Sixty Minutes - since Ray brought it up. And Buttigieg, since he seems to be "in the news"


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
I also don't often watch 60 mins, or any TV news, but it just happened for no single reason, I caught last night's episode on the supply chain clusterfk. It may be that 60 mins has been addressing this story regularly, but I only saw last night. It was not a political piece, but more so exposing how nothing anyone is doing is really addressing the issue. That doesn't reflect well on Trump's use of politics to abuse governors and states who displeased him, and it certainly doesn't reflect well on Biden's domestic agenda of "free money for people who aren't working" or Mayor Pete who not only looks like "the tin man" but he apparently may have a heart but not much else.
I heard on NPR that they lifted a zoning ordinance that said you could only stack shipping containers 2 high on your property. Now you can stack up to 4.

This will speed things up a bit.
Stacking them isn't the problem. Getting them off the boats and to retailers is.

Simplistic bullshit won't solve this clusterfuck
I also don't often watch 60 mins, or any TV news, but it just happened for no single reason, I caught last night's episode on the supply chain clusterfk. It may be that 60 mins has been addressing this story regularly, but I only saw last night. It was not a political piece, but more so exposing how nothing anyone is doing is really addressing the issue. That doesn't reflect well on Trump's use of politics to abuse governors and states who displeased him, and it certainly doesn't reflect well on Biden's domestic agenda of "free money for people who aren't working" or Mayor Pete who not only looks like "the tin man" but he apparently may have a heart but not much else.

Sounds like bull to me. Nobody on the east coast has any problems with drivers or warehousing. Even Governor DeSantis invited any shipper who has a boat sitting in the water to unload in Florida. He said they will be out the same day they arrive.

Trucks are heavily restricted in CA. The Democrat party wants to take care of their own so they stopped owner-operators from driving in the state to kiss their union buddies asses and won't allow any truck with an engine older than 2010 to operate in the state. They have to keep their environmental buddies happy too.

California creates their own problems and then makes claim it's beyond their control. They just started letting docks run 24/7? Why didn't they start that several months ago? Why don't they remove the truck restrictions? Why won't they allow cleanup of dead wood in their forests so if a fire breaks out, it's controllable?
I also don't often watch 60 mins, or any TV news, but it just happened for no single reason, I caught last night's episode on the supply chain clusterfk. It may be that 60 mins has been addressing this story regularly, but I only saw last night. It was not a political piece, but more so exposing how nothing anyone is doing is really addressing the issue. That doesn't reflect well on Trump's use of politics to abuse governors and states who displeased him, and it certainly doesn't reflect well on Biden's domestic agenda of "free money for people who aren't working" or Mayor Pete who not only looks like "the tin man" but he apparently may have a heart but not much else.

I saw the 60 Min. segment as well. I wondered why Pete wasn't interviewed to address what actions he has taken to unclog the mess in Long Beach and other ports of entry? I don't think he can articulate what needs to be done to temper the issues plaguing the supply chain. This administration really has no clue on how to run the country, period.

The $1.2 Trillion infrastructure bill will end up to be $2.5 Trillion in reality because they assume that it will be self funded by taxing the rich and corporations. Well kids, raising taxes on corporations will result in more inflation. Corporations will do what they always do, pass on any cost increases to the consumer. Execution of the infrastructure plan will take years so there is no short term solution at all to the inflation problem.

Regarding why people aren't working I think this metaphor addresses that issue:

I saw the 60 Min. segment as well. I wondered why Pete wasn't interviewed to address what actions he has taken to unclog the mess in Long Beach and other ports of entry? I don't think he can articulate what needs to be done to temper the issues plaguing the supply chain. This administration really has no clue on how to run the country, period.

This clown Biden didn't hire people based on their abilities, he hired them if they were the right color, their sexual preference, or how freaky they look. As for their abilities, to hell with that.
The numbers dont lie. The econ was shedding workers even before Trump, and he didn't do anything to address it. Yeah Biden paid people to stay home and Mayor Pete couldnt find a port with ... nevermind. It's a bipartisan clusterfk. Neither the Trump wing, nor the progressive wing, have any interest in actually governing which requires working with people who dont share the same social vision for America.

It should not be so hard to get ships to ports that can unload them, but even then getting the containers to trains and trucks and to warehouses seems beyond our physical capacity given the workers we have, and KLLM will train people at no charge if they agree to take a job that pays a better than decent wage for ... a hard job. We don't appear to have people willing to take the job. And there's no way some person who lost a job in the pandemic and is age 62 and can take early soc sec can or would do that job.
The numbers dont lie. The econ was shedding workers even before Trump, and he didn't do anything to address it. Yeah Biden paid people to stay home and Mayor Pete couldnt find a port with ... nevermind. It's a bipartisan clusterfk. Neither the Trump wing, nor the progressive wing, have any interest in actually governing which requires working with people who dont share the same social vision for America.

It should not be so hard to get ships to ports that can unload them, but even then getting the containers to trains and trucks and to warehouses seems beyond our physical capacity given the workers we have, and KLLM will train people at no charge if they agree to take a job that pays a better than decent wage for ... a hard job. We don't appear to have people willing to take the job. And there's no way some person who lost a job in the pandemic and is age 62 and can take early soc sec can or would do that job.

It's Commifornia's rules that they made that prohibit a lot of drivers from hauling those containers out of there. Nobody else in the country except them seem to be having any problems.

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