McAuliffe Blames Loss On Low 3AM Ballot Turnout


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
RICHMOND, VA—Terry McAuliffe’s loss in the Virginia gubernatorial race has sent shock waves through the Democrat establishment. Some are blaming the rise of racism, domestic terrorist parents of public-school students, and lack of understanding of true Marxism for the loss. After careful study of the results, however, the campaign determined the true cause was a shockingly low turnout among 3 a.m. ballots.

“Yeah, our ground game was clearly to blame,” said McAuliffe to tearful reporters. “After studying the numbers, there is just no way to sugarcoat our failure to turn out the 3 a.m. ballots. Bottom line is, we simply came up short. The votes in the key 3 a.m.demographic just weren’t there.”

The DNC is looking closely at what went wrong in Virginia to make sure they don’t repeat the mistakes in the crucial 2022 election. So far, the clear takeaway is simply to make sure they have enough ballots in reserve to make up for a rise in racism, pornophobia, LGBTQaphobia, Islamophobia, and Marxismaphobia among the voters.

“We thought we had it in the bag with all the early vote ballots, all the absentee ballots, all the dead voter ballots, and frankly we got a little lazy and let the country down,” said McAuliffe campaign head Biff Tannen. “Let this be a lesson to all Democrat candidates facing an election in this hostile environment full of terrorist parents who don’t want their girls raped in school bathrooms by guys wearing skirts. Do not rely on actual people voting for Democrats! The 3 a.m.ballot demographic is key to Democrat victory from now on."

Democrat strategists also determined to push the wildly popular CRT a little more next time.
fake ballots.jpg
Another loser, Tim Kaine, blames it on Congressional Democrats.

Sen. Kaine shares why he believes McAuliffe lost gubernatorial race

Tulsi Gabbard blames it on the fact that he was "racially-divisive".

Tulsi Gabbard Calls McAuliffe’s Loss ‘A Victory for All Americans’ Because It’s a ‘Rejection of Efforts to Divide Us By Race’

Bill O' Reilly blames it on the father in Louden County whose daughter was raped.

Bill O'Reilly to Newsmax: McAuliffe Will Lose Virginia Governor's Race

CNBC blames it on Biden.

Key factor in McAuliffe’s loss was President Biden’s low ratings, says Larry Sabato

Associated Press was puzzled that a Democrat could actually lose.

AP Acts Puzzled That a Democrat Could Lose

Joy Reid, the founder of the 1619 Project, Howard Dean, and a bunch of other leftist assholes blamed it on "White Supremacists."

Democrats melt down, blame ‘white supremacy’ and racism for Republicans winning Virginia elections | USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page Education, News, Politics, US News

As for myself, I think Trumpism saved the day.
The whoopin' in Virginia just shows us that Americans of all backgrounds and Cultures and colors have seen behind the Curtain of lies and media manipulation of facts. The over reach of Govt. in the name of "Social Equity" and Now the "revelation" we've all known for 5 years. The Steele Dossier was a made up subversive scam to undermine a Duly elected President. Lead by Hillary Clintons Campaign in collusion with a Russia national. Sic Semper Tyrranis . The Treason at the highest levels of our Govt. must be fully exposed and prosecuted no matter where it leads.
The whoopin' in Virginia just shows us that Americans of all backgrounds and Cultures and colors have seen behind the Curtain of lies and media manipulation of facts. The over reach of Govt. in the name of "Social Equity" and Now the "revelation" we've all known for 5 years. The Steele Dossier was a made up subversive scam to undermine a Duly elected President. Lead by Hillary Clintons Campaign in collusion with a Russia national. Sic Semper Tyrranis . The Treason at the highest levels of our Govt. must be fully exposed and prosecuted no matter where it leads.

That was pretty radical, Notaradical60. But it was good.

May I subscribe subscribe to your newsletter, sir? :beer:
That was pretty radical, Notaradical60. But it was good.

