McCain's "War Hero" Status in Extreme Doubt. Trump Was Right ?

I said nothing about medals, I said he fucked up the Iran hostage rescue mission, and I say he tried to lie his way out of it, and was retired. He demeans himself, and you demean yourself by lying for him.
You're talking like an idiot. Hackworth is one of the greatest military heros this country has ever had. You just shot your credibility in the foot (if you ever had any)
on the hostage rescue fiasco, and got caught.


And it doesn't matter what Republican gets the nomination. Hillary is in free fall. Biden's a joke. Sanders is too fringe. Demmies have lost already.
My love me shadow box is not that prestigious, for sure, but I did not foul up the Iran hostage rescue attempt and then try to cover my failure up.
Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
Liberals do it every day. Used to spit at us routinely, when we walked past them in uniform, back in the Vietnam war days. They do it to the current soldiers and veterans too.

As for >> "Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans." No more ludicrous words were ever spoken in this forum, AND YOU KNOW IT, LIAR.
No one spat on you, protectionist, though it did happen to others.

You attacked McCain, Kerry, and others, so according to your logic, you are a liberal.
And Protectionist is getting flailed again. He dishes it but can't take it.

Trump was wrong to attack McCain, period.
Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
Liberals do it every day. Used to spit at us routinely, when we walked past them in uniform, back in the Vietnam war days. They do it to the current soldiers and veterans too.

As for >> "Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans." No more ludicrous words were ever spoken in this forum, AND YOU KNOW IT, LIAR.

I have never spat on any veteran. I would not even spit on you.

Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
McCain's "War Hero" Status in Extreme Doubt. Trump Was Right ?

Yep. McCain is a traitor. Always was and still is.
The August 10, 2015 issue of Globe magazine has a stunning headline on its front page.
It reads >> "TRUMP IS RIGHT! McCAIN US NOT A WAR HERO" Experts who have reviewed McCain's military record, have been saying the same thing for years. Some even accuse him of being a stool pigeon and blabbing military secrets to the North Vietnamese.

And it looks like the Globe has some strong sources to back up their claim.

1. Colonel David Hackworth, who earned more than 90 medals, including 10 Silver Stars while serving in World War II and Vietnam, said when McCain surrendered to the North Vietnamese in 1967, he told his captors he would provide them with "military information" if they took him to a hospital. Hackworth said "He provided aid and comfort to the enemy." He said also about McCain > "He signed a confession and declared himself a 'black criminal who performed deeds of an air pirate.'
These and other interviews were used as propaganda to fan the flames of the anti-war movement, which was blazing hot at the time. While McCain claims to have endured beatings, torture, and broken bones, during 5 years with the North Vietnamese, "no other POW was witness to these accounts", according to Hackworth.
Hackworth also said the refusal of an offer of early release was not a heroic action by McCain (as he has been lauded for). Actually, he was ordered to turn it down by his commander, and he just followed orders (2 ex-POWs told Hackworth)

2. Hugh E. Scott, a Vietnam vet and journalist, says McCain was nicknamed "Songbird" by his captors, because he sang like a canary, freely giving them information.

3. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg claimed McCain "worked very hard to hide from the public, stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home." Schanberg also states that McCain got outrageous perks from his North Vietnamese captors including "a woman companion and all kinds if things like that." The Globe claims that the internet has lit up with posts supporting Trump for unmasking McCain. It ends it's article by saying > "Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything - he told the truth."

Not part of the Globe article, but I have read things saying that McCain's medals came to him only because of help from his father, who was a Navy admiral.

Front page Globe Magazine

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Conservatives do enjoy attacking Veterans.

Especially combat Veterans.
That's what liberals are doing right here on this page,

Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
Tammy Duckworth.
If McCain was not a traitor back in the day then he would have quickly earned the title had he been elected president. At least many of us knew Obama was an ineffectual liar before he was elected but too many never questioned McCain.
The August 10, 2015 issue of Globe magazine has a stunning headline on its front page.
It reads >> "TRUMP IS RIGHT! McCAIN IS NOT A WAR HERO" Experts who have reviewed McCain's military record, have been saying the same thing for years. Some even accuse him of being a stool pigeon and blabbing military secrets to the North Vietnamese.

