Maybe I disagree with both DeSantis AND Disney? Or...

Easy to go straight to inappropriate relations for that question. But there is another aspect, which is to what degree teachers should teach the "whole child."

Answer is that it depends on the child. Typical kid who shows up and does his work, participates, and has parents that send him to school ready and motivated to at least get by doesn't need much more from his teachers than explanations of the lesson and time to do them.

For special ed kids, as I work with, their needs are greater, and the teachers need to be aware of them. For kids with behavior disabilities, the teachers will get to know them much better.

Teachers need to know if a kid is coming to school hungry, exhausted from listening to parents fight, or other outside factors that prevent them from being ready to learn.

When I first started teaching in a small private school that specialized in kids with behavior problems, one of them said, "Mr. Flops, this school will never shut down. There's always gonna be fucked up kids."

He's right, and one other thing. I have rarely met a fucked up kid that did not have fucked up parents. Or sometimes one fucked up parent and one reasonable one who manages to wrest custody from and put distance from that one. Sooner or later, that parent comes back into the kid's life, and then the chaos of home is delivered on the school as well.

Yes, it is helpful for teachers to be aware of such things.
The whole transgender thing is so stupid. A tenth of one percent of the population that no one was doing anything to. Self victimization is the Democrat way

Democrats didn’t do anything to the trans people. Republicans label trans gendered people and drag queens groomers out to rape children.

Then they went bat shit crazy over the concept, even though no drag queen, trans person has been arrested in the United States for abusing children.

And yet the Republicans are still attending Catholic churches, sending their kids to Boy Scouts, and signing up for private lessons with children’s athletic coaches, all of whom have paid out billions of dollars over the last 10 years to settle sexual abuse claims against children.

This is just the right wing outrage machine, ginning up hatred against vulnerable people.
when the word disney is said, i automatically think of grooming pedos

Thank you for admitting to your Pavlovian response. This was exactly the level of conditioning that Republicans have been going for with their voters.

When I hear the word, Disney, I think of all of the movies that my children have enjoyed over the years and that I’ve enjoyed with them.

I remember how happy my grandson was when he went to visit his dad in Vancouver and three days later called his mother to say mom “I’m at Disneyland”

When I think of pedos and groomers, I think of the guy at our church who volunteered to help with all our kids programs.

He and his handicapped wife had a room full of girly toys and stuffies. They volunteered to babysit for everyone at church.

One mother who took them up on the offer, told me that they took the children into their bedroom and allowed them to jump on their bed. She never left her children with this couple again.

Toys to play with. Getting them comfortable, going into the bedroom. Allowing them to do something, their parents forbade.

This is classic “groomer” behaviour - right down to the disabled wife, who was unlikely to turn him in.
Thank you for admitting to your Pavlovian response. This was exactly the level of conditioning that Republicans have been going for with their voters.

When I hear the word, Disney, I think of all of the movies that my children have enjoyed over the years and that I’ve enjoyed with them.

I remember how happy my grandson was when he went to visit his dad in Vancouver and three days later called his mother to say mom “I’m at Disneyland”

When I think of pedos and groomers, I think of the guy at our church who volunteered to help with all our kids programs.

He and his handicapped wife had a room full of girly toys and stuffies. They volunteered to babysit for everyone at church.

One mother who took them up on the offer, told me that they took the children into their bedroom and allowed them to jump on their bed. She never left her children with this couple again.

Toys to play with. Getting them comfortable, going into the bedroom. Allowing them to do something, their parents forbade.

This is classic “groomer” behaviour - right down to the disabled wife, who was unlikely to turn him in.
tldr...but i'm glad i wasted your time writing all was once honorable
tldr...but i'm glad i wasted your time writing all was once honorable
And now.....standing up for Free Speech = First Amendment of the Constitution is not honorable anymore. THAT is what De Santis is attacking Disney about, nothing else.
I know. But why does the bill cut things off at 3rd grade?

