McCain's "War Hero" Status in Extreme Doubt. Trump Was Right ?

Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
Liberals do it every day. Used to spit at us routinely, when we walked past them in uniform, back in the Vietnam war days. They do it to the current soldiers and veterans too.

As for >> "Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans." No more ludicrous words were ever spoken in this forum, AND YOU KNOW IT, LIAR.
You were spit on in uniform back in the Vietnam war days? Where were you when that happened? And what did you do about it?
I said nothing about medals, I said he fucked up the Iran hostage rescue mission, and I say he tried to lie his way out of it, and was retired. He demeans himself, and you demean yourself by lying for him.
You're talking like an idiot. Hackworth is one of the greatest military heros this country has ever had. You just shot your credibility in the foot (if you ever had any)
on the hostage rescue fiasco, and got caught.


And it doesn't matter what Republican gets the nomination. Hillary is in free fall. Biden's a joke. Sanders is too fringe. Demmies have lost already.
My love me shadow box is not that prestigious, for sure, but I did not foul up the Iran hostage rescue attempt and then try to cover my failure up.
And I bet you didn't put it online for self-promotion either.
McCain was a hero. Kerry was a hero. Those veterans who argue otherwise are not heroes. No, I never have and never will post my veterans shadow box.

That is how real veterans think.
Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
Liberals do it every day. Used to spit at us routinely, when we walked past them in uniform, back in the Vietnam war days. They do it to the current soldiers and veterans too.

As for >> "Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans." No more ludicrous words were ever spoken in this forum, AND YOU KNOW IT, LIAR.
You were spit on in uniform back in the Vietnam war days? Where were you when that happened? And what did you do about it?
I thought Protectionist said he served after Vietnam. This is the first time I have read him about being spit on. I served twelve years, and I was never spit on, although yelled at. I do believe some vets were spit on.
Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
Liberals do it every day. Used to spit at us routinely, when we walked past them in uniform, back in the Vietnam war days. They do it to the current soldiers and veterans too.

As for >> "Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans." No more ludicrous words were ever spoken in this forum, AND YOU KNOW IT, LIAR.
You were spit on in uniform back in the Vietnam war days? Where were you when that happened? And what did you do about it?
I thought Protectionist said he served after Vietnam. This is the first time I have read him about being spit on. I served twelve years, and I was never spit on, although yelled at. I do believe some vets were spit on.
He is claiming that that is happening to today's returning vets. I did not know that was happening. I never heard or saw any stories about that happening to vets returning from recent wars.
Just pointing out- Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans.

Long history of it- McCain- Kerry- Max Cleland.
Liberals do it every day. Used to spit at us routinely, when we walked past them in uniform, back in the Vietnam war days. They do it to the current soldiers and veterans too.

As for >> "Conservatives love to attack veterans- especially combat veterans." No more ludicrous words were ever spoken in this forum, AND YOU KNOW IT, LIAR.
You were spit on in uniform back in the Vietnam war days? Where were you when that happened? And what did you do about it?
I thought Protectionist said he served after Vietnam. This is the first time I have read him about being spit on. I served twelve years, and I was never spit on, although yelled at. I do believe some vets were spit on.
He is claiming that that is happening to today's returning vets. I did not know that was happening. I never heard or saw any stories about that happening to vets returning from recent wars.
He is very misinformed or he is outright lying if he is saying anyone is spitting on vets since 1990.
The Globe? The fucking Globe? You do know that The Globe is a trash magazine on the same level as the old Weekly World News, right? Oh, I get it. This was a joke, kind of like The Onion. Okay, I get it now.
EARTH TO AUDITOR: The commonly held notion that tabloid magazines like the Globe, have no credibility is dead wrong. In fact, the New York Times has been shown recently to have far less credibility, numerous times (no pun intended)
And this is nothing new. Let me let you in on a little secret. In 1979 (I think was the year), there was a statement made in the New York Times that said >> "the oil shortage is a hoax, according to an unknown spokesman"

Oh, but the spokesman was quite well-known, as long as you're reading a reliable/credible source. Here's the same statement from the National Enquirer >> "the oil shortage is a hoax, according to Senator Howard Metzenbaum, Democrat of Ohio, head of the Senate Energy Committee.""

No charge for the tutoring.

I'm sure you are a big fan of "So I Married an Axe Murderer".