And it looks like the Globe has some strong sources to back up their claim.

1. Colonel David Hackworth, who earned more than 90 medals, including 10 Silver Stars while serving in World War II and Vietnam, said when McCain surrendered to the North Vietnamese in 1967, he told his captors he would provide them with "military information" if they took him to a hospital. Hackworth said "He provided aid and comfort to the enemy." He said also about McCain > "He signed a confession and declared himself a 'black criminal who performed deeds of an air pirate.'
These and other interviews were used as propaganda to fan the flames of the anti-war movement, which was blazing hot at the time. While McCain claims to have endured beatings, torture, and broken bones, during 5 years with the North Vietnamese, "no other POW was witness to these accounts", according to Hackworth.
Hackworth also said the refusal of an offer of early release was not a heroic action by McCain (as he has been lauded for). Actually, he was ordered to turn it down by his commander, and he just followed orders (2 ex-POWs told Hackworth)

2. Hugh E. Scott, a Vietnam vet and journalist, says McCain was nicknamed "Songbird" by his captors, because he sang like a canary, freely giving them information.

3. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg claimed McCain "worked very hard to hide from the public, stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home." Schanberg also states that McCain got outrageous perks from his North Vietnamese captors including "a woman companion and all kinds if things like that." The Globe claims that the internet has lit up with posts supporting Trump for unmasking McCain. It ends it's article by saying > "Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything - he told the truth."

Not part of the Globe article, but I have read things saying that McCain's medals came to him only because of help from his father, who was a Navy admiral.

Front page Globe Magazine

How about we read the account of one of his fellow prisoners?
I Spent Years as a POW with John McCain and His Finger Should Not Be Near the Red Button Alternet

1) Was he tortured for 5 years? No. He was subjected to torture and maltreatment during his first 2 years, from September of 1967 to September of 1969. After September of 1969 the Vietnamese stopped the torture and gave us increased food and rudimentary health care. Several hundred of us were captured much earlier. I got there April 20, 1965 so my bad treatment period lasted 4 1/2 years.....

2) John was badly injured when he was shot down. Both arms were broken and he had other wounds from his ejection. Unfortunately this was often the case -- new POW's arriving with broken bones and serious combat injuries. Many died from their wounds. Medical care was non-existent to rudimentary. Relief from pain was almost never given and often the wounds were used as an available way to torture the POW. Because John's father was the Naval Commander in the Pacific theater, he was exploited with TV interviews while wounded. These film clips have now been widely seen. But it must be known that many POW's suffered similarly, not just John. And many were similarly exploited for political propaganda.

3) John was offered, and refused, "early release." Many of us were given this offer. It meant speaking out against your country and lying about your treatment to the press. You had to "admit" that the U.S. was criminal and that our treatment was "lenient and humane." So I, like numerous others, refused the offer. This was obviously something none of us could accept. Besides, we were bound by our service regulations, Geneva Conventions and loyalties to refuse early release until all the POW's were released, with the sick and wounded going first.

4) John was awarded a Silver Star and Purple Heart for heroism and wounds in combat. This heroism has been played up in the press and in his various political campaigns. But it should be known that there were approximately 600 military POW's in Vietnam. Among all of us, decorations awarded have recently been totaled to the following: Medals of Honor -- 8, Service Crosses -- 42, Silver Stars -- 590, Bronze Stars -- 958 and Purple Hearts -- 1,249. John certainly performed courageously and well. But it must be remembered that he was one hero among many -- not uniquely so as his campaigns would have people believe.

John McCain served his time as a POW with great courage, loyalty and tenacity. More than 600 of us did the same. After our repatriation a census showed that 95% of us had been tortured at least once. The Vietnamese were quite democratic about it. There were many heroes in North Vietnam. I saw heroism every day there. And we motivated each other to endure and succeed far beyond what any of us thought we had in ourselves. Succeeding as a POW is a group sport, not an individual one. We all supported and encouraged each other to survive and succeed. John knows that. He was not an individual POW hero. He was a POW who surmounted the odds with the help of many comrades, as all of us did.

