... Meanwhile... as Trump Continues to Dominate... Hitlery is Losing Steam...

You seem highly obsessed with Trump. When did he become the GOP nominee?
As embarassing as it sounds......he is your leading candidate

I love how the Dims move the goal posts about every two weeks. :D

Remember when all they talked about was Jeb? I guess because they thought the Hildabeast might be able to beat him. Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb.....:lol:

Now it's the Donald.

Funny thing is, candidates like Walker, Rubio, and Kasich who the Hildabeast campaign have publicly said they fear...well they never get mentioned. Ever.

Hummmm......wonder why? :lol:
With so many Republicans...

It is a game of political Whack-a-mole

Per Right leaning folks on this board Walker, Rubio, or Kasich are the likely nominee. I agree. All would be very formidable in a general election.

The 37 Trump threads a day are fun....knock yourself out. :) But when Dems start talking about the real candidates versus bullshit I'll pay attention.
Jeb Bush will be your eventual candidate......but it is fun watching Trump humiliate the party

We understand he's the Republican candidate of your wet dreams.

They're like a fucking broken record. Jeb or Trump. They never talk about anyone else.

The eventual nominee will kill Hillary, and they know it. That's why all the crap about Jeb or Trump. Don't worry about it. The fact they refuse to discuss Walker, Rubio, or Kasich tells you how truly afraid they are.

Rubio and Kasich both suck. Rubio is a big amnesty supporter, and Kasich is a RINO. Walker or Cruz are the only ones I would support.
Link to someone saying Trump is our best candidate?
Oh, I was being funny. You never have anything to substantiate what you write and when called on it you deflect.
Run, Forrest! Run!
Seems 22% of Republicans support Trump. Walker is next at around 12%. Most others under 10%...... Making Trump their best candidate

You lose again Rabbi

So in your world, polls alone, determine who is the best candidate?

Leading the polls doesn't make them the best candidate.
As of today.....they do

Provide a better measure
Generally people with informed opinions are preferred to unreliable polls that simply measure name recognition. At least in the real world. In yours, who knows?
As of today.....Trump is your best candidate

Nobody else in the Republican clown car has stepped up

How humiliating for the once grand old party

And what do we have? Proven corrupt Hillary, avowed socialist Bernie, who I like as a person, but his policies would destroy this country, the man who personally set in motion the policies that led to the Baltimore riots, a 9/11 truther who thinks the NSA is out to "get him", an anarchist, an anti GMO anti science activist, the evangelical (yes we have them too) who believes God commanded him to run, this is his 8th attempt.....Then there's Chaffee who can't figure out which Party he should be in, Kelso is too rightwing for most Democrats though I like his 2AM position, Astor is only a Democrat so he can run against Hillary, and on and on.

Our candidates are every bit as shitty as the repubs are.
conservatives are going to show up at the polls in record numbers, if for no other reason than to vote AGAINST the democrat.

How did that work out for you in 2008 and 2012?

Extremist rightwingers 'showed up at the polls in record numbers, if for no other reason than to vote AGAINST the democrat" and still lost to the Dem candidate.

Perhaps it has something to do with the changing demographics of the nation and the GOP hating them?

Republicans spew considerable hate into the Universe.

Perhaps the Republicans need a "kinder and gentler" party. :)

Perhaps Dems needs less liars and crooks. It's a thought. :D

There you go ... more hate spewed into the Universe ...
conservatives are going to show up at the polls in record numbers, if for no other reason than to vote AGAINST the democrat.

How did that work out for you in 2008 and 2012?

Extremist rightwingers 'showed up at the polls in record numbers, if for no other reason than to vote AGAINST the democrat" and still lost to the Dem candidate.

Perhaps it has something to do with the changing demographics of the nation and the GOP hating them?

Republicans spew considerable hate into the Universe.

Perhaps the Republicans need a "kinder and gentler" party. :)

Perhaps Dems needs less liars and crooks. It's a thought. :D

There you go ... more hate spewed into the Universe ...

