McConnell accuses Dems of ‘bizarre new ultimatum’ on police reform, as bill poised to fail


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As I suggested last night about Trump letting voters know that Dems don't want police reform, they just want to use it as a political wedge while the continue to be "all talk, no action" while Trump acts. Be it justice reform or police reform, Trump acts while others just talk.

He can remind people, "there is a difference between a career politician in government and one in the White House. Americans need to have a non-politician like myself in office, or you will continue to have more talk or outright disconcern as your jobs are shipped overseas.

The issue of police reform has now been given to him on a silver platter and once again he can draw from both sides. The perfect opportunity for outreach to minority communities. Politicians politicize, businessmen do.

McConnell accuses Dems of ‘bizarre new ultimatum’ on police reform, as bill poised to fail

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Wednesday accused Democrats of a “bizarre new ultimatum” on police reform, saying Democrats want to be allowed to rewrite the chamber's legislation before it is even debated.

“The Senate was supposed to officially take up police reform on the floor today, instead our Democratic colleagues are poised to turn this routine step into a partisan impasse,” he said.

The Senate is expected to take a procedural vote sometime around noon to begin debate on the Republican-authored police reform bill, but Democrats are expected to block even starting debate over their concerns that the legislation does not go far enough.

McConnell said the bill was a “first offer” ahead of the debate process and that “nobody thought” it was going to be the final product.

“What’s supposed to happen in this body is that we vote or agree to get on to a bill and then we discuss, debate and amend it until at least 60 senators are satisfied or it goes nowhere,” he said.

He then said Democrats, by threatening to block the procedural vote, were essentially demanding that they be able to rewrite the bill in advance of the debate and amendment process.

“Now in the last 48 hours this bizarre new ultimatum, now they don’t want to take up the issue,” he said. “They don’t want a debate, they don’t want amendments, they'll filibuster police reform from even reaching the floor of the Senate unless the majority lets the minority rewrite the bill behind closed doors in advance.”
As I suggested last night about Trump letting voters know that Dems don't want police reform, they just want to use it as a political wedge while the continue to be "all talk, no action" while Trump acts. Be it justice reform or police reform, Trump acts while others just talk.

He can remind people, "there is a difference between a career politician in government and one in the White House. Americans need to have a non-politician like myself in office, or you will continue to have more talk or outright disconcern as your jobs are shipped overseas.

The issue of police reform has now been given to him on a silver platter and once again he can draw from both sides. The perfect opportunity for outreach to minority communities. Politicians politicize, businessmen do.

McConnell accuses Dems of ‘bizarre new ultimatum’ on police reform, as bill poised to fail

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Wednesday accused Democrats of a “bizarre new ultimatum” on police reform, saying Democrats want to be allowed to rewrite the chamber's legislation before it is even debated.

“The Senate was supposed to officially take up police reform on the floor today, instead our Democratic colleagues are poised to turn this routine step into a partisan impasse,” he said.

The Senate is expected to take a procedural vote sometime around noon to begin debate on the Republican-authored police reform bill, but Democrats are expected to block even starting debate over their concerns that the legislation does not go far enough.

McConnell said the bill was a “first offer” ahead of the debate process and that “nobody thought” it was going to be the final product.

“What’s supposed to happen in this body is that we vote or agree to get on to a bill and then we discuss, debate and amend it until at least 60 senators are satisfied or it goes nowhere,” he said.

He then said Democrats, by threatening to block the procedural vote, were essentially demanding that they be able to rewrite the bill in advance of the debate and amendment process.

“Now in the last 48 hours this bizarre new ultimatum, now they don’t want to take up the issue,” he said. “They don’t want a debate, they don’t want amendments, they'll filibuster police reform from even reaching the floor of the Senate unless the majority lets the minority rewrite the bill behind closed doors in advance.”

All the political rhetoric, posturing and strategizing to win reelection will not save a single American life or business when the mob comes for them in the meantime. Our President needs to act. We needed him to act weeks ago. Come the Fourth of July it might be too late for many Americans.
As I suggested last night about Trump letting voters know that Dems don't want police reform, they just want to use it as a political wedge while the continue to be "all talk, no action" while Trump acts. Be it justice reform or police reform, Trump acts while others just talk.

He can remind people, "there is a difference between a career politician in government and one in the White House. Americans need to have a non-politician like myself in office, or you will continue to have more talk or outright disconcern as your jobs are shipped overseas.

The issue of police reform has now been given to him on a silver platter and once again he can draw from both sides. The perfect opportunity for outreach to minority communities. Politicians politicize, businessmen do.

McConnell accuses Dems of ‘bizarre new ultimatum’ on police reform, as bill poised to fail

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Wednesday accused Democrats of a “bizarre new ultimatum” on police reform, saying Democrats want to be allowed to rewrite the chamber's legislation before it is even debated.

“The Senate was supposed to officially take up police reform on the floor today, instead our Democratic colleagues are poised to turn this routine step into a partisan impasse,” he said.

The Senate is expected to take a procedural vote sometime around noon to begin debate on the Republican-authored police reform bill, but Democrats are expected to block even starting debate over their concerns that the legislation does not go far enough.

McConnell said the bill was a “first offer” ahead of the debate process and that “nobody thought” it was going to be the final product.

“What’s supposed to happen in this body is that we vote or agree to get on to a bill and then we discuss, debate and amend it until at least 60 senators are satisfied or it goes nowhere,” he said.

He then said Democrats, by threatening to block the procedural vote, were essentially demanding that they be able to rewrite the bill in advance of the debate and amendment process.

“Now in the last 48 hours this bizarre new ultimatum, now they don’t want to take up the issue,” he said. “They don’t want a debate, they don’t want amendments, they'll filibuster police reform from even reaching the floor of the Senate unless the majority lets the minority rewrite the bill behind closed doors in advance.”

All the political rhetoric, posturing and strategizing to win reelection will not save a single American life or business when the mob comes for them in the meantime. Our President needs to act. We needed him to act weeks ago. Come the Fourth of July it might be too late for many Americans.

He signed an Executive Order. He can only do so much himself, he relies on government. The U.s system is unique and admired for this reason, among others.

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