Mayor Pete perfectly sums up the GOP’s current state in 2 mins

Do the Republicans control the House, Senate or WH? Then why do they need to come up with a plan for inflation? The "adults" are in charge again after Trump was sent packing. It's their job to come up with a plan. If the Republicans are needed to come up with a plan, that's the surest sign that Democrats don't need to be running the government.

Anyone who wants to be in government needs a plan. Just saying the Democrats aren't doing the job isn't a solution. What would Republicans do differently? If you look at Florida and Texas, they'd go after gays, immigrants and trans people and have the SC strip them of all of their privacy rights, and do nothing about inflation, infrastructure, education or climate change.

In other words, pretty much what Trump did for 4 years that failed utterly, and crashed the economy.
Do the Republicans control the House, Senate or WH? Then why do they need to come up with a plan for inflation? The "adults" are in charge again after Trump was sent packing. It's their job to come up with a plan. If the Republicans are needed to come up with a plan, that's the surest sign that Democrats don't need to be running the government.
The democrats failed to get the majority in the senate. Sadly. They are suffering from being shitty at messaging.
Notice how Trump only endorses those loyal to HIM and willing to lie to the people about a "stolen election" and his attempts to overturn the election results. If you're not prepared to lie to, cheat and steal from the American people, Trump will not give you his endorsement.
Well we all saw the election being stolen on election night. There should have been more Americans protesting the stolen election.
The democrats failed to get the majority in the senate. Sadly. They are suffering from being shitty at messaging.
The dems underestimated inflation, as did the fed. But the dems also overestimated how much money they could deficit spend. And they are divided between vocal progressives and a couple of vocal centrists ... although the dems progressive ranks seem much thinner than the progressives wish.

Aside from not enacting new spending, there's not much any political party can do about inflation, besides nominating people to the fed. At some point the fed's rate hikes will halt inflation, but it's becomming more and more likely that it will take a full blown recession.

I expect the gop will run on "cutting taxes to get growth up to 4%" which will fail as it always does.
Pete Buttigieg really gets the Republican Party and sums it up in 2 minutes.

If you don’t have two minutes then paraphrasing and quoting:

—When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a culture war. They have no answers. So what do they do? They find someone vulnerable and pick on them.—

I know some of the liberals don’t like his somewhat purposely crafted experience but he really hits the issues on the nose and debates the Fox guests regularly to a beat down.


Such is the Orwellian right.
Democrats don't "run the Senate". They don't have 60 votes and Joe Manchin continues to vote with his own wallet and no consideration for the fact that his constituents are living in the poorest state in the nation because of guys like him, and everything that Machin is opposed to, like Child Tax Benefits, would benefit the people who voted for him, the most.

This fiction that if you give poor people money, they won't go to work, is bullshit. Especially when 80% of all people receiving benefits like SNAP, earned income credits, and other forms of income support, are working full time, while only 40% of the top 20% of wealthy Americans have full time jobs. It seems like the tax cuts, and other Republican wealth transfers to the wealthy are causing THEM to become lazy and stop working, but that's OK because they "earned" the money by underpaying and undervaluing their employees, to keep their costs down.

Democrats don't "run the Senate". They don't have 60 votes

They can't do anything if they don't have 60 votes?

Why are they so useless?
Clearly Pete hit close to home as all that you guys have are insults. what is the Republican plan for inflation? Nothing.
They really hate Pete, he makes too much common sense... Also how are you going to call all gay people pedophiles if Pete is owning them on Fox...
It worked for Reagan and GWB.
Only problem is that were borrowing over 4% of GDP at the time...

The GOP con game, cut taxes (mainly to the rich), borrow money pump the economy... Then tell poor bills have to be paid and want to cut spending in social programs & Infrastructure... It is a great long con, and it moves money from poor to the rich over time...


And then blame the Democrats... Actually blame for things that the GOP done, the poor will be so busy trying to survive they won’t even know who is screwing them..
Democrats don't "run the Senate". They don't have 60 votes and Joe Manchin continues to vote with his own wallet and no consideration for the fact that his constituents are living in the poorest state in the nation because of guys like him, and everything that Machin is opposed to, like Child Tax Benefits, would benefit the people who voted for him, the most.

This fiction that if you give poor people money, they won't go to work, is bullshit. Especially when 80% of all people receiving benefits like SNAP, earned income credits, and other forms of income support, are working full time, while only 40% of the top 20% of wealthy Americans have full time jobs. It seems like the tax cuts, and other Republican wealth transfers to the wealthy are causing THEM to become lazy and stop working, but that's OK because they "earned" the money by underpaying and undervaluing their employees, to keep their costs down.
Schumer sets the agenda, Stupid. Holy Cow you are ignorant!
In a post full of lies, you say you can't think of a reason to listen to Democrats. Well, you're right. You can't think.

It's really laughable to see you talking about Democrats "lying" to Americans when you support a party who's sole election strategy is to lie and smear their opponents, all while openly flouting the Constitution, hiring convicted criminals in key government positions, and openly operating a "pay for play" scheme out of Trump's east coast golf clubs. That's in addition to selling pardons, taking bribes, extorting personal favours and accepting multi-million dollar "gifts" from foreign governments, and every sort of low life ciminal act imaginable, all while claiming complete innocence and calling people who have never been charged with a crime, much less convicted "corrupt" and "criminal".
Got any links to all the crimes you are alleging?

Or are you just being your usual lying sack of shit?
Unlike you FuckBoi, Democrats don't worship their leaders, nor do they follow them with blind loyalty. You seem to think that party over country is required, or that Democrats must parrot whatever their leaders tells them to say.

Notice how Trump only endorses those loyal to HIM and willing to lie to the people about a "stolen election" and his attempts to overturn the election results. If you're not prepared to lie to, cheat and steal from the American people, Trump will not give you his endorsement.
Dimwingers worship their Vegetable Messiah, Dumbass.

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