Meanwhile, in fdr's Concentration Camps....

So forget the historians if that nettles you, how about the people of that period, they elected FDR four times and that is a record that will probably stand for some time. The people of the period knew about the internment camps and all the other charges Republicans can muster up against FDR some seventy years later. and the people still voted for FDR. Perhaps Republicans should be trying to figure out how to elect someone better than their last president, fifth worst. The president that Jeb Bush never seems to have heard of.

"They elected FDR four times and that's a record that will likely stand for some time"? I hope it stands for a long, long time. It took an Amendment to the Constitution to force democrats to act like all the gentlemen before them and bow out after two terms. The point is that it don't matter how many times the fool was elected. As a matter of fact Americans voted for a a virtual freaking corpse in his last term because the media supported FDR and they made sure nobody outside the DNC knew he was going to die before his term was up. Democrats knew it and that's why they kicked a competent sitting V.P. off the ticket and hand picked dumb assed Harry Truman because they knew he was a pushover. The dirty little secret is that Americans were pretty much victims of the slick media for most of the 20th century and there was no fair and balanced voice until the 80's and early 90's that challenged democrat propaganda disguised as news. Hitler came into power about the same time as FDR and the good people of Germany justified the Holocaust because their only information source was controlled by the government. Americans didn't care about Japanese Concentration Camps because the media didn't care about Japanese Concentration camps. You almost gotta laugh that the FDR defense has deteriorated to "well duh, people voted for him". The fact that a president had the power to issue an executive order that forced the incarceration of American citizens and the radical FDR defenders justify it to this day is such a freaking chilling reminder of how easy it is for the pop-culture education system to convince fools and idiots that atrocities are fine as long as the media says it's fine and there is a democrat in the W.H.

The dirty little secret is Americans are still victims of a slick media. Most of the MSM today is completely in the D camp and are blatant progressives or worse. Yes there are many alternative news sources and many Americans no longer pay any attention to the MSM, but millions still do. We see their posts on this forum everyday.
Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?
Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?

What the hell are you talking about?
Racist idiots never seem to tire of making fools of themselves...
Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?
You are one sick puppy.
Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?
You are one sick puppy.

The idiot doesn't seem to realize how pointlessly misguided his attempts at being a racist are.
Why were the japanese americans paid reparations but the german americans were not?
Because the Germans were not rounded up and detained in camps while their property was confiscated.
Why were the japanese americans paid reparations but the german americans were not?
Because the Germans were not rounded up and detained in camps while their property was confiscated.
30% of those interred were german americans.
What is your source for the 30% or 36% number? Are you counting German prisoners of war? I believe the exact number to be less than 12,000 and they are not counted as being part of the 120,000 Japanese number. It is my understanding that all those interned or detained received individual judicial hearing and of particular interest were those who had been affiliated with the American Bund of which there were an estimated 25,000 members. The American Bund were pro Hitler, pro NAZI sympathizers. Where were these people detained?
The 1940 census put the number of Germans born in Germany and living in the USA as 1.7 million.
Why were the japanese americans paid reparations but the german americans were not?
Because the Germans were not rounded up and detained in camps while their property was confiscated.
30% of those interred were german americans.
What is your source for the 30% or 36% number? Are you counting German prisoners of war? I believe the exact number to be less than 12,000 and they are not counted as being part of the 120,000 Japanese number. It is my understanding that all those interned or detained received individual judicial hearing and of particular interest were those who had been affiliated with the American Bund of which there were an estimated 25,000 members. The American Bund were pro Hitler, pro NAZI sympathizers. Where were these people detained?
The 1940 census put the number of Germans born in Germany and living in the USA as 1.7 million.
I could be wrong about that number, but German Americans (and Italian Americans) were put in internment camps. The only reparations I've been able to find were paid exclusively to Japanese Americans and I'd just like to know why.

German American Internee Coalition
Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?

What the hell are you talking about?
Odd you think it's ok to refer to FDR as a scumbag but not the Jap prison guards who raped, tortured and murdered Americans or the savages who dive bombed into our battleships. Are Japs insane? I ask because they never say anything. You never hear a Jap talk unless it's in a movie. Very quiet. I suspect somethings going on in the mind behind that silence. Are they secretly planning a payback? Maybe we should round em up and put them in a new camp only this time with all the Chinks running around illegally. I hear there are more illegal chinks than beaners in America.

Why so much hate? Jealous or something?



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Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?
You are one sick puppy.

The idiot doesn't seem to realize how pointlessly misguided his attempts at being a racist are.
I'm just saying what a lot of people are thinking. I might not even whole heartedly believe what I'm saying. At least half of it.
Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?
You are one sick puppy.
Why is FDR a scumbag but the Japs were not? You a Jap sympathizer or something? LOL.
The Germans and Italians threats were pretty much identified long before Pearl Harbor and those threats were picked up or monitored. After Pearl many Americans were in the panic mode, so many rumors blossomed and so many rumors were believed. The Movie "1941" illustrated some of that panic. The sad thing is that while some were truly frightened a few others used that panic-mode to work some bad deeds, including generals and a future supreme court justice and so forth,
Would Americans panic again, and would some try to use that period to further their political or personal beliefs? Look at some of these posts.
Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?
You are one sick puppy.
Why is FDR a scumbag but the Japs were not? You a Jap sympathizer or something? LOL.
You are REALLY a sick puppy.

I know no one who thinks the stupidity you posted.
Why were the japanese americans paid reparations but the german americans were not?
Because the Germans were not rounded up and detained in camps while their property was confiscated.
30% of those interred were german americans.
What is your source for the 30% or 36% number? Are you counting German prisoners of war? I believe the exact number to be less than 12,000 and they are not counted as being part of the 120,000 Japanese number. It is my understanding that all those interned or detained received individual judicial hearing and of particular interest were those who had been affiliated with the American Bund of which there were an estimated 25,000 members. The American Bund were pro Hitler, pro NAZI sympathizers. Where were these people detained?
The 1940 census put the number of Germans born in Germany and living in the USA as 1.7 million.
I could be wrong about that number, but German Americans (and Italian Americans) were put in internment camps. The only reparations I've been able to find were paid exclusively to Japanese Americans and I'd just like to know why.

German American Internee Coalition
I studied the site you provided. The German American Internee Coalition. I suggest those interested click on the camps on the map. You may be shocked to learn that one camp included 785 diplomats and high ranking folks who were put up in luxury hotels. There are also many camps which housed foreign nationals of German ancestry from South America, crew members of German merchant vessels and cruise liners and an assortment of random individuals of Italian or German citizenry who would have been used in the enemies war effort if released.
I see very little comparison to the types of camps or the reasons for interment between the Japanese and the Germans, Italians, etc. Don't think the Japanese had any camps that were luxury hotels.
Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?
You are one sick puppy.
Why is FDR a scumbag but the Japs were not? You a Jap sympathizer or something? LOL.
Some of these people just hate FDR for bringing The New Deal to American culture. His implementation of progressive policies, blended socialism and the sharing of public wealth with the masses instead of giving it all to the wealthy for profiteering changed American culture. The corporatist, fascist, libertarians and conservative of today detest him for teaching the American masses how to escape the grasp of the aristocratic class.

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