Media blackout of Gosnell's trial...the msm is okay with killing babies, it seems.

I would like to know how people performing abortions who have lost their license or who don't even have one is better than getting them in back alleys. You know...since the health of the mother is of the utmost importance and all that. :eusa_whistle:

In testimony at the capital murder trial this past month, an unlicensed doctor and untrained aides described long, chaotic days at the clinic. They said they performed grueling, often gruesome work for little more than minimum wage, paid by Gosnell under the table.

Unlicensed doctor Stephen Massof, 50, of Pittsburgh, said he could not get a U.S. medical residency after finishing medical school in Grenada and went to work for Gosnell as a "backup plan" after six years running a bar. He admitted killing two babies by snipping their necks, as he said Gosnell taught him to do.

Eileen O'Neill, 56, had worked as a doctor in Louisiana but relinquished her medical license in 2000 to deal with "post-traumatic stress syndrome," according to her 2011 grand jury testimony. She is the only employee on trial with Gosnell, fighting false billing and racketeering charges.
Philly Abortion Clinic Workers Saw Few Options

Kermit Gosnell: Philly Abortion Clinic Workers Saw Few Options - ABC News

It's better because thanks to RvW, it's LEGAL! We legalized back alley abortions, removed oversight, and started funding them. Yay progressives! Moving forward at an amazing pace. Soon you'll see mass butchery of the disabled, elderly, and ultimately the indigent (who, if they aren't indigent now, soon will be!) Hooray! Killing innocents is fun!

Yup, the media has REAL stories to cover.

Here's the thing. Another case of you wingnuts getting what you want and complaining about it.

Used to be, the news was considered important. A public service.

Now it's about making money. No one is going to make any money covering the Gosnell trial. People aren't interested in that stuff.

Oh, maybe the derpa-derps who watch Faux News. but it's not really a story anyone cares about.

I actually picked up a copy of the Chicago Sun-Times yesterday. It had maybe five pages of solid news coverage and the rest was repeated from other sources or fluff.

The liberal media in this country is bought and paid for. None of these idiots wants to point out the horrors of the abortion infanticide business in this country. The tide is already turning against the slaughter of babies, the liberal media is not going to help in that

The liberal media in this country is bought and paid for. None of these idiots wants to point out the horrors of the abortion infanticide business in this country. The tide is already turning against the slaughter of babies, the liberal media is not going to help in that

the Derpa-Derp Conservative media wasn't covering it either. NRO, Weekly Standard, they weren't covering this until someone started whining we aren't covering it.

And after today, no one will talk about it, because we will all be focusing on who blew up the Boston Marathon.

The liberal media in this country is bought and paid for. None of these idiots wants to point out the horrors of the abortion infanticide business in this country. The tide is already turning against the slaughter of babies, the liberal media is not going to help in that

the Derpa-Derp Conservative media wasn't covering it either. NRO, Weekly Standard, they weren't covering this until someone started whining we aren't covering it.

And after today, no one will talk about it, because we will all be focusing on who blew up the Boston Marathon.

Keep telling yourself that.

The liberal media in this country is bought and paid for. None of these idiots wants to point out the horrors of the abortion infanticide business in this country. The tide is already turning against the slaughter of babies, the liberal media is not going to help in that

the Derpa-Derp Conservative media wasn't covering it either. NRO, Weekly Standard, they weren't covering this until someone started whining we aren't covering it.

And after today, no one will talk about it, because we will all be focusing on who blew up the Boston Marathon.

Keep telling yourself that.

You guys got all the free publicity you were going to get on this. It'll be wall to wall Boston for weeks.

Especially if it turns out to be Right Wing fanatics who were responsible for it.
Abortions are fun and the hallmark of a strong independent woman

That's what scares you, isn't it?

Not that you give a fuck about "babies". There are lots of poor babies out there that need help that you conservatards won't help.

But women controlling their own bodies? We can't have that. It's against God's Plan!

eots is a conservative? When did that happen? Now you are a miserable nutjob, no doubt about that one:cuckoo:
The papers will have it all solved within a week. I guarantee their first hit is going to be some poor tea partier who happened to be in the area.
the Derpa-Derp Conservative media wasn't covering it either. NRO, Weekly Standard, they weren't covering this until someone started whining we aren't covering it.

