Mattis puts the DOD thru the largest Audit in history

Should Trump authorize another "Grace Commission" to eliminate waste in the Federal Govt?

  • Yes, its long overdue

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • No, it would just start turf wars

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Remember the Obama 120 million dollar gas stations in Afghanistan?....
Come on folks of course an audit is necessary and now you see why so many establishment hacks in DC hate and fear Trump.....
Let their hate be a red flag for us....the haters want to keep stealing from the tax payers.....Trump says no more....
Constant audits are a good idea.

What should also happen is that every 10 years or so, we should have zero-based budgeting. Every expenditure over X amount should have to be approved by Congress in individual bills to avoid a veto that cripples the entire department.

For example, the HHS budget includes funding for the CDC, the NIH (National Institutes of Health), and the FDA. This is to say nothing of the 50 individual state health departments that monitor the health concerns of the states. There is a shitload of overlap. How many different agencies do we need to have to explain the food pyramid, hand washing, or encouraging you to exercise instead of reading items on a message board? This is to say nothing of the private sector supply of how to properly remove your scrubs, PPE, dispose of needles, etc.. So if the “X Amount” is set at $10M dollars, every program that costs over $10M is to be voted on by the House, the Senate, and signed by the President.
Give Trump and Mattis credit for first ever audit of the DOD.
The Biggest Audit in Human History ... Really? > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article
Pentagon spends $500 million to fix problems found in audit - CNNPolitics

IMHO the entire Federal Government should get an audit like the "Grace Commission" back in 1982 authorized by Reagan to eliminate waste in the Federal government.
The Grace Commission - Wikipedia

Mattis is far and away the best choice Trump made.
Oh there was waste discovered in our perpetually gargantuan military budgets that eclipse the rest of the world combined every year?! WHAT?! Give them more!!!
Oh there was waste discovered in our perpetually gargantuan military budgets that eclipse the rest of the world combined every year?! WHAT?! Give them more!!!

While I was still in the Army, as a 1st Sgt I had to spend what was left of the previous years budget before I could submit the new one or my budget would be reduced by the amount unspent. Imagine the waste of buying unneeded items just to satisfy the regulation. That applies to every headquarters in the Army from the company level to the highest. It amounts to losing your remaining budget and having an equal amount subtracted from the new amount. Crazy.
Give Trump and Mattis credit for first ever audit of the DOD.
The Biggest Audit in Human History ... Really? > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article
Pentagon spends $500 million to fix problems found in audit - CNNPolitics

IMHO the entire Federal Government should get an audit like the "Grace Commission" back in 1982 authorized by Reagan to eliminate waste in the Federal government.
The Grace Commission - Wikipedia

... and you probably think that audit will greatly reduce warfare costs, don't you?

The audit itself cost an additional $413 million, with $192 million of that paid to independent public accounting firms like Ernst & Young and KPMG, and the remainder covering government costs to support the audits.

While they would not say how much money solving the problems identified by the audit would save, defense officials did say that it should cover the cost of the audit.​

So undefined savings, they say, putting the rosiest-possible spin on things, "should cover the cost of the audit." "Should." But additionally, they need another 500 million to fix things.

Why doesn't that look like yet another PR stunt and a nice boondoggle to you, Ernst & Young and KPMG raking in money hand over fist, with savings amounting to no more than a rounding error in that gargantuan war budget?
Give Trump and Mattis credit for first ever audit of the DOD.
The Biggest Audit in Human History ... Really? > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article
Pentagon spends $500 million to fix problems found in audit - CNNPolitics

IMHO the entire Federal Government should get an audit like the "Grace Commission" back in 1982 authorized by Reagan to eliminate waste in the Federal government.
The Grace Commission - Wikipedia

Mattis is far and away the best choice Trump made.

He probably is and I hear he has lost favor with tRump and some of the others in the administration. Hope that is not true, he is the only adult in the group!
Oh there was waste discovered in our perpetually gargantuan military budgets that eclipse the rest of the world combined every year?! WHAT?! Give them more!!!

While I was still in the Army, as a 1st Sgt I had to spend what was left of the previous years budget before I could submit the new one or my budget would be reduced by the amount unspent. Imagine the waste of buying unneeded items just to satisfy the regulation. That applies to every headquarters in the Army from the company level to the highest. It amounts to losing your remaining budget and having an equal amount subtracted from the new amount. Crazy.
That was a terrible idea and shittastic regulation with wasteful results. Why not let them save their budget and use it wisely on large, expensive items as needed.

Dumb rules made by people motivated by re-election optics rather than savings.
Oh there was waste discovered in our perpetually gargantuan military budgets that eclipse the rest of the world combined every year?! WHAT?! Give them more!!!

While I was still in the Army, as a 1st Sgt I had to spend what was left of the previous years budget before I could submit the new one or my budget would be reduced by the amount unspent. Imagine the waste of buying unneeded items just to satisfy the regulation. That applies to every headquarters in the Army from the company level to the highest. It amounts to losing your remaining budget and having an equal amount subtracted from the new amount. Crazy.
Same way in the AirForce they flew so many ops just to burn up jet fuel and the food got really good, and new equipment even if the old stuff was still in great shape. I never under stood why they had civilian equipment operators on the bases in the States when half of the crew was able to operate them. Strange they called them Civilian Contractors.

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