I am FAR from 3rd grade and porn offends me. I certainly don't want children exposed to it

I agree with you, but I think DeSantis wants to ensure the win for the youngest children. Keep in mind whether you agree with him or not, he's doing that to win, not because he supports teaching that crap to fourth graders I can assure you
Democrats didn’t do anything to the trans people. Republicans label trans gendered people and drag queens groomers out to rape children.

Then they went bat shit crazy over the concept, even though no drag queen, trans person has been arrested in the United States for abusing children.

And yet the Republicans are still attending Catholic churches, sending their kids to Boy Scouts, and signing up for private lessons with children’s athletic coaches, all of whom have paid out billions of dollars over the last 10 years to settle sexual abuse claims against children.

This is just the right wing outrage machine, ginning up hatred against vulnerable people.

You're just lying and spreading more of your bullshit racism. Republicans don't give a shit about trans people, that's just another of your self victimization agenda. No one's sadder than a Canadian so jealous of your southern neighbors
I know. But why does the bill cut things off at 3rd grade?

I am FAR from 3rd grade and porn offends me. I certainly don't want children exposed to it

By grade 3, children have been exposed to more sexual content on daytime television, than we saw in restricted movies growing up.

Teachers are leaving for Florida in droves. Obstetricians and gynaecologists of living Florida in droves.

Job placements and university applications are now being affected by the abortion laws in effect in the state where the job or the school is located. Female students are simply not applying to schools in states like Texas or Florida or any of the other state 20+ states that hace banned abortion.

Yesterday a survey came out and I’m trying to find a link for it. It demonstrated the catastrophic effects on the health and outcomes for women having miscarriages after time limits in their states run out.

Women who suffer ruptures of the amniotic sac prior to viability are just tragic cases. As are ectopic pregnancies.

Women are more than 50% of the voters in the United States of America. The Republican Party learned nothing from the midterms, except to make sure that they keep abortion off the ballot.
You're just lying and spreading more of your bullshit racism. Republicans don't give a shit about trans people, that's just another of your self victimization agenda. No one's sadder than a Canadian so jealous of your southern neighbors

The entire anti-trans movement was the brain child of yet another right wing grifter, looking to raise money off of gullible Republicans. He’s now a multimillionaire selling kits to fight the gay agenda at your school board.

Those are bad too, government should be a tiny portion of the size it is. But one sin doesn't justify another. We need to stop all those handouts, not use one to justify another

Handouts to the most vulnerable are justified.

Handouts to the morbidly rich and corporations are not.

I was horrified reading this (above)

DeSantis signed a law that ONLY prevents perverts from teaching children about ... such things as gender-bending or whatever u call it

UNTIL the 3rd grade!

So in the 4th grade, they can teach kids about sex? Or do I need to read that again??! OK, I will... in a few minutes.

But it gets worse

Disney was not OK with even that restriction on the pervs


OMG... I can't believe Fox does not (that I know of) cover this more. Of course we cannot all watch news 24/7 (so there's that...)

I thought I was beyond being shocked...


I agree with this (from the site):


"I mean, the idea you have a First Amendment right to corporate welfare or having a local government that you basically control with no accountability is ridiculous," DeSantis said. "They didn’t do anything to touch Disney’s free speech rights. Did they pull ABC’s broadcast license? Did they say Disney can't speak out about anything? Of course not. They took a government that had been authorized by the state of Florida that, yes, had been basically corrupted by Disney’s influence and run by Disney, and they put accountability on it."

Disney is 100% going to win

Duh Santis is 100% going to lose.

10 years from now, people from all over the world will be going to Disneyland.

10 years from now, nobody will even remember who Duh Santis was.
Depends on the handouts, especially when it is chicken feed compared to corporate welfare or massive boondoggles.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy Liberals don't think free speech is a right of parents raising issues at school board meeting. The sonofabitches will send the goddamn FBI after your ass.

