Matt Damon...My New Fav....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Matt Damon Slams Obama, Democrats: 'One Term President With Some Balls Would Have Been Better'

2. Matt Damon, one of Barack Obama's earliest supporters and once one of his most staunch advocates, slammed the President in the new issue of Elle Magazine.

3. "I've talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level. One of them said to me, 'Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician,'" Damon tells the magazine. "You know, a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done would have been, in the long run of the country, much better."

4. "If the Democrats think that they didn't have a mandate -- people are literally without any focus or leadership, just wandering out into the streets to yell right now because they are so pissed off ... Imagine if they had a leader."

5. The slam follows in the same vein as a number of other criticisms Damon has made of the President and the Democrats, including in March, when he criticized Obama's education policy."

Check out what the petulant fella' at 1600 Pennsylvania said...

"Obama responded jokingly to Damon's criticism at his White House Press Correspondents Dinner in late April, saying, "It's fair to say that when it comes to my presidency, the honeymoon is over ... Matt Damon said he [has been] disappointed in my performance. Well Matt, I just saw the 'Adjustment Bureau,' so ... right back atcha buddy."
Matt Damon Slams Obama, Democrats: 'One Term President With Some Balls Would Have Been Better'

(If I was Damon, I would have come back with..."But I'll still be making pictures next")

And, in a related story.....

6. "Matt Damon would 'Kiss George W Bush on the mouth for three seconds for his AIDS relief work'...but with no tongues!"

Read more: Matt Damon would 'Kiss George W Bush on the mouth for three seconds for his AIDS relief work'...but with no tongues! | Mail Online
Applauding Damon's call for a more liberal agenda?!?!

you give her far too much credit by assuming she understands what he was doing.

someone needs to tell her that anyone who thinks the president could have been better if he told the rightwingnut loons to piss off isn't going to vote for a repub.

just sayin
Bernie Sander with Hugo Chavez as VP need to flank Obama from the Left and run a real Third Party Platform that USMB Dems can support: Single payer healthcare, cap on all earnings, nationalize all businesses
Bernie Sander with Hugo Chavez as VP need to flank Obama from the Left and run a real Third Party Platform that USMB Dems can support: Single payer healthcare, cap on all earnings, nationalize all businesses

Your wet dream, eh? Probably the only way the Reps stand a chance this year! :badgrin:
Dick Cheney and Robert Bork as VP need to flank etch a sketch from the right and run a real Third Party Platform that callous conservatives can support: Privatize everything, eliminate all income tax and let the buyer beware.

See CF, it's easy to post a highly partisan idiotgram - I know you have much practice so I borrowed a little of your 'genius'.
Applauding Damon's call for a more liberal agenda?!?!

you give her far too much credit by assuming she understands what he was doing.

someone needs to tell her that anyone who thinks the president could have been better if he told the rightwingnut loons to piss off isn't going to vote for a repub.

just sayin
To use a football analogy...

The left is acting like Philadelphia Eagles fans. They got their awesome black quarterback (personified in Donovan McNabb), but when his on field success isn't enough to give them superbowls every year they turn on him like a rabid pack of wombats and refuse to acknowledge that their problem is not the player so much as it is their game plan.
Dick Cheney and Robert Bork as VP need to flank etch a sketch from the right and run a real Third Party Platform that callous conservatives can support: Privatize everything, eliminate all income tax and let the buyer beware.

See CF, it's easy to post a highly partisan idiotgram - I know you have much practice so I borrowed a little of your 'genius'.

Now that you mention the judge....I loved, loved, loved his book "Slouching Toward Gomorrah"...
...didn't you?
Bernie Sander with Hugo Chavez as VP need to flank Obama from the Left and run a real Third Party Platform that USMB Dems can support: Single payer healthcare, cap on all earnings, nationalize all businesses
For everyone but themselves. They get a free ride.
Applauding Damon's call for a more liberal agenda?!?!

you give her far too much credit by assuming she understands what he was doing.

someone needs to tell her that anyone who thinks the president could have been better if he told the rightwingnut loons to piss off isn't going to vote for a repub.

just sayin

Oh, my....I feel deeply redressed....

In the spirit of my new attitude, let me support the secular doctrine, evolution:

2008: a. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”

b. Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”

c. The website has diligently chronicled many more instances of such talk, which seems positively cringe-making in 2010.

d. To this day, displays at the top of its homepage the following words (attributed to Obama, though nobody seems to have been able to pinpoint the speech): “I’M ASKING YOU TO BELIEVE.

2012: a. "President Obama’s re-election campaign is straining to raise the huge sums it is counting on to run against Mitt Romney, with sharp dropoffs in donations from nearly every major industry ..."

b. "Much of the Hollywood crowd that were his darlings in the 2008 Presidential elections are not as zealous in the 2012 Presidential elections."
101 reasons – Obama in 2012 will not be re-elected

c. "Alarmed by the mogul boycott, Sarandos sent a personal plea to the Hollywood studio chiefs over the weekend begging them to continue supporting the Obama re-election campaign even though he knows they are disappointed with the Obama administration’s position on the piracy bills. Several moguls, in response, ”sent back word saying ‘Fuck You’ basically,” one insider tells me, expressing how they feel used and abused by the President despite their campaign contributions."
Hollywood's Obama Donors On President's Piracy Stand: Not Give A Dime Anymore

d. 'One Term President With Some Balls Would Have Been Better'

Wow....sure looks like proof of evolution, huh?
Applauding Damon's call for a more liberal agenda?!?!

you give her far too much credit by assuming she understands what he was doing.

someone needs to tell her that anyone who thinks the president could have been better if he told the rightwingnut loons to piss off isn't going to vote for a repub.

just sayin

Those 'rightwingnut loons' are just as entitled to this country as you are, mo chara. They are as American as you. The basic issue, to me, is that you leftwingnut loons and those rightwingnut loons always forget that the rest of us are just as fucking entitled our say as y'all.

Just sayin'.
Even an airhead like Damon gets it right every now and then.

I'll be sure to nominate him for the next Stopped Watch award. Unless he can get himself qualified for a Darwin before hand.

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