It comes down to a few handful of vet's disgruntled over McCain's viewpoints of the POW/MIA issue. McCain sided with the National League of Families and the Pentagon authorities on the issue. The League of Families represented the immediate relatives of those missing in Southeast Asia. The bulk of them had relatives that were BNR's, body not recovered. Those were persons who where believed to have been killed in action but whose bodies could not be recovered due to circumstances, but whose death was testified to with a certain level of certainty by fellow American witnesses. A prime example would be an aircraft exploding on a clear day over water and seen by other aircraft crew to have been unsurvivable and gone down with no parachutes seen. Subsequent searches for debris were unsuccessful, hence, body not recovered.
The League of Families, Pentagon and McCain believed those promoting the idea that living American POW/MIA's continued to be held in Vietnam and Laos were simply scams to collect funds for "rescues" and "private searches" and persons honestly hoodwinked by the hucksters. McCain was not the only former POW or veteran that felt this way, including the Vietnam Veterans of America, but he was certainly the most visible and the issue for the majority of former POW's was one they preferred to stay away from.
McCain's biggest downfall with veterans came when two founders of the Rolling Thunder POW/MIA annual motorcycle rally, a group with a huge audience joined with the anti McCain supporters of GW Bush and began the swift boating of McCain during the primaries, particularly in South Carolina. From there it just mushroomed into a sort of small cottage industry.
What is seen today are the remnants of that long ago chapter in dirty politics and malicious trickery in American politics.

we swift boated Kerry's ass but not McCain that i remember
Kerry had it coming.
I hope Trump is happy losing the veterans vote....

he hasn't. Among current veterans, a full 53% view Trump favorably compared to just 41% for McCain.
I'm a veteran too and consider McCain's war record as a separate issue from his statist, war hawkish, Leftist politics. I don't vote for veterans, I vote in the best interest of my country. And war hero or not, someone who brazenly assaults the Bill of Rights as McCain-Feingold does needs to be booted out of office and branded a traitor to this constitutional republic and the oath he swore to preserve it.
It comes down to a few handful of vet's disgruntled over McCain's viewpoints of the POW/MIA issue. McCain sided with the National League of Families and the Pentagon authorities on the issue. The League of Families represented the immediate relatives of those missing in Southeast Asia. The bulk of them had relatives that were BNR's, body not recovered. Those were persons who where believed to have been killed in action but whose bodies could not be recovered due to circumstances, but whose death was testified to with a certain level of certainty by fellow American witnesses. A prime example would be an aircraft exploding on a clear day over water and seen by other aircraft crew to have been unsurvivable and gone down with no parachutes seen. Subsequent searches for debris were unsuccessful, hence, body not recovered.
The League of Families, Pentagon and McCain believed those promoting the idea that living American POW/MIA's continued to be held in Vietnam and Laos were simply scams to collect funds for "rescues" and "private searches" and persons honestly hoodwinked by the hucksters. McCain was not the only former POW or veteran that felt this way, including the Vietnam Veterans of America, but he was certainly the most visible and the issue for the majority of former POW's was one they preferred to stay away from.
McCain's biggest downfall with veterans came when two founders of the Rolling Thunder POW/MIA annual motorcycle rally, a group with a huge audience joined with the anti McCain supporters of GW Bush and began the swift boating of McCain during the primaries, particularly in South Carolina. From there it just mushroomed into a sort of small cottage industry.
What is seen today are the remnants of that long ago chapter in dirty politics and malicious trickery in American politics.

we swift boated Kerry's ass but not McCain that i remember
Kerry had it coming.
Absolutely nothing to do with McCain or Trump, a non veteran disparaging the military service of a veteran.
It comes down to a few handful of vet's disgruntled over McCain's viewpoints of the POW/MIA issue. McCain sided with the National League of Families and the Pentagon authorities on the issue. The League of Families represented the immediate relatives of those missing in Southeast Asia. The bulk of them had relatives that were BNR's, body not recovered. Those were persons who where believed to have been killed in action but whose bodies could not be recovered due to circumstances, but whose death was testified to with a certain level of certainty by fellow American witnesses. A prime example would be an aircraft exploding on a clear day over water and seen by other aircraft crew to have been unsurvivable and gone down with no parachutes seen. Subsequent searches for debris were unsuccessful, hence, body not recovered.
The League of Families, Pentagon and McCain believed those promoting the idea that living American POW/MIA's continued to be held in Vietnam and Laos were simply scams to collect funds for "rescues" and "private searches" and persons honestly hoodwinked by the hucksters. McCain was not the only former POW or veteran that felt this way, including the Vietnam Veterans of America, but he was certainly the most visible and the issue for the majority of former POW's was one they preferred to stay away from.
McCain's biggest downfall with veterans came when two founders of the Rolling Thunder POW/MIA annual motorcycle rally, a group with a huge audience joined with the anti McCain supporters of GW Bush and began the swift boating of McCain during the primaries, particularly in South Carolina. From there it just mushroomed into a sort of small cottage industry.
What is seen today are the remnants of that long ago chapter in dirty politics and malicious trickery in American politics.

