Media Matter Blames Beck!

"fish head" i've never even heard of that before. Sounds stupid though. I don't think anyone will answer that "why are we?" question so...Best to ask one of your friends or google it haha.

Oh the list goes on with the names lol Yeah I guess the "why are we?" is a pretty stupid question to ask. But I still have to disagree that we are "very" attractive that's sounds a bit incorrect there..I guess western folk haven't seen the rest of us LOL

beauty is in the eye of the beholder, cliche but true.
"fish head" i've never even heard of that before. Sounds stupid though. I don't think anyone will answer that "why are we?" question so...Best to ask one of your friends or google it haha.

Oh the list goes on with the names lol Yeah I guess the "why are we?" is a pretty stupid question to ask. But I still have to disagree that we are "very" attractive that's sounds a bit incorrect there..I guess western folk haven't seen the rest of us LOL

beauty is in the eye of the beholder, cliche but true.

You sure that's not "BEERholder" ? lol you can take an average fugly japanese girl and im sure an american guy who is filled up quite nicely after a few brews would beg to differ! :tongue:
Oh the list goes on with the names lol Yeah I guess the "why are we?" is a pretty stupid question to ask. But I still have to disagree that we are "very" attractive that's sounds a bit incorrect there..I guess western folk haven't seen the rest of us LOL

beauty is in the eye of the beholder, cliche but true.

You sure that's not "BEERholder" ? lol you can take an average fugly japanese girl and im sure an american guy who is filled up quite nicely after a few brews would beg to differ! :tongue:

Hahaha. You sure it's not the other way around?
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, cliche but true.

You sure that's not "BEERholder" ? lol you can take an average fugly japanese girl and im sure an american guy who is filled up quite nicely after a few brews would beg to differ! :tongue:

Hahaha. You sure it's not the other way around?

HAh.. well bottom line you're always going to see those we don't find pleasing to the eye. I guess that's why smokin pot and drinkin beer remedies that quick..actually that's
You sure that's not "BEERholder" ? lol you can take an average fugly japanese girl and im sure an american guy who is filled up quite nicely after a few brews would beg to differ! :tongue:

Hahaha. You sure it's not the other way around?

HAh.. well bottom line you're always going to see those we don't find pleasing to the eye. I guess that's why smokin pot and drinkin beer remedies that quick..actually that's

easy for you to say, youre obviously attractive enough to put an actual pic of yourself next to your name. haha. and yea it is a little scary but thats how the 20-somethings socialize i guess. Well, welcome to USMB, im sure youll have a lovely time here. Good way to waste a few hours on a sunday, anyway.
Hahaha. You sure it's not the other way around?

HAh.. well bottom line you're always going to see those we don't find pleasing to the eye. I guess that's why smokin pot and drinkin beer remedies that quick..actually that's

easy for you to say, youre obviously attractive enough to put an actual pic of yourself next to your name. haha. and yea it is a little scary but thats how the 20-somethings socialize i guess. Well, welcome to USMB, im sure youll have a lovely time here. Good way to waste a few hours on a sunday, anyway.

im getting close to 30 now..My 20's just flew right by it seems
HAh.. well bottom line you're always going to see those we don't find pleasing to the eye. I guess that's why smokin pot and drinkin beer remedies that quick..actually that's

easy for you to say, youre obviously attractive enough to put an actual pic of yourself next to your name. haha. and yea it is a little scary but thats how the 20-somethings socialize i guess. Well, welcome to USMB, im sure youll have a lovely time here. Good way to waste a few hours on a sunday, anyway.

im getting close to 30 now..My 20's just flew right by it seems

well, i dont see any reason why you cant live any decade of your life like you are 20, quite honestly, its about how you feel on the inside. If you feel 20, then youre still 20. Easy for me to say i guess, just being 23, but its all good.

i seem to have forgotten what this thread was about, perhaps samson can remind me.
easy for you to say, youre obviously attractive enough to put an actual pic of yourself next to your name. haha. and yea it is a little scary but thats how the 20-somethings socialize i guess. Well, welcome to USMB, im sure youll have a lovely time here. Good way to waste a few hours on a sunday, anyway.

im getting close to 30 now..My 20's just flew right by it seems

well, i dont see any reason why you cant live any decade of your life like you are 20, quite honestly, its about how you feel on the inside. If you feel 20, then youre still 20. Easy for me to say i guess, just being 23, but its all good.

i seem to have forgotten what this thread was about, perhaps samson can remind me.

