Maxine Waters: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'

The left need to realize that calling everyone a racist because they disagree with you is actually racism. The TEA Partiers- much as you might want them to be - are not racists.

Make sure you think of that when you keep calling Obama racist, dumb arse!

You're such a fucking moron. The TEA Party is a huge group. Obama is an individual. There is no legitimate comparison between a group and an individual.

Fucking idiot.
You're talking to a leftist. They don't understand the concept of individualism. It's all about the collective for them.
Make sure you think of that when you keep calling Obama racist, dumb arse!

You're such a fucking moron. The TEA Party is a huge group. Obama is an individual. There is no legitimate comparison between a group and an individual.

Fucking idiot.
You're talking to a leftist. They don't understand the concept of individualism. It's all about the collective for them.

And conservatives understand NOTHING about unity.

Remember? We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, not the bickering political parties of North America.
You're such a fucking moron. The TEA Party is a huge group. Obama is an individual. There is no legitimate comparison between a group and an individual.

Fucking idiot.
You're talking to a leftist. They don't understand the concept of individualism. It's all about the collective for them.

And conservatives understand NOTHING about unity.

Remember? We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, not the bickering political parties of North America.

Excuse us foul one,, we don't want to be united by assholes who call us names such as "racist" "terrorists" "extremists" we say fuck ewe, fuck ewe fuck ewe, now go plunge you head back into the toilet bowl.
You're such a fucking moron. The TEA Party is a huge group. Obama is an individual. There is no legitimate comparison between a group and an individual.

Fucking idiot.
You're talking to a leftist. They don't understand the concept of individualism. It's all about the collective for them.

And conservatives understand NOTHING about unity.

Remember? We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, not the bickering political parties of North America.

Like WillyT has so beautifully put it.... why would we want to be 'united' with people who call us terrorists, racists, extremists and whatever other bullshit y'all can think of?

You can take 'united' and shove it, GayBikerBoy. That's what you have achieved. Congratulations. You - and your ilk - have made a mockery of the Union.

*Disclaimer: 'GayBikerBoy's ilk - fucking morons on the left.
You are a racist pig. A worthless human being.
You must be very, very young, dear. Don't you remember all the chimpanzee likenesses ascribed to President Bush from his announcement he was running until a year after Obama was in office. :rolleyes:
Were you offended by that?

First of all, I am not young. Secondly, I am not your dear. I don't give a damn how many friggin' monkies posed with Bush. He is not African-American, isn't he??? What's the use of explaining yet again. You people just don't get it. I really wish you'd all stop trying to justify racist language and pictures. It just makes it worse.
Hardly, madam. The real problem is YOU. You can dish it out, but you cannot take what you dish out to other people without leaving a little pooie on everyone elses' screen, that is the little fibbie about racism.

You can't take only once what your party dished out for 10 solid years, day in and day out, a million times a day over the entire freaking internet. I was there, and I witnessed it. It's the sickest thing I've ever seen in my lifetime was the disgraceful way the Democrat Party took JHHatfield, convicted attempted murderer of his boss, and took every word of his lying filth and made it their party platform in the year 2000 and the year 2004. Not to be outdone, Barack Obama took the whole thing to new heights, blaming Bush for everything he did his first two years. Did I say 10 years of insanity? Make that eleven years.

And you're lying about racism. Maxine Waters drew the first blood when she told the press the tea party can go to hell.

She hates white conservative people in the tea party, and she rankles them every time she gets the opportunity. She is a no-holds barred, arrogant, threatening-to-destroy-businesses, racist, and she Maxine Watters, filthy lying racist, deserves every little thing happen to her that she would do to the people on her black, black, do-harm-whites spider's list.
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You must be very, very young, dear. Don't you remember all the chimpanzee likenesses ascribed to President Bush from his announcement he was running until a year after Obama was in office. :rolleyes:
Were you offended by that?

First of all, I am not young. Secondly, I am not your dear. I don't give a damn how many friggin' monkies posed with Bush. He is not African-American, isn't he??? What's the use of explaining yet again. You people just don't get it. I really wish you'd all stop trying to justify racist language and pictures. It just makes it worse.
Hardly, madam. The real problem is YOU. You can dish it out, but you cannot take what you dish out to other people without leaving a little pooie on everyone elses' screen, that is the little fibbie about racism.

You can't take only once what your party dished out for 10 solid years, day in and day out, a million times a day over the entire freaking internet. I was there, and I witnessed it. It's the sickest thing I've ever seen in my lifetime was the disgraceful way the Democrat Party took JHHatfield, convicted attempted murderer of his boss, and took every word of his lying filth and made it their party platform in the year 2000 and the year 2004. Not to be outdone, Barack Obama took the whole thing to new heights, blaming Bush for everything he did his first two years. Did I say 10 years of insanity? Make that eleven years.

And you're lying about racism. Maxine Waters drew the first blood when she told the press the tea party can go to hell.

She hates white conservative people in the tea party, and she rankles them every time she gets the opportunity. She is a no-holds barred, arrogant, threatening-to-destroy-businesses, racist, and she Maxine Watters, filthy lying racist, deserves every little thing happen to her that she would do to the people on her black, black spider's list.

Remember when the libtoids including obie doodle sat around laughing at the thought of Rush Limbaugh dying of kidney failure,,, hhhhmmmm?
Let's all just agree on one simple truth:

Laughing at angry Iraqi throwing shoes at President Bush: funny and well-deserved
Laughing at rookie Senator failing on delivering the sky to his legion of fans: racism
Ya just gotta love Maxine.

You do, if you support racism.

What Waters said was "racist", but the names, signs, jokes and comments about President Obama from the tea party crowd aren't?

They are no different to the 'anti-Bush' names, signs, jokes and comments. He doesn't get special treatment because he's black - that would be racist. See how that works? No, I doubt you will understand it.
Yeah, you know what a raving racist I am.

No, I don't. But blind support of a racist bitch does make me wonder somewhat about your capacity for intelligent, rational thought.

Ah come on. You know you want to call me a racist. Go for it.

I like Maxine Waters, I always have. I'm not going apologize for it.

Sweetie, please don't tell me what I want. I can decide for myself, thanks.

And.... no one has suggested you apologize. Although, I think you should - not for liking Max, but for a lack of basic comprehension.

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