If McCain was not a traitor back in the day then he would have quickly earned the title had he been elected president. At least many of us knew Obama was an ineffectual liar before he was elected but too many never questioned McCain.

Like I said- Conservatives love to attack combat veterans
The August 10, 2015 issue of Globe magazine has a stunning headline on its front page.
It reads >> "TRUMP IS RIGHT! McCAIN IS NOT A WAR HERO" Experts who have reviewed McCain's military record, have been saying the same thing for years. Some even accuse him of being a stool pigeon and blabbing military secrets to the North Vietnamese.

And it looks like the Globe has some strong sources to back up their claim.

1. Colonel David Hackworth, who earned more than 90 medals, including 10 Silver Stars while serving in World War II and Vietnam, said when McCain surrendered to the North Vietnamese in 1967, he told his captors he would provide them with "military information" if they took him to a hospital. Hackworth said "He provided aid and comfort to the enemy." He said also about McCain > "He signed a confession and declared himself a 'black criminal who performed deeds of an air pirate.'
These and other interviews were used as propaganda to fan the flames of the anti-war movement, which was blazing hot at the time. While McCain claims to have endured beatings, torture, and broken bones, during 5 years with the North Vietnamese, "no other POW was witness to these accounts", according to Hackworth.
Hackworth also said the refusal of an offer of early release was not a heroic action by McCain (as he has been lauded for). Actually, he was ordered to turn it down by his commander, and he just followed orders (2 ex-POWs told Hackworth)

2. Hugh E. Scott, a Vietnam vet and journalist, says McCain was nicknamed "Songbird" by his captors, because he sang like a canary, freely giving them information.

3. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg claimed McCain "worked very hard to hide from the public, stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home." Schanberg also states that McCain got outrageous perks from his North Vietnamese captors including "a woman companion and all kinds if things like that." The Globe claims that the internet has lit up with posts supporting Trump for unmasking McCain. It ends it's article by saying > "Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything - he told the truth."

Not part of the Globe article, but I have read things saying that McCain's medals came to him only because of help from his father, who was a Navy admiral.

Front page Globe Magazine

How about we read the account of one of his fellow prisoners?
I Spent Years as a POW with John McCain and His Finger Should Not Be Near the Red Button Alternet

1) Was he tortured for 5 years? No. He was subjected to torture and maltreatment during his first 2 years, from September of 1967 to September of 1969. After September of 1969 the Vietnamese stopped the torture and gave us increased food and rudimentary health care. Several hundred of us were captured much earlier. I got there April 20, 1965 so my bad treatment period lasted 4 1/2 years.....

2) John was badly injured when he was shot down. Both arms were broken and he had other wounds from his ejection. Unfortunately this was often the case -- new POW's arriving with broken bones and serious combat injuries. Many died from their wounds. Medical care was non-existent to rudimentary. Relief from pain was almost never given and often the wounds were used as an available way to torture the POW. Because John's father was the Naval Commander in the Pacific theater, he was exploited with TV interviews while wounded. These film clips have now been widely seen. But it must be known that many POW's suffered similarly, not just John. And many were similarly exploited for political propaganda.

3) John was offered, and refused, "early release." Many of us were given this offer. It meant speaking out against your country and lying about your treatment to the press. You had to "admit" that the U.S. was criminal and that our treatment was "lenient and humane." So I, like numerous others, refused the offer. This was obviously something none of us could accept. Besides, we were bound by our service regulations, Geneva Conventions and loyalties to refuse early release until all the POW's were released, with the sick and wounded going first.