Physician heal thyself. :lol:
You seem highly obsessed with Trump. When did he become the GOP nominee?
As embarassing as it sounds......he is your leading candidate

I love how the Dims move the goal posts about every two weeks. :D

Remember when all they talked about was Jeb? I guess because they thought the Hildabeast might be able to beat him. Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb.....:lol:

Now it's the Donald.

Funny thing is, candidates like Walker, Rubio, and Kasich who the Hildabeast campaign have publicly said they fear...well they never get mentioned. Ever.

Hummmm......wonder why? :lol:
With so many Republicans...

It is a game of political Whack-a-mole

Per Right leaning folks on this board Walker, Rubio, or Kasich are the likely nominee. I agree. All would be very formidable in a general election.

The 37 Trump threads a day are fun....knock yourself out. :) But when Dems start talking about the real candidates versus bullshit I'll pay attention.
Jeb Bush will be your eventual candidate......but it is fun watching Trump humiliate the party

We understand he's the Republican candidate of your wet dreams.

They're like a fucking broken record. Jeb or Trump. They never talk about anyone else.

The eventual nominee will kill Hillary, and they know it. That's why all the crap about Jeb or Trump. Don't worry about it. The fact they refuse to discuss Walker, Rubio, or Kasich tells you how truly afraid they are.

Wait a second

If we talk about them, we are scared of them
If we don't talk about them, we are scared of them.

You Republicans think Dems are a bunch of chickens running with their heads cut off.
I resent that statement!

I do not run when my head has been severed!​
At some point in early 2016, Hillary will cancel her campaign due to health issues.

I suspect this will be after the Michael Bay Benghazi film comes out.
Good point. She will discover that she really likes being a grandmother best of all.
conservatives are going to show up at the polls in record numbers, if for no other reason than to vote AGAINST the democrat.

How did that work out for you in 2008 and 2012?

Extremist rightwingers 'showed up at the polls in record numbers, if for no other reason than to vote AGAINST the democrat" and still lost to the Dem candidate.

Perhaps it has something to do with the changing demographics of the nation and the GOP hating them?

Republicans spew considerable hate into the Universe.

Perhaps the Republicans need a "kinder and gentler" party. :)

Perhaps Dems needs less liars and crooks. It's a thought. :D

There you go ... more hate spewed into the Universe ...

Physician heal thyself. :lol:


What affliction must I heal? my hatred of hate? my intolerance of intolerance?

You're even laughing at your own silliness. :rolleyes:

As soon as others cease spewing hate and intolerance into the Universe, then my alleged affliction will disappear.
How did that work out for you in 2008 and 2012?

Extremist rightwingers 'showed up at the polls in record numbers, if for no other reason than to vote AGAINST the democrat" and still lost to the Dem candidate.

Perhaps it has something to do with the changing demographics of the nation and the GOP hating them?

Republicans spew considerable hate into the Universe.

Perhaps the Republicans need a "kinder and gentler" party. :)

Perhaps Dems needs less liars and crooks. It's a thought. :D

There you go ... more hate spewed into the Universe ...

Physician heal thyself. :lol:


What affliction must I heal? my hatred of hate? my intolerance of intolerance?

You're even laughing at your own silliness. :rolleyes:

As soon as others cease spewing hate and intolerance into the Universe, then my alleged affliction will disappear.

You sound very, very evolved. Your therapist, life coach, and lamaze teacher must be very proud.

Hare Krisha to you. :D

Republicans spew considerable hate into the Universe.

Perhaps the Republicans need a "kinder and gentler" party. :)

Perhaps Dems needs less liars and crooks. It's a thought. :D

There you go ... more hate spewed into the Universe ...

Physician heal thyself. :lol:


What affliction must I heal? my hatred of hate? my intolerance of intolerance?

You're even laughing at your own silliness. :rolleyes:

As soon as others cease spewing hate and intolerance into the Universe, then my alleged affliction will disappear.

You sound very, very evolved.

