McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage

Did Obama rewrite the Constitution while we weren't looking? Why should a small or big businesses have to pay for birth control for their employees? Negotiate the item in a benefit package if you have a union or buy the crap yourselves.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it prohibit the government from telling a business what to do.

In fact, quite the contrary, the Commerce Clause specifically give it that power...
Wow, that should get the GOP a lot of votes!

So there position is, no help for women getting birth control to prevent a pregnancy and no help in raising the child should the woman choose to keep it.

What's next? No breast cancer screenings?

Oh wait ...

Right, no help for irresponsible behaviour. Sounds good to me.

When I was a teenager I knew for a fact my parents would never bail me out if I ever got arrested for doing something stupid. They would let sit in jail for as long as possible. But it's one of the reasons why I never did anything too stupid. The knowledge that no one would be there to help me made me take much more responsibility for my actions.

How is using birth control to prevent a pregnancy NOT responsible?
Wow, that should get the GOP a lot of votes!

So there position is, no help for women getting birth control to prevent a pregnancy and no help in raising the child should the woman choose to keep it.

What's next? No breast cancer screenings?

Oh wait ...

Right, no help for irresponsible behaviour. Sounds good to me.

When I was a teenager I knew for a fact my parents would never bail me out if I ever got arrested for doing something stupid. They would let sit in jail for as long as possible. But it's one of the reasons why I never did anything too stupid. The knowledge that no one would be there to help me made me take much more responsibility for my actions.

Does it follow that every young person....... who's parents would, in fact, bail them out for doing something stupid............will inevitably do something stupid?
sorry to burst you little bubble, but NONE of those things are the jobs of OTHERS...It is the persons Responsiblity..which it seems a lot of you don't know what that means or how to do it.

I think you're missing the point here. If a woman gets pregnant unexpectedly and decides to keep and raise the child, why does the Right NOT support that? Why do they want to make that as hard as possible for the woman? That makes no sense.

Maybe the way to get fewer abortions is to hand out birth control and give assistance to single mothers. Not the other way around.

ok, well you start taking DONATIONS from all your lib friends and get right on that. Us TAXPAYERS and our country is BLED dry.

You are such a short-sighted little person.
Did Obama rewrite the Constitution while we weren't looking? Why should a small or big businesses have to pay for birth control for their employees? Negotiate the item in a benefit package if you have a union or buy the crap yourselves.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it prohibit the government from telling a business what to do.

In fact, quite the contrary, the Commerce Clause specifically give it that power...

Yeah, that jumped in to my head right after I posted my comment. I should have taken my own advice and not been stupid! :lol:

I think you're missing the point here. If a woman gets pregnant unexpectedly and decides to keep and raise the child, why does the Right NOT support that? Why do they want to make that as hard as possible for the woman? That makes no sense.

Maybe the way to get fewer abortions is to hand out birth control and give assistance to single mothers. Not the other way around.

ok, well you start taking DONATIONS from all your lib friends and get right on that. Us TAXPAYERS and our country is BLED dry.

You are such a short-sighted little person.

You're half right. She is short-sighted.
Fox News Poll, 2/9:

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of requiring employer health plans to cover birth control for women?"

Approve 61%

Disapprove 34%

Unsure 5%

lol, the GOP walking into another buzz saw.


The machine will run 24/7 and that number will change. That poll was taken before they had a chance to be told what to think.
Did Obama rewrite the Constitution while we weren't looking? Why should a small or big businesses have to pay for birth control for their employees? Negotiate the item in a benefit package if you have a union or buy the crap yourselves.

If we put the onus on employers to provide this, then they have to follow the guidelines.

The thing is, buying it ourselves - let us say we let our employer just give us in pay what we would have paid in insurance- would quickly wipe the current system out.

Businesses, by the way, really don't have a problem with this. Businesses realize that pregnancy costs them a hell of a lot more than Birth Control, even if insurance does cover it.

For instance, our HR manager went out for a pregnancy last year. They had to hire a temp to fill in for her, working a month before she left and a month afterwards. Other people had to pick up her slack. Sometimes they don't come back at all.

This isn't a business thing for the Church, it's a "we want to be able to impose our silly beliefs on others" thing.

Which is probably EXACTLY what Obama was going for here. Pit the Bishops against the women. Hmmm... I suspect we have 150 million women in this country and only about 100 Bishops.... let me know how that works out for you.

EXCELLENT post. Thank you!
I think you're missing the point here. If a woman gets pregnant unexpectedly and decides to keep and raise the child, why does the Right NOT support that? Why do they want to make that as hard as possible for the woman? That makes no sense.

Maybe the way to get fewer abortions is to hand out birth control and give assistance to single mothers. Not the other way around.

ok, well you start taking DONATIONS from all your lib friends and get right on that. Us TAXPAYERS and our country is BLED dry.

You are such a short-sighted little person.

No, you bleeding heart liberals believe you have moral superiority as long as it's being done WITH OTHER PEOPLE MONIES.
Obama's administration really made a big mistake with this.
They gave the GOP an opportunity to really make some noise.
Yep, The Obama stepped in it BIG TIME with this..

Couldn't of happened at a better time either..10 months before the elections,.:clap2:
Not satisfied with President Obama’s new religious accommodation, Republicans will move forward with legislation by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that permits any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday.

Yes, let’s waste time with pointless legislation while Americans continue to suffer. While we’re at it, let’s empower employers to dictate personal, private matters to their employees.

The right has gone collectively insane.
McConnell, a stiff upper lip and a blue nose attached to 120 lbs of useless flesh.
That IS McConnell! And The Constitution can be brushed away by the Patriot Act, and CONs cheer; most of then don't know the Constitution from a cantaloupe.
The Republican War on Contraception

By Nick Baumann

Last year was not a great one for abortion rights. First, congressional Republicans attempted to deny statutory rape victims access to Medicaid-funded abortions (twice). Then GOP-dominated state legislatures pushed record numbers of laws limiting abortion rights, including proposals that could have treated killing abortion providers as "justifiable homicide."

Yet in the past six months, social conservatives have widened their offensive, and their new target is clear: Not satisfied with making it harder to obtain legal abortions, they want to limit access to birth control, too.

"Contraception is under attack in a way it really wasn't in the past few years," says Judy Waxman, the vice president for health and reproductive rights at the National Women's Law Center. "In 2004, we could not find any group—the National Right to Life Committee, the Bush campaign, anyone—that would go on the record to say they're opposed to birth control," adds Elizabeth Shipp, the political director for NARAL Pro-Choice America. "We couldn't find them in 2006 either, and in 2008 it was just fringe groups. In 2010, 2011, and this year, it's just exploded."

The first sign of the new assault came last October, when Mississippi activists and congressional Republicans pushed legislation on the state and federal level, respectively, that would have treated zygotes—a.k.a. fertilized human eggs—as legal "persons." If the definition of legal personhood is changed so that it begins when sperm meets an egg, hormonal birth control or barrier devices that prevent zygotes from implanting in the uterine wall could become illegal, making using an IUD tantamount to murder. Yet some 40 percent of House Republicans and a quarter of their allies in the Senate back bills that would do just that.
Much More: The Republican War on Contraception | Mother Jones
Not satisfied with President Obama’s new religious accommodation, Republicans will move forward with legislation by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that permits any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday.

Yes, let’s waste time with pointless legislation while Americans continue to suffer. While we’re at it, let’s empower employers to dictate personal, private matters to their employees.

The right has gone collectively insane.

too might think it's pointless but the millions of Religious people in this country might not agree..

AND THEY VOTE...whoohoo

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