And after today, no one will talk about it, because we will all be focusing on who blew up the Boston Marathon.

Keep telling yourself that.

You guys got all the free publicity you were going to get on this. It'll be wall to wall Boston for weeks.

Especially if it turns out to be Right Wing fanatics who were responsible for it.

Are you saying the bombs were planted as a distraction? Is this another of your wackadoodle plots?
He sees himself as part of any scheme that will further his progressive agenda. Obviously, he's gloating now, and is pleased as punch about the bombs in Boston.

The guy is a nutcase, I'm telling you.
He sees himself as part of any scheme that will further his progressive agenda. Obviously, he's gloating now, and is pleased as punch about the bombs in Boston.

The guy is a nutcase, I'm telling you.

Wow, how about a reality check, okay, Koshie.

You guys got your five minutes of fetus porn. Now the grown-ups have to talk about more important things.
After they're born, they're babies, nutsack.

And there's nothing more important.
Er..abortions do occur before birth.

But when you kill them after they're born, it's murder.

Just so you know.
Er..abortions do occur before birth.

But when you kill them after they're born, it's murder.

Just so you know.


Except that until now, there hasn't been one prosecution under the Federal BAIPA law that you guys just HAD to pass because there were hundreds of babies supposedly being slaughtered after botched abortions....

And, hey, when are we going to arraign the women who went to Gosnell to kill their babies?
Steven Ertelt at LifeNews reported earlier in April that over 1,200 perinatal babies were born and then died following botched abortions in 2010 in the United States. In Canada, official statistics showed that nearly 500 babies died after live births from 2000-2009. Mona Charen reported on Townhall that live births following botched abortions were "routine." The legal regulations surrounding abortions in the United States can be very fuzzy - as doctors will sometimes continue performing abortions even when they have lost their medical license. "

It's Not Just About Gosnell - Kevin Glass

"The denial (regarding live born babies) goes very deep. Any number of e-mailers expressed their contemptuous certainty that "born alive" infants were an invention of pro-life activists. OK, enter "abortion survivors" into your browser and see what you get. Or, if you prefer a traditional media source, consult the Daily Mail in Britain. The Mail has reported that in just the past year 66 infants had been left to die after abortions in Great Britain. "


When Congress was considering the Born Alive Infants Protection Act (BAIPA), a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee heard testimony from Jill Stanek and Allison Baker, two nurses at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill. They described several instances in which babies who were moving and breathing after induced abortions were left to die. The committee report quoted Jill Stanek: "Mrs. Stanek testified about another aborted baby who was thought to have had spina bifida, but was delivered with an intact spine. On another occasion, an aborted baby was left to die on the counter of the Utility Room wrapped in a disposable towel." The committee report also quoted Shelly Lowe, a lab technician at Bethesda North Medical Center in Cincinnati. A young woman who had undergone just the first cervix-opening phase of a partial-birth abortion gave birth in the emergency room. The doctor placed the 22-week-old baby in a specimen dish to be taken to the lab. According to the report, when Ms. Lowe "saw the baby girl in the dish she was stunned when she saw the girl gasping for air. 'I don't think I can do that,' Ms. Lowe reportedly said. 'This baby is alive.'" Lowe asked permission to hold the baby until she died. She wrapped the child she dubbed "Baby Hope" in a blanket and sang to her. Breathing room air without any other supports, Baby Hope lived for three hours.
I've received a number of letters from viewers. This one caught my eye: "I am a pediatrician. When I was a pediatric resident on a neonatal intensive care rotation, we were routinely called to resuscitate infants. In one instance I was called to pronounce a baby dead who had been born an hour earlier after a failed abortion. We were not called to resuscitate the baby immediately after the delivery as the intent was abortion. I write to attest that babies are sometimes born alive after abortion and then put aside to die." The BAIPA was designed to ensure that in those rare cases in which a baby marked for abortion happens to survive -- that the child will be immediately accorded full human and constitutional rights. The measure passed the U.S. House by a vote 380 to 15 but was blocked in the Senate. When a "neutrality clause" was inserted to the effect that the law should not be construed to limit the scope of Roe v. Wade, the measure was passed by unanimous consent and signed into law in 2002. "

You're a monster, joe. Everybody here knows it. You know it yourself. I can only pray that eventually you wind up in a jail cell, where you belong.
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