we swift boated Kerry's ass but not McCain that i remember
Kerry had it coming.
Absolutely nothing to do with McCain or Trump, a non veteran disparaging the military service of a veteran.
Bullshit. Non veterans have just as much right to speak as veterans, such as when veterans and non veterans alike spoke out against Kerry lying about his Vietnam service. Trump was wrong to say McCain wasn't a war hero, but the fact he isn't a veteran has nothing to do with it. This bullshit of veterans being immune from criticism is as stupid as Obama being immune from criticism because he's black.
Today, The New York Times is denouncing Trump’s attack on McCain’s time as a POW, but back in 2008, it ran a long diatribe against him called “The McCain Doctrines” in which reporter Matt Bai wrote that “in private discussions with friends and colleagues, some of them have pointed out that McCain, who was shot down and captured in 1967, spent the worst and most costly years of the war sealed away, both from the rice paddies of Indochina and from the outside world.”

Because of that, Bai wrote, those colleagues believed that somehow McCain’s support for the Iraq War was misguided since he never learned the lessons of Vietnam.

Or something.

Liberal sites like Daily Kos and Democratic Underground were even more vicious, running stories entitled “John McCain is NOT a War Hero” and “It’s Time to Stop Pretending that John McCain is a War Hero.”

Like the Times, they never apologized back then but are now jumping on Trump for essentially just reviving their old attacks.

But where did those attacks originate? Not in 2008, it seems, but rather during McCain’s first run for President in 2000, when another liberal, the future Minnesota Senator Al Franken, told, “I have tremendous respect for McCain but I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war.”

Sound familiar?

Read more: When Will These Liberals Apologize for Denigrating John McCain s Military Service Common Sense Central on News Talk 1130 WISN
It comes down to a few handful of vet's disgruntled over McCain's viewpoints of the POW/MIA issue. McCain sided with the National League of Families and the Pentagon authorities on the issue. The League of Families represented the immediate relatives of those missing in Southeast Asia. The bulk of them had relatives that were BNR's, body not recovered. Those were persons who where believed to have been killed in action but whose bodies could not be recovered due to circumstances, but whose death was testified to with a certain level of certainty by fellow American witnesses. A prime example would be an aircraft exploding on a clear day over water and seen by other aircraft crew to have been unsurvivable and gone down with no parachutes seen. Subsequent searches for debris were unsuccessful, hence, body not recovered.
The League of Families, Pentagon and McCain believed those promoting the idea that living American POW/MIA's continued to be held in Vietnam and Laos were simply scams to collect funds for "rescues" and "private searches" and persons honestly hoodwinked by the hucksters. McCain was not the only former POW or veteran that felt this way, including the Vietnam Veterans of America, but he was certainly the most visible and the issue for the majority of former POW's was one they preferred to stay away from.
McCain's biggest downfall with veterans came when two founders of the Rolling Thunder POW/MIA annual motorcycle rally, a group with a huge audience joined with the anti McCain supporters of GW Bush and began the swift boating of McCain during the primaries, particularly in South Carolina. From there it just mushroomed into a sort of small cottage industry.
What is seen today are the remnants of that long ago chapter in dirty politics and malicious trickery in American politics.

we swift boated Kerry's ass but not McCain that i remember
Kerry had it coming.
Absolutely nothing to do with McCain or Trump, a non veteran disparaging the military service of a veteran.
Trump did spend 4 years in, and graduated from a military high school.
I thought Protectionist said he served after Vietnam. This is the first time I have read him about being spit on. I served twelve years, and I was never spit on, although yelled at. I do believe some vets were spit on.
You thought wrong. I served DURING the Vietnam War (1964-1969)
I thought Protectionist said he served after Vietnam. This is the first time I have read him about being spit on. I served twelve years, and I was never spit on, although yelled at. I do believe some vets were spit on.
You thought wrong. I served DURING the Vietnam War (1964-1969)
I honor your service as always, but you will always be a goof ball to people who can think logically.

To those of us who know the records of Kerry and McCain, your comments are libelous.

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