Meanwhile ...


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
... the kids are throwing all her crap in the trash.

"Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead."

News from The Associated Press
Anyone who thinks Republicans don't care about the nutrition of school children is a fool, and that includes Michelle Obama. However, unlike Michelle, Republicans want food that is BOTH nutritious and palatable. That's what I want and that's what parents want. Only Michelle and her ardent supporters don't get it. Michelle doesn't seen to understand the simple fact that kids are tossing “her” food in the garbage can and food that is thrown in the trash has no nutritional value. Nationally, each year over $1 billion dollars in food was wasted because the kids refused to eat it. It is obvious that Michelle cares more about enforcing her own ideas than she cares about the kids.

Michelle says she is worried that kids will end up “eating crap.” Who is she kidding? The unappetizing meals she is promoting is the ultimate definition of crap. It seems the Obamas are fixated on the word “crap”. I remember when her hubby called the the health insurance plans of many Americans crappy. However, the only crappy plan I ever heard of was Obamacare. If forcing people to insure themselves against things which could not possibly happen to them is not crappy then the word has no meaning.

It's time for Michelle to cut the crap and focus on what is best for the children.
Actually, it's time for Michelle and her hubby to just go away. They have nothing to offer.

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