McConnell breaks with RNC over January 6th "violent insurrection."

When did they attack the UNITED STATES CAPITOL? When did they try to STOP A CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESS?

IF they had....they would have been shot on the spot. But the white trump butt kissers got to go home.
So now you use the race card, it's the 'go to' tactic when you have nothing.
You're a one trick pony, Jim.
When did they attack the UNITED STATES CAPITOL? When did they try to STOP A CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESS?

IF they had....they would have been shot on the spot. But the white trump butt kissers got to go home.
The majority saw it was a sedition attempt? You mean the majority of Democrats and never Trumpers with TDS see it as a political opportunity to save their seats in Congress. January 6th is a nothing burger with ketchup on top.
Well, it could be the last burger for Trump.
Pence, McConnell. Big names. I wonder if that's a coincidence or the start of a trend. Maybe they think they know something is coming.

Gee....I wonder what that could be?

I wonder....I wonder......
So now you use the race card, it's the 'go to' tactic when you have nothing.
You're a one trick pony, Jim.
Race? How does race come into what I said....unless you are a closet racist who puts on good face on around minorities to avoid being shot....:auiqs.jpg:
Let's talk about the attempt to destroy our electoral system by YOUR GOD....named trump. Why do you adore him so much?

Actually, he is breaking with the trumpian section of the RNC...which is shrinking every day. People are not so stupid as to believe that trump won the election by a "landslide. The United States has never seen a losing presidential candidate that....after well over a years....still claims he won his re-election attempt.

All the while....PUTIN LAUGHS. His boy....trump.....nearly took the US down. Give him one more chance....and he will.
Gee dummy, it’s YOUR useless idiots who want to do away with our electoral system. Putin laughs at gullible rubes like you who cry over Trump while your pants shitting dementia sufferer gives him the green light to invade Ukraine. Xiden doing all he can to enrich Putin and make Americans suffer. Near record inflation, sky high gas and heating oil prices, empty shelves.....
They actually called the January 6th attack a "legitimate political discourse." THAT SPITS IN THE FACE OF THE CAPITOL POLICE AND THOSE WHOSE LIVES WERE THREATENED.

By YOUR side’s definition, it was a peaceful protest. Why do you want to change the definition now? Well, we know you lost your tiny mind a long time ago....
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I think the majority of Americans saw it as a protest that turned into a riot.
Anyone who isn't a political hack would know that a group of unarmed protesters
aren't part of any insurrection, including the FBI
How do you define insurrection?
Oh boy. The Senate Minority Leader is running with the RINOS….

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