I wish I could say the same about you . . .
Perhaps Dems needs less liars and crooks. It's a thought. :D

There you go ... more hate spewed into the Universe ...

Physician heal thyself. :lol:


What affliction must I heal? my hatred of hate? my intolerance of intolerance?

You're even laughing at your own silliness. :rolleyes:

As soon as others cease spewing hate and intolerance into the Universe, then my alleged affliction will disappear.

You sound very, very evolved.

I wish I could say the same about you . . .

But Statistheilhitler assured us she would win by a huge margin!
No evidence has been provided that she won't. It's actually the safest bet, if that's your thing. I wouldn't bet a cent on the word of people that claimed Romney would win in a landslide.
The evidence is her shrinkng poll numbers. She has 100% name recognition and below 50% approval rating. The more people see of her, the less they like her.
The GOP candidates are still largely unknown, outside of Trump. Which is why he is polling so well. The more people see of them, the more they'll like them.

Hillary's problem is that people have known her for years, and the more they see of her, the less they like her. She can't unring that bell.
To Hillarys advantage she gets to run against the party that thinks Trump is its best candidate
Link to someone saying Trump is our best candidate?
Oh, I was being funny. You never have anything to substantiate what you write and when called on it you deflect.
Run, Forrest! Run!
I say, Trump is our best Candidate.
It's a marathon, not a sprint. Take a look in a few months and compare. Way too early to discount anyone.
While true - the left has been discounting every candidate on the right based on the same asinine polling done over a year before the election.

BZZZT Wrong!

The left knows that the strongest challenge would be a Jeb/Kasich ticket. After that comes Walker and Paul.
No, it is not wrong. Plenty here I can point to all over the place that are doing exactly that - writing off everyone and declaring a Hillary shoe in because of polling data.

Are you blind?

Yup. He's blind about anything negative about his hero Hilbat.

The debates should be fun when they start questioning her about all her e-mails and "What difference does it make?" Benghazi.

The woman was SOS and apparently classified info just wasn't considered classified to her.

Sure would hate for that POS to get that 3AM call. Good God she's useless.
FTR, Trump's negatives are as high as Hillary's.
Trump is a flash in the pan. IN a month or two people will wonder what the fuss was.

I don't know.

He's already said at least two offensive things and he just gets stronger. He's tapped into an intense anger at the establishment

I don't think he will be the nominee, but if he's still in the lead in the fall, why would he drop out?
Last edited:
Hilary's unfavorable numbers are in the 40's. Trump? 60%

You seem highly obsessed with Trump. When did he become the GOP nominee?
As embarassing as it sounds......he is your leading candidate

I love how the Dims move the goal posts about every two weeks. :D

Remember when all they talked about was Jeb? I guess because they thought the Hildabeast might be able to beat him. Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb.....:lol:

Now it's the Donald.

Funny thing is, candidates like Walker, Rubio, and Kasich who the Hildabeast campaign have publicly said they fear...well they never get mentioned. Ever.

Hummmm......wonder why? :lol:
With so many Republicans...

It is a game of political Whack-a-mole

Per Right leaning folks on this board Walker, Rubio, or Kasich are the likely nominee. I agree. All would be very formidable in a general election.

The 37 Trump threads a day are fun....knock yourself out. :) But when Dems start talking about the real candidates versus bullshit I'll pay attention.
Jeb Bush will be your eventual candidate......but it is fun watching Trump humiliate the party

Trump isn't humiliating anyone. I mean...I know Dims hate successful people, but Trump is truly tapping into something real....which Dims are too stupid to understand.

But no....per folks on the right here at USMB....likely Walker, Rubio, or Kasich.

Have fun with any of those three, because the Hildabeast will lose big to any of them.
Now is just silly season and Trump is lead clown

Once the actual primaries start, Bush will easily take the nomination
Seems 22% of Republicans support Trump. Walker is next at around 12%. Most others under 10%...... Making Trump their best candidate

You lose again Rabbi

So in your world, polls alone, determine who is the best candidate?

