McCain looking better as election approaches.Obama's Snake Oil agenda, drops in polls


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
It appears that many voters are selecting Sen. John McCain ,over Barack Obama, as we approach the day for the Presidential election.

Obama, seems to be losing much of his lead in the many political polls.
Keep telling yourself it not over, he still has a chance... I know no one who has changed their mind on McCain, he really seems out of touch. But since the elections are at the margins, the crazies will be accusing Obama of everything and anything. In a sense I wish the Dems would be tougher and simply state the statistics since republican have gained control of the presidency. The figures would tell the story.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

CEPR - America Since 1980: A Right Turn Leading to a Dead End
In a sense I wish the Dems would be tougher and simply state the statistics since republican have gained control of the presidency. The figures would tell the story.

But that would require that people associate McCain with the last eight years. I know he's not.
Ther groundswell in support for Obama and the registration numbers are convincing to me that this will be a landslide election for Obama...
There are still to many closet racists embeded in America society today, to elect a Black or mixed race
man as President of the United States.Just to many closet racists out there.!?!
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When Don Imus calls McCain a lunatic, then you know McCain is in trouble.

There still is racism, but I wouldn't be suprised if there are as many who change behind the voting curtain for Obama as those who change against him because he is black.

There is a ground swell of dissatisfaction with the whole current republican screw up of our economy and everything else that is going to hurt McCain as Bush's clone.
When was the last time a presidential candidate's poll numbers stayed flat or actually went down during their convention?

Thank you.

Most candidates expect a huge bump in the polls during the conventions. BHO isn't getting even a nudge.

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