McCain Trusted More on Taxes and Economy

The Paperboy

Times Square
Aug 26, 2008
Times Square
From Rasmussen:

After several weeks of John McCain’s campaign attacks on Barack Obama’s tax plan and idea of “spreading the wealth around”, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds voters trust McCain more than Obama on taxes, 47% to 45%.
Two weeks ago, Obama had a one point-advantage on the issue of taxes and a month ago, he had a three-point edge. The last time McCain had the advantage on this issue was September 14, just before the collapse of Lehman Brothers started the meltdown on Wall Street (see trends).

Link here

(Moderators: I posted this as a new thread as the earlier one took on a life of it's own)
Hmmmm....which fox do I most trust to guard the chickens?

Tough choice.

The slower one!

Actually I've always thought the less government gets done the better which is why I always thought Monica Lewinsky should have been given a Nobel Prize for Economics since she helped cause Clinton and the Congress to be so tied up in impeachment nothing got done - a good thing.

Based on this theory you have to vote for McCain as he'll have to deal with Pelosi and Reid and hopefully nothing gets done.

Ohhh Paperboy!

This poll that you just showed us?

It shows Obama has GAINED two points and is now UP by 5 in the latest Rasmussen poll.

Thanks for pointing it out to us. :D
Obama more trusted on taxes

Republicans are losing ground in the battle over taxes -- turf they have dominated since the Reagan administration -- even against a Democratic presidential candidate who is promising substantial tax increases.

Sen. John McCain has made tax policy the centerpiece of his homestretch pitch to voters: The Arizona Republican unveiled an ad Tuesday accusing Sen. Barack Obama of pitching "higher taxes" and planning to "spread your income," then hammered his Democratic rival's economic plan in Pennsylvania.

Yet the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, conducted in mid-October, showed voters preferred Sen. Obama to Sen. McCain on taxes by 14 percentage points. After Labor Day, Sen. McCain had a one-point edge on that issue.

"It's a stunning reversal of fortune on a core Republican strength," says Republican pollster Neil Newhouse, who helps conduct the poll.


Republican Party No Longer Owns the Tax Issue -

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