Heaven help you if you protest a stolen election. The shitheads will throw you in prison.

The Libtards on campuses don't think freedom of speech applies to Conservative opposition to their Moon Bat hate garbage. Many examples of them curtailing free speech.

There are many examples of the Leftest assholes destroying the concept of free speech when it conflicts with their agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole. They even want to set up a Ministry of Truth in the filthy government to stop the people from speaking out.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy Liberals don't think free speech is a right of parents raising issues at school board meeting. The sonofabitches will send the goddamn FBI after your ass.

Heaven help you if you protest a stolen election. The shitheads will throw you in prison.

The Libtards on campuses don't think freedom of speech applies to Conservative opposition to their Moon Bat hate garbage. Many examples of them curtailing free speech.

There are many examples of the Leftest assholes destroying the concept of free speech when it conflicts with their agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole. They even want to set up a Ministry of Truth in the filthy government to stop the people from speaking out.
Huh? Lol, I think you responded to the wrong post.
It's not a feud. It's a media supported backlash from a corporation that lost face in the liberal community. Disney is no longer a state within a state. It's just a resort park. Grooming kids and drag queens in the classwroom is another issue.
The entire anti-trans movement was the brain child of yet another right wing grifter, looking to raise money off of gullible Republicans. He’s now a multimillionaire selling kits to fight the gay agenda at your school board.

The anti-trans movement is another bigoted bull shit campaign from the party of slave owners, the Democrat party
Handouts to the most vulnerable are justified.

Handouts to the morbidly rich and corporations are not.

Note government lover doesn't mention that part of my post that I said it's not a job for ... wait for it ... government ... to redistribute wealth at all. We're a very generous country, raise the money for the "vulnerable." No one is giving money to the rich or corporations, they earn it
Note government lover doesn't mention that part of my post that I said it's not a job for ... wait for it ... government ... to redistribute wealth at all. We're a very generous country, raise the money for the "vulnerable." No one is giving money to the rich or corporations, they earn it

So you would be in agreement for all corporate subsidies to end? That, of course, would include to any government subsidies paid to any of their full-time workers.

No, it’s it’s really fucking simple. Raise the wages paid by the corporations to their worker. Then the workers won’t need handouts.

Corporations do not, in fact, earn all of the money they receive. Their workers earn the money. Corporations use for more government services than individuals, but pay much lower rates of tax.

They require an educated workforce, transportation, systems to move materials and finished products, business incorporation, protection of property rights, including trademarks, patents, and other intellectual property rights, civil courts to enforce contracts, and settle disputes. They require trade deals for import or export goods. They require a system for adjudicating international trade.

Amazon required $9 billion in infrastructure, improvements and transportation to locate their campus in New York. This is a corporation that pays no income tax. Jeff Bezos pays no taxes. Tell me why the working class people in the city of New York should have their property taxes increased to pay for Jeff Bezos to destroy their neighbourhood.

By grade 3, children have been exposed to more sexual content on daytime television, than we saw in restricted movies growing up.

Teachers are leaving for Florida in droves. Obstetricians and gynaecologists of living Florida in droves.

Job placements and university applications are now being affected by the abortion laws in effect in the state where the job or the school is located. Female students are simply not applying to schools in states like Texas or Florida or any of the other state 20+ states that hace banned abortion.

Yesterday a survey came out and I’m trying to find a link for it. It demonstrated the catastrophic effects on the health and outcomes for women having miscarriages after time limits in their states run out.

Women who suffer ruptures of the amniotic sac prior to viability are just tragic cases. As are ectopic pregnancies.

Women are more than 50% of the voters in the United States of America. The Republican Party learned nothing from the midterms, except to make sure that they keep abortion off the ballot.

Working for someone is called a JOB you fucking stupid c**t, that isn't a subsidy. Our choices are to go your way or to believe your stupid concocted shit like that a JOB is welfare. Stupid is as a Democrat does, sheesh

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