Yeah we seemed to wandered off topic just a bit..its about Glenn Beck getting heat from other media I think lol..I watch his show sometimes..its always on the afternoon time im usually never home during the day since it's summer.
im getting close to 30 now..My 20's just flew right by it seems

well, i dont see any reason why you cant live any decade of your life like you are 20, quite honestly, its about how you feel on the inside. If you feel 20, then youre still 20. Easy for me to say i guess, just being 23, but its all good.

i seem to have forgotten what this thread was about, perhaps samson can remind me.

Yeah we seemed to wandered off topic just a bit..its about Glenn Beck getting heat from other media I think lol..I watch his show sometimes..its always on the afternoon time im usually never home during the day since it's summer.

Yeah, Frank was being sarcastic I am pretty sure though. I just used this thread to bash the communist trolls like BFGRN or whatever his name is. its moderately entertaining.
bah idk japanese. i got rosetta stone all 3 levels from the air force and only did it up to lesson 2 in beginner. lol.
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As soon as you come up with some verifiable examples, you'll be the first.

Bull. You've been given examples coming out of your ears. You are all too dumb to get it. And I notice a whole new group of bagheads in this thread. More idiots to set straight. are dealing with 'word bound' pea brains...Beck DID say:

"The clock is ticking. . . .
The war is just beginning. . . .
Shoot me in the head if you try to change our government. . . .
You have to be prepared to take rocks to the head. . . .
The other side is attacking. . . .
There is a coup going on. . . .
Grab a torch! . . .
Drive a stake through the heart of the bloodsuckers. . . .
They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered. . . .
They are putting a gun to America's head. . . . "
"Hold these people responsible."

BUT, because Beck didn't say or use the 'word' 'violence' it's all benign and totally harmless...

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke

I wish somebody could tell me if these people are too deep in denial to ever make it back to reality, or are they all just dumber than a bag of rocks??? A little of each maybe?? It's just amazing.
Hey dumbass.... when are you going to realize that you, I, Glenn, nor FUCKING MICKEY MOUSE can make someone else do something.....


Gawd, that is what is wrong with this generation.... "It not my fault, I have sex addiction... its not my fault, I was tricked.... its not my fault, I was sexually abused as a child.... its not my fault, I was pulled over for being black"


You don't get it, dumb ass.

Oh do tell..... what did I not get?

So far you all seem like to be an interesting bunch of western folk. That's the reason I moved to the USA. Women are also treated much better here than in Japan.

We aim to please. :)

(OMG. What a shameless suckup...not that I blame you) :lol: :clap2:

Like the vast majority of conservatives, I'm pleased that someone wants to come here...legally...and make a better life for him/herself. We all gain by that.

Plus, she's really cute. :tongue:
I wish somebody could tell me if these people are too deep in denial to ever make it back to reality, or are they all just dumber than a bag of rocks??? A little of each maybe?? It's just amazing.
You do realize, don't you, that anyone could pull words from, say, Obama speeches to give the same effect?
A little late, but I don't care... my opinion about Beck, he's the radical left's most hated opponent. He exposes their plans with clarity, he exposes their alliances, he exposes their money, he exposes THEM, and they HATE him with a PASSION for doing so. Because these slimy fucking shit stain radical liberal toilet divers are hell bent on destroying America, and the last thing they need is some upstart conservative that takes the time to investigate them and expose them.

I love Beck. I listen to him every chance I get. He's the one and only person I know of to listen to that I know I'm going to get the truth, and not some LAME STREAM MEDIA, OBAMA ASS KISSING, LIBERAL SPIN/INDOCTRINATION bull shit.


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