4) John was awarded a Silver Star and Purple Heart for heroism and wounds in combat. This heroism has been played up in the press and in his various political campaigns. But it should be known that there were approximately 600 military POW's in Vietnam. Among all of us, decorations awarded have recently been totaled to the following: Medals of Honor -- 8, Service Crosses -- 42, Silver Stars -- 590, Bronze Stars -- 958 and Purple Hearts -- 1,249. John certainly performed courageously and well. But it must be remembered that he was one hero among many -- not uniquely so as his campaigns would have people believe.

John McCain served his time as a POW with great courage, loyalty and tenacity. More than 600 of us did the same. After our repatriation a census showed that 95% of us had been tortured at least once. The Vietnamese were quite democratic about it. There were many heroes in North Vietnam. I saw heroism every day there. And we motivated each other to endure and succeed far beyond what any of us thought we had in ourselves. Succeeding as a POW is a group sport, not an individual one. We all supported and encouraged each other to survive and succeed. John knows that. He was not an individual POW hero. He was a POW who surmounted the odds with the help of many comrades, as all of us did.

Smells like BS to me.
How about we read the account of one of his fellow prisoners?
I Spent Years as a POW with John McCain and His Finger Should Not Be Near the Red Button Alternet

1) Was he tortured for 5 years? No. He was subjected to torture and maltreatment during his first 2 years, from September of 1967 to September of 1969. After September of 1969 the Vietnamese stopped the torture and gave us increased food and rudimentary health care. Several hundred of us were captured much earlier. I got there April 20, 1965 so my bad treatment period lasted 4 1/2 years.....

2) John was badly injured when he was shot down. Both arms were broken and he had other wounds from his ejection. Unfortunately this was often the case -- new POW's arriving with broken bones and serious combat injuries. Many died from their wounds. Medical care was non-existent to rudimentary. Relief from pain was almost never given and often the wounds were used as an available way to torture the POW. Because John's father was the Naval Commander in the Pacific theater, he was exploited with TV interviews while wounded. These film clips have now been widely seen. But it must be known that many POW's suffered similarly, not just John. And many were similarly exploited for political propaganda.

3) John was offered, and refused, "early release." Many of us were given this offer. It meant speaking out against your country and lying about your treatment to the press. You had to "admit" that the U.S. was criminal and that our treatment was "lenient and humane." So I, like numerous others, refused the offer. This was obviously something none of us could accept. Besides, we were bound by our service regulations, Geneva Conventions and loyalties to refuse early release until all the POW's were released, with the sick and wounded going first.

4) John was awarded a Silver Star and Purple Heart for heroism and wounds in combat. This heroism has been played up in the press and in his various political campaigns. But it should be known that there were approximately 600 military POW's in Vietnam. Among all of us, decorations awarded have recently been totaled to the following: Medals of Honor -- 8, Service Crosses -- 42, Silver Stars -- 590, Bronze Stars -- 958 and Purple Hearts -- 1,249. John certainly performed courageously and well. But it must be remembered that he was one hero among many -- not uniquely so as his campaigns would have people believe.

John McCain served his time as a POW with great courage, loyalty and tenacity. More than 600 of us did the same. After our repatriation a census showed that 95% of us had been tortured at least once. The Vietnamese were quite democratic about it. There were many heroes in North Vietnam. I saw heroism every day there. And we motivated each other to endure and succeed far beyond what any of us thought we had in ourselves. Succeeding as a POW is a group sport, not an individual one. We all supported and encouraged each other to survive and succeed. John knows that. He was not an individual POW hero. He was a POW who surmounted the odds with the help of many comrades, as all of us did.
Sounds like a commercial paid program, on TV at 4 o'clock in the morning. :rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:

Maybe you missed it that other POWs have said the opposite of what you posted here, and the CLAIMS of torture are nothing more than alleged claims from McCain, no other POW having witnessed.
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If McCain was not a traitor back in the day then he would have quickly earned the title had he been elected president. At least many of us knew Obama was an ineffectual liar before he was elected but too many never questioned McCain.

Like I said- Conservatives love to attack combat veterans
Like you LUDICROUSLY said. Everyone knows Conservatives are far more supportive of all veterans than liberals, who disparage and spit at veterans. And, by far, most veterans are conservatives.


