Media ethics writer compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Godwin’s Law has come to the 2016 election.

A commentary published Monday on the website of Poynter, a journalism institute based in Florida, invoked a comparison between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler.

“Can Trump win? It seems unlikely, especially after this weekend. Of course that is what the media said about a funny-looking spewer of hate with an odd mustache who was dismissed as an awful public speaker and not a serious candidate in Germany in the 1930s,” wrote media ethicist Kelly McBride and medical ethicist Art Caplan.

Rather than laughing, they wrote, news organizations need to hold Trump and the Republican Party “accountable” for what he says.

“We certainly have a more robust political system than 1930s Germany,” they wrote. “But Trump’s racist rhetoric should be viewed in the repugnant tradition of Hitler. When you call all Mexicans rapists, criminals, losers, and the source of disease (that last claim was an old Nazi favorite), when you disparage Mexican-Americans at every turn as the cause of all the country’s woes, and when you have the money to get you message out, journalists should take you seriously.”

“Such speech is a classic ploy to sow divisiveness and generate fear. That his message finds a home at all should be alarming. It’s one thing to argue about immigration policies. It’s a completely different thing to condemn an entire ethnic group. (Imagine if Trump were saying these things about Jews?),” they wrote.

Media ethics writer compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

Trump may be mesmerizing and refreshing to some - but to others he is scary. Aside from being morally repugnant, much of what he advocates is simply not possible - physically or financially.
Racist rhetoric? The author of that sham piece is as clueless as the rest of the left, what Trump said about illegal immigration was not racist. You all can try and keep floating that nonsense but it's BS
Racist rhetoric? The author of that sham piece is as clueless as the rest of the left, what Trump said about illegal immigration was not racist. You all can try and keep floating that nonsense but it's BS

It's only "not racist" to those who agree with him. To others - it's clearly racist.
Racist rhetoric? The author of that sham piece is as clueless as the rest of the left, what Trump said about illegal immigration was not racist. You all can try and keep floating that nonsense but it's BS
"We certainly have a more robust political system than 1930s Germany. But Trump’s racist rhetoric should be viewed in the repugnant tradition of Hitler. When you call all Mexicans rapists, criminals, losers, and the source of disease (that last claim was an old Nazi favorite), when you disparage Mexican-Americans at every turn as the cause of all the country’s woes, and when you have the money to get you message out, journalists should take you seriously."
Commentary: The danger of laughing at Donald Trump | Poynter.
Please quote the statement Trump said that is racist. Do it now, put the quote up for everyone to see.

You cannot do it because it does not exist.
Democrats always compare republicans to Hitler. It's so ordinary it barely deserves attention.
Please quote the statement Trump said that is racist. Do it now, put the quote up for everyone to see.

You cannot do it because it does not exist.

Please quote the statement Trump said that is racist. Do it now, put the quote up for everyone to see.

You cannot do it because it does not exist.


You're confusing racism with the truth, Fauxahonatas. He was referring to the criminal aspect, but you and your fellow loons are trying your hardest to make it something else. YOU don't even understand what he is saying, you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.
Please quote the statement Trump said that is racist. Do it now, put the quote up for everyone to see.

You cannot do it because it does not exist.


You're confusing racism with the truth, Fauxahonatas. He was referring to the criminal aspect, but you and your fellow loons are trying your hardest to make it something else. YOU don't even understand what he is saying, you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.
Case in point.
Please quote the statement Trump said that is racist. Do it now, put the quote up for everyone to see.

You cannot do it because it does not exist.


You're confusing racism with the truth, Fauxahonatas. He was referring to the criminal aspect, but you and your fellow loons are trying your hardest to make it something else. YOU don't even understand what he is saying, you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.

I suppose that's why there are different political parties.
Aaaaaaannnd here we go. It was wrong, immoral, hateful, and ignorant to compare Obama or any other Demicrat to Hitler, according to the left, now that we're talking Republicans, it's suddenly reasonable and acceptable.

This is why I correctly call Progressives the scum of the earth.
Please quote the statement Trump said that is racist. Do it now, put the quote up for everyone to see.

You cannot do it because it does not exist.


While what Trump said was reprehensible, this quote may actually be completely inaccurate. Even by changing what he said, I still see his statement as very problematic, but let's look at his statement the way he actually probably meant it. "They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, their rapists, and some I assume are good people."

I don't think anyone can know for certain which statement is accurate. Neither is good, but their is a very big difference in the two.
Please quote the statement Trump said that is racist. Do it now, put the quote up for everyone to see.

You cannot do it because it does not exist.


You're confusing racism with the truth, Fauxahonatas. He was referring to the criminal aspect, but you and your fellow loons are trying your hardest to make it something else. YOU don't even understand what he is saying, you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.

You sound like many Germans back in 1930's Germany when Hitler was speaking his "truth"...
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Please quote the statement Trump said that is racist. Do it now, put the quote up for everyone to see.

You cannot do it because it does not exist.


That is not racist.
Please state one single line of that statement that is not factual.
The one that is problematic, is "They're rapist"...those that hate him, will of course frame that into he means all Mexicans are rapist..which is of course ridiculous.
In full context of the whole speech, he was speaking about out current immigration failures in which criminals, including rapist, repeatedly go back and forth across the border.
Trump is a loose cannon. And knowing that you have to expect he lets loose comments that are easily taken out of context whereas experienced politicians have trained themselves to not say what they mean, but carefully say what their supporters want to hear.
Which is better?
Please quote the statement Trump said that is racist. Do it now, put the quote up for everyone to see.

You cannot do it because it does not exist.


While what Trump said was reprehensible, this quote may actually be completely inaccurate. Even by changing what he said, I still see his statement as very problematic, but let's look at his statement the way he actually probably meant it. "They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, their rapists, and some I assume are good people."

I don't think anyone can know for certain which statement is accurate. Neither is good, but their is a very big difference in the two.

It's a true statement, of course truth is an obstacle for some people

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