, it is for another generation. The thing is, and fellow conservatives tell me if I'm wrong here, but we don't give a tinker's damn whether the lefties have the government buy their toilet paper. WE DON'T WANT THE GOVERNMENT DIRECTING OUR EVERY BREATH. they do it enough already. What part of that don't you understand? I don't give a shit whether YOU have medical insurance or not - get a job from a company that pays for it or buy it yourself or get medical coupons. But it is NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY to provide it for you. Understand?!!
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If you are employed in the public sector in Ohio you do not pay Social Security taxes. However, you do pay for Medicare. You are required to enroll in Medicare if you receive healthcare from the Public Employees Retirement System, or you go without the coverage they provide. It is your choice. In the private sector you can opt out if you can find and afford to have other coverage.
I think medicare is unconstitutional. But, Obamacare is a whole new level of unconstituitonal.

Obamacare might be something to consider on the state level, but it's something the feds should stay out of.
Most retirees with health care coverage are required to sign up for Medicare when they become eligable and their ins becomes the supplemental ins policy.

Coroprations externalizing costs.

also A bit of medicare is privatized, Medicare Advantage?
so insurance companys and such get medicare dollars and then try and pay out less than medicare pays them.
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Most retirees with health care coverage are required to sign up for Medicare when they become eligable and their ins becomes the supplemental ins policy.

Coroprations externalizing costs.

also A bit of medicare is privatized, Medicare Advantage?
so insurance companys and such get medicare dollars and then try and pay out less than medicare pays them.

Husband is retired civil service, and he signs up in November He won't need any supplemental insurance as we already that. So he won't be paying any premiums to Medicare We've paid into it all these years, so may as well get our dollars' worth.
I am also agree that Medicare is not a mandatede health insurance program.
And I have hard need to read many posts on this topic to clear my mind because it is really general talk and dude i hope you take it serious and i try to get more info about it.
Medicare is not a mandatede health insurance program. An individual can opt out if they want to and purchse whatever health insurance they can afford. Example: Mitt Romney just turned 65. He has opted out of Medicare without any recriminations from the federal government.

Sure it is.
But no one is suing to have it repealed.
Social Security Retirement is a federally mandated program run by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and supported by tax dollars.
Healthcare is not a product like broccoli but a service every body needs a sometime in it’s lifetime. Medical care could be a matter of life and death but not broccoli. Broccoli will not set a broken bone and cure pneumonia. I don’t want to pay for your medical care through my taxes or high hospital cost.
No kind of national healthcare program can work without a mandate for all to participate in. Medicare and Social Security will not work if a few participated. Even Illegal Aliens pay into the Medicare and social security system. I paid into the Medicaid program and never used it.
You may not be mandated to buy and pay for healthcare but I am mandated to pay for your medical care through my taxes and medical care cost. Why should I pay for my healthcare and yours when you are able? Not like some on Medicaid who are disabled.
Those who are screaming the loudest to repeal Obamacare and screaming louder “hands of my Medicare.”

Medicare IS Mandated Health Insurance

The Attorney Generals filing lawsuits have alleged that government has never mandated people buy insurance. That is false – look at Medicare.
I’ve also heard those Attorney Generals say that the government has never said they would send the IRS after people if they didn’t buy health insurance. That is also false – look at Medicare.
Medicare IS insurance that the government forces, mandates, us to “buy” via FICA. Even though we may never want to use Medicare – we are still forced to “buy” Medicare via FICA.

IF: any person refuses to pay their share of FICA
THEN: The IRS does, in deed, impose a penalty & interest on the person.
THEN: If the person continues to refuse to buy Medicare via FICA they are jailed.
Medicare IS Mandated Health Insurance | MyFDL

It is paid for by Taxation.
When I turned 65, I got my medicare enrollment form as well as a form to fill out if I intended to opt out. If I opted to accept medicare, the premiums would be deducted from my social security check, if I opted out, there woud be no deduction.

So no it isn't mandated. There is no fine or penalty if someone opts out.

How come government employees get to opt out of FICA?
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When I turned 65, I got my medicare enrollment form as well as a form to fill out if I intended to opt out. If I opted to accept medicare, the premiums would be deducted from my social security check, if I opted out, there woud be no deduction.

So no it isn't mandated. There is no fine or penalty if someone opts out.

How come government employees get to opt out of FICA?