Military Veterans of All Ages Tend to Be More Republican
Yes, you do. And, yes, McCain is a hero.

Watch this video: John McCain in "Missing, Presumed Dead"

John McCain in Missing Presumed Dead - YouTube

John McCain was the primary opposition to the Senate Select Committee on POWs. He bitterly opposed any attempt to rescue any other POWs.

This is very strange since John McCain was himself, a POW.

The POWs that might have been rescued would have been able to give testimony about the 32 propaganda tapes that John McCain made for the communists, while in Vietnam.

The 32 propaganda tapes are still "classified" so that no one can see them.

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain

Vietnam Veterans call John McCain a collaborator
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Yes, you do. And, yes, McCain is a hero.

The Communist Vietnamese erected a bust of John McCain inside Vietnam. His defenders say that it is in tribute to the PAVN gunners that shot him down. When was the last time you visited a memorial to the American Military where there was a bust of the enemy? In North Vietnam, for all the military information McCain gave away, he is regarded as a hero all right > BY THE NORTH VIETNAMESE.

The August 10, 2015 issue of Globe magazine has a stunning headline on its front page.
It reads >> "TRUMP IS RIGHT! McCAIN IS NOT A WAR HERO" Experts who have reviewed McCain's military record, have been saying the same thing for years. Some even accuse him of being a stool pigeon and blabbing military secrets to the North Vietnamese.

And it looks like the Globe has some strong sources to back up their claim.

1. Colonel David Hackworth, who earned more than 90 medals, including 10 Silver Stars while serving in World War II and Vietnam, said when McCain surrendered to the North Vietnamese in 1967, he told his captors he would provide them with "military information" if they took him to a hospital. Hackworth said "He provided aid and comfort to the enemy." He said also about McCain > "He signed a confession and declared himself a 'black criminal who performed deeds of an air pirate.'
These and other interviews were used as propaganda to fan the flames of the anti-war movement, which was blazing hot at the time. While McCain claims to have endured beatings, torture, and broken bones, during 5 years with the North Vietnamese, "no other POW was witness to these accounts", according to Hackworth.
Hackworth also said the refusal of an offer of early release was not a heroic action by McCain (as he has been lauded for). Actually, he was ordered to turn it down by his commander, and he just followed orders (2 ex-POWs told Hackworth)

2. Hugh E. Scott, a Vietnam vet and journalist, says McCain was nicknamed "Songbird" by his captors, because he sang like a canary, freely giving them information.

3. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg claimed McCain "worked very hard to hide from the public, stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home." Schanberg also states that McCain got outrageous perks from his North Vietnamese captors including "a woman companion and all kinds if things like that." The Globe claims that the internet has lit up with posts supporting Trump for unmasking McCain. It ends it's article by saying > "Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything - he told the truth."

Not part of the Globe article, but I have read things saying that McCain's medals came to him only because of help from his father, who was a Navy admiral.

Front page Globe Magazine

The Globe? The fucking Globe? You do know that The Globe is a trash magazine on the same level as the old Weekly World News, right? Oh, I get it. This was a joke, kind of like The Onion. Okay, I get it now.
The Globe? The fucking Globe? You do know that The Globe is a trash magazine on the same level as the old Weekly World News, right? Oh, I get it. This was a joke, kind of like The Onion. Okay, I get it now.
EARTH TO AUDITOR: The commonly held notion that tabloid magazines like the Globe, have no credibility is dead wrong. In fact, the New York Times has been shown recently to have far less credibility, numerous times (no pun intended)
And this is nothing new. Let me let you in on a little secret. In 1979 (I think was the year), there was a statement made in the New York Times that said >> "the oil shortage is a hoax, according to an unknown spokesman"

Oh, but the spokesman was quite well-known, as long as you're reading a reliable/credible source. Here's the same statement from the National Enquirer >> "the oil shortage is a hoax, according to Senator Howard Metzenbaum, Democrat of Ohio, head of the Senate Energy Committee.""

No charge for the tutoring.

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