Leading the polls doesn't make them the best candidate.
As of today.....they do

Provide a better measure
Generally people with informed opinions are preferred to unreliable polls that simply measure name recognition. At least in the real world. In yours, who knows?
As of today.....Trump is your best candidate

Nobody else in the Republican clown car has stepped up

How humiliating for the once grand old party

And what do we have? Proven corrupt Hillary, avowed socialist Bernie, who I like as a person, but his policies would destroy this country, the man who personally set in motion the policies that led to the Baltimore riots, a 9/11 truther who thinks the NSA is out to "get him", an anarchist, an anti GMO anti science activist, the evangelical (yes we have them too) who believes God commanded him to run, this is his 8th attempt.....Then there's Chaffee who can't figure out which Party he should be in, Kelso is too rightwing for most Democrats though I like his 2AM position, Astor is only a Democrat so he can run against Hillary, and on and on.

Our candidates are every bit as shitty as the repubs are.
Interesting point

Thanks for posting
I will say one thing about Republicans

They suffer from buyers remorse faster than any other ideological group.

The truth is, many of them are still judging the field and testing the candidates to see what fit. Also, they are scrutinizing their favorite for any faults or blemishes.

Never satisfied. You can buy them ice cream and in 5 minutes they will wish for another flavor.
I will say one thing about Republicans

They suffer from buyers remorse faster than any other ideological group.

The truth is, many of them are still judging the field and testing the candidates to see what fit. Also, they are scrutinizing their favorite for any faults or blemishes.

Never satisfied. You can buy them ice cream and in 5 minutes they will wish for another flavor.

Well they aren't like you Democrat/Socialist who just falls in line with whoever they decide you will go out and vote for. that's why they ONLY gave you three choices. Two REALLY and they expect you to vote for Hillary or the 100 year old Socialist.
SO which is worse? taking you all for their subjects?
You seem highly obsessed with Trump. When did he become the GOP nominee?
As embarassing as it sounds......he is your leading candidate

I love how the Dims move the goal posts about every two weeks. :D

Remember when all they talked about was Jeb? I guess because they thought the Hildabeast might be able to beat him. Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb, Jeb.....:lol:

Now it's the Donald.

Funny thing is, candidates like Walker, Rubio, and Kasich who the Hildabeast campaign have publicly said they fear...well they never get mentioned. Ever.

Hummmm......wonder why? :lol:
With so many Republicans...

It is a game of political Whack-a-mole

Per Right leaning folks on this board Walker, Rubio, or Kasich are the likely nominee. I agree. All would be very formidable in a general election.

The 37 Trump threads a day are fun....knock yourself out. :) But when Dems start talking about the real candidates versus bullshit I'll pay attention.
Jeb Bush will be your eventual candidate......but it is fun watching Trump humiliate the party

Trump isn't humiliating anyone. I mean...I know Dims hate successful people, but Trump is truly tapping into something real....which Dims are too stupid to understand.

But no....per folks on the right here at USMB....likely Walker, Rubio, or Kasich.

Have fun with any of those three, because the Hildabeast will lose big to any of them.

The problem the libturds are having understanding Trump's popularity is that they actually believe the public likes what the Dims have been dishing out for the last 7 years.

The problem is, Trump isn't nearly as popular as you people are making him out to be.
I will say one thing about Republicans

They suffer from buyers remorse faster than any other ideological group.

The truth is, many of them are still judging the field and testing the candidates to see what fit. Also, they are scrutinizing their favorite for any faults or blemishes.

Never satisfied. You can buy them ice cream and in 5 minutes they will wish for another flavor.

Well they aren't like you Democrat/Socialist who just falls in line with whoever they decide you will go out and vote for. that's why they ONLY gave you three choices. Two REALLY and they expect you to vote for Hillary or the 100 year old Socialist.
SO which is worse? taking you all for their subjects?

Gave us two choices? Actual Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat and not beholden to its leadership, so the party is really trying to ram one choice down our collective throats.

All those other guys? People that has left office and decided to give the big wheel a try. What do they have to lose?

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