May I subscribe subscribe to your newsletter, sir? :beer:
I've been quiet for a while I don't have a newsletter. I think people got a chance to sit back and look at what was happening with a lot of different issues during the Pandemic and don't like how they are being addressed. I believe people vote by their bank account statement and daily expenses. When people see Prices go up this quickly they change the leadership. Watch for more > even Dems don't like the Socialist Agenda
RICHMOND, VA—Terry McAuliffe’s loss in the Virginia gubernatorial race has sent shock waves through the Democrat establishment. Some are blaming the rise of racism, domestic terrorist parents of public-school students, and lack of understanding of true Marxism for the loss. After careful study of the results, however, the campaign determined the true cause was a shockingly low turnout among 3 a.m. ballots.

“Yeah, our ground game was clearly to blame,” said McAuliffe to tearful reporters. “After studying the numbers, there is just no way to sugarcoat our failure to turn out the 3 a.m. ballots. Bottom line is, we simply came up short. The votes in the key 3 a.m.demographic just weren’t there.”

The DNC is looking closely at what went wrong in Virginia to make sure they don’t repeat the mistakes in the crucial 2022 election. So far, the clear takeaway is simply to make sure they have enough ballots in reserve to make up for a rise in racism, pornophobia, LGBTQaphobia, Islamophobia, and Marxismaphobia among the voters.

“We thought we had it in the bag with all the early vote ballots, all the absentee ballots, all the dead voter ballots, and frankly we got a little lazy and let the country down,” said McAuliffe campaign head Biff Tannen. “Let this be a lesson to all Democrat candidates facing an election in this hostile environment full of terrorist parents who don’t want their girls raped in school bathrooms by guys wearing skirts. Do not rely on actual people voting for Democrats! The 3 a.m.ballot demographic is key to Democrat victory from now on."

Democrat strategists also determined to push the wildly popular CRT a little more next time.
Ah yes, inciting lobotomized morons to violence is always good humor.
Another loser, Tim Kaine, blames it on Congressional Democrats. Associated Press was puzzled that a Democrat could actually lose. As for myself, I think Trumpism saved the day.

Actually, Joe gave a presser yesterday explaining what happened. He said McAuliffe lost because you voters are stupid, confused, and don't know what you are doing! One of Joe's next mandates will be to increase voter education on how to vote right in elections when the DNC election machine doesn't already have it all rigged!
Actually, Joe gave a presser yesterday explaining what happened. He said McAuliffe lost because you voters are stupid, confused, and don't know what you are doing! One of Joe's next mandates will be to increase voter education on how to vote right in elections when the DNC election machine doesn't already have it all rigged!

They could just save a lot of taxpayers money by stationing Black Panthers at the polling stations. Ever since BLM stole their jobs, they'd probably work for weed and ammo.
Nah. What we obviously need here are well-trained professional voters just as we have professional, career, lifelong politicians! :smoke:

Aren't Democrats professional voters? They get lots of practice, sometimes voting 10 or 15 times a night during the elections.
Another loser, Tim Kaine, blames it on Congressional Democrats.

Sen. Kaine shares why he believes McAuliffe lost gubernatorial race

Tulsi Gabbard blames it on the fact that he was "racially-divisive".

Tulsi Gabbard Calls McAuliffe’s Loss ‘A Victory for All Americans’ Because It’s a ‘Rejection of Efforts to Divide Us By Race’

Bill O' Reilly blames it on the father in Louden County whose daughter was raped.

Bill O'Reilly to Newsmax: McAuliffe Will Lose Virginia Governor's Race

CNBC blames it on Biden.

Key factor in McAuliffe’s loss was President Biden’s low ratings, says Larry Sabato

Associated Press was puzzled that a Democrat could actually lose.

AP Acts Puzzled That a Democrat Could Lose

Joy Reid, the founder of the 1619 Project, Howard Dean, and a bunch of other leftist assholes blamed it on "White Supremacists."

Democrats melt down, blame ‘white supremacy’ and racism for Republicans winning Virginia elections | USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page Education, News, Politics, US News

As for myself, I think Trumpism saved the day.
Tim Kaine is a faggot extraordinaire.

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