No it is NOT mandated. I contacted our medical insurance company and asked them that very question. They said that no you would not be required but if you choose NOT to enroll in medicare then they will not pay what Medicare would have paid. Since we have this wonderful insurance that continued after husband retired from the goverment, THAT is our "supplemental" insurance and we will not have to pay any Medicare premiums, no need for the other "parts" of medicare.

No, they did not take out social security when he worked for the government. He was never consulted about it one way or the other.
Medicare is not a mandatede health insurance program. An individual can opt out if they want to and purchse whatever health insurance they can afford. Example: Mitt Romney just turned 65. He has opted out of Medicare without any recriminations from the federal government.

Sure it is.

No, it is NOT. Husband turns 65 in November and we have already checked into it. We are NOT required by law to enroll. IF he does not enroll by age 65, then it might cost him more to enroll when and if he decides to. My mother was also retired from the government and she NEVER signed up for Medicare.
Why do some insist on paying big big bucks for medical insurance? Profiteers perhaps?

What's the point? Where is that fiscal conservative blood?

Being conservative does not indicate fiscal conservative?

Seems to me business in general would love dramatically reduced
medical insurance expenses that provided this 24/7 coverage:

IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance for ALL would cover every person

* Wellness
* prescription drugs
* hospital
* surgical
* outpatient services
* primary and preventive care
* emergency services
* dental
* mental health
* home health
* physical therapy
* rehabilitation (including for substance abuse)
* vision care
* hearing services including hearing aids
* chiropractic
* durable
* medical equipment
* palliative care
* long term care

No deductibles No Co-pays
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Because you would never really get that care. It would be like every other country with socialized medicine. Medical care would be rationed to keep costs down. Only pallative care, until you die is universal because they don't do anything except let you lay there and die.

There is no form of medical care that isn't paid for. None. Doctors and nurses don't work free. Medical equipment is not provided free. As high as taxes are in England to support the massive health service it's still not enough.
Because you would never really get that care. It would be like every other country with socialized medicine. Medical care would be rationed to keep costs down. Only pallative care, until you die is universal because they don't do anything except let you lay there and die.

There is no form of medical care that isn't paid for. None. Doctors and nurses don't work free. Medical equipment is not provided free. As high as taxes are in England to support the massive health service it's still not enough.

IMPROVED Medicare Insurance for ALL is not free and has never been presented as such.
Your tax dollars and my tax dollars would pay for this which is anything but free. BUT it will keep bringing tax dollars back to the community and no one will be denied.

IMPROVED Medicare Insurance for ALL is not socialized medicine no way jose'. It is a proven insurance plan. The word IMPROVED means tweaked to meet expectations.

YOUR government officials will be covered by this same insurance plan and we know they will want the best like they get from taxpayers as we speak.
I am also agree that Medicare is not a mandatede health insurance program.
And I have hard need to read many posts on this topic to clear my mind because it is really general talk and dude i hope you take it serious and i try to get more info about it.
any comment
But no one is suing to have it repealed.
Social Security Retirement is a federally mandated program run by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and supported by tax dollars.
Healthcare is not a product like broccoli but a service every body needs a sometime in it’s lifetime. Medical care could be a matter of life and death but not broccoli. Broccoli will not set a broken bone and cure pneumonia. I don’t want to pay for your medical care through my taxes or high hospital cost.
No kind of national healthcare program can work without a mandate for all to participate in. Medicare and Social Security will not work if a few participated. Even Illegal Aliens pay into the Medicare and social security system. I paid into the Medicaid program and never used it.
You may not be mandated to buy and pay for healthcare but I am mandated to pay for your medical care through my taxes and medical care cost. Why should I pay for my healthcare and yours when you are able? Not like some on Medicaid who are disabled.
Those who are screaming the loudest to repeal Obamacare and screaming louder “hands of my Medicare.”

Medicare IS Mandated Health Insurance

The Attorney Generals filing lawsuits have alleged that government has never mandated people buy insurance. That is false – look at Medicare.
I’ve also heard those Attorney Generals say that the government has never said they would send the IRS after people if they didn’t buy health insurance. That is also false – look at Medicare.
Medicare IS insurance that the government forces, mandates, us to “buy” via FICA. Even though we may never want to use Medicare – we are still forced to “buy” Medicare via FICA.

IF: any person refuses to pay their share of FICA
THEN: The IRS does, in deed, impose a penalty & interest on the person.
THEN: If the person continues to refuse to buy Medicare via FICA they are jailed.
Medicare IS Mandated Health Insurance | MyFDL

No it isn't.

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