Meadows: FBI May Have Manipulated Witness Reports in Clinton/Russia Investigation


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Anyone who did this is guilty of obstruction of justice and needs to go to prison. As the Russian witch hunt drags on, more and more deep state operatives are exposed as the criminals and traitors they are.

Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) revealed Tuesday during the House Judiciary and Oversight committeeā€™s hearing regarding the FBIā€™s handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation that the FBI may have altered or manipulated the witness interviews compiled by investigators during both the Clinton and Russia investigations. The information, if proven true, could have significant implications in the case brought against against former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn by Special Counsel Robert Muellerā€™s office, where conflicting testimony and statements made by Former FBI Director James Comey, would call into question whether the agents who interviewed Flynn believed he was either lying or telling the truth.

Meadows was questioning Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, saying ā€œthere is growing evidence that 302s [FBI interview reports] were edited and changed. Those 302s, it is suggested that they were changed to either prosecute or not prosecute individuals. And that is very troubling.ā€

Behind closed doors, in March 2017 Comey told Congress that the agents who interviewed Flynn on Jan. 24, 2017 did not believe that Flynn was lying. Comey later appeared to walk back his statement during an interview with Brett Baier on Fox News, suggesting that he didnā€™t recall making those statements to Congress, as previously reported. However, an unreacted section of the House Intelligence Committeeā€™s Russia report specifically stated, ā€œDirector Comey testified to the committee that ā€˜the agentsā€¦discerned no physical indications of deception. They didnā€™t see any change in posture, in tone, in inflection, in eye contact. They saw nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them.ā€
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Anyone who did this is guilty of obstruction of justice and needs to go to prison. As the Russian witch hunt drags on, more and more deep state operatives are exposed as the criminals and traitors they are.

Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) revealed Tuesday during the House Judiciary and Oversight committeeā€™s hearing regarding the FBIā€™s handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation that the FBI may have altered or manipulated the witness interviews compiled by investigators during both the Clinton and Russia investigations. The information, if proven true, could have significant implications in the case brought against against former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn by Special Counsel Robert Muellerā€™s office, where conflicting testimony and statements made by Former FBI Director James Comey, would call into question whether the agents who interviewed Flynn believed he was either lying or telling the truth.

Meadows was questioning Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, saying ā€œthere is growing evidence that 302s [FBI interview reports] were edited and changed. Those 302s, it is suggested that they were changed to either prosecute or not prosecute individuals. And that is very troubling.ā€

Behind closed doors, in March 2017 Comey told Congress that the agents who interviewed Flynn on Jan. 24, 2017 did not believe that Flynn was lying. Comey later appeared to walk back his statement during an interview with Brett Baier on Fox News, suggesting that he didnā€™t recall making those statements to Congress, as previously reported. However, an unreacted section of the House Intelligence Committeeā€™s Russia report specifically stated, ā€œDirector Comey testified to the committee that ā€˜the agentsā€¦discerned no physical indications of deception. They didnā€™t see any change in posture, in tone, in inflection, in eye contact. They saw nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them.ā€
Sheer speculation without any supporting evidence. Not even a hint. He's just saying it to get low information folks riled up.

And guess what? It worked.
Really does it surprise anyone. 44 and Hillary have been proven to be involved in more criminal activities then anyone can keep track of. They needed someone to have their back.

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