Mathematical Logic.

My high school was the first school in Texas to have computer math class.

I took it.

I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing. I used my logic and reason to do my assignments.

I got a 91 as a passing grade for the whole semester. I got 90s and 100s on my tests.
And yes, I still had no idea what I was doing.

I wish I had been told that computers would become a base technology. I might have kept up with it and made it my career.
But nobody tells kids the truth about the real world in school. We have to find out the hard way. Which is usually the WRONG way at that.
I hear you dude! I was the same way, but I followed it. Not the Fortran and Cobol and other programming languages of the time (except BASIC, though I was fascinated with learning machine language), but I learned the technology, that would keep evolving.
The Universal Elementals do not obey any laws of Physics. As the Temp of the universe enters -kelvins, you know Kelven scale is just a man made up manifestation of measurements. So as the temp of the Universe continues to lower, due to it dying, drying up, becoming Black holes etc. emitting of elementals out as their decay to nothing ness ( you see the Battery of the Space time complexity), the elementals continue on not obeying time or everything else. Cause they can. They have no consideration to anything but temps. So they cling together into warping colonies of distance. and one day they heat up because - kelvins warm themselves up. Thus the Big bang is actually a warping of space time throughout the area the elementals exist/don't exist in, thus space time is just a figment of imagination not an actual measurable observable thing and a bingo over some distance the Universe becomes matter again that is measurable, time that passes and it continues until once again the cycle repeats, eternally, no measurements necessary, they do not exist.
The Fed is looking at Microsoft with an Antitrust suit, buying a gaming Company for $60 billion plus. Microsoft says fair competition drives thier game. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ahh, ha, ha, ha, ahh, ahh, ha ha aha hahahahahahahah!
I just saw the Break down in the Successful Fusion experiment. A little over 4000 Horsepower equivalent power to fire all the Lasers at the Gold Pill. A little over 4225 Horsepower equivalent out of it. Wow those are some big sized buildings one day. A plus gain of little less than 250 HP. Just think my F150 needs about 250 HP to boogie on down the road. Am wrapping the head around how many pellets would have to fire per second to replace all the energy needed and expended. 100 million Autos on the highways, all using 250 HP would that be 150,000,000 pellet fusions just to even Stephen. Then all the other stuff, electric ranges, HVAC, even street lights. Wow. That some smoking heat.
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That's about the truth of it. What ever dumb fuck came up with this new horse shit can kiss my lilly white ass.

They are teaching kids to do math in their heads. May people find that method all on their own. It is faster than doing long arithmetic in your head.
The published facts about Fusion in 2022 moving forward.

And even after all that, we are no closer to "fusion" than we were 3 or 4 decades ago.

The problem is that a lot of people want to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, so will suck up without thought anything spoon fed to them that they want to hear.

The problem with Fusion is the Cost. Sure ya can blow shit up but can you afford it? Scotty I need it now. Sure Captain just send me another Irish Bottle down here. It's a matter of Scale. From the Current 3 football fields long building to 100 miles. Now thas a big blow stuff up Scale. I see the Gates Nuke power plant in the West is stalled for years. No fuel for it. The thing is Hate, Fear and Politics. The Wheel and Fire changed the World forever. Dam them guys. Most all of us would not be around if not for them. Problems solved. Its mathematically a no brainer.
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They can go completely crazy when the thought is they probably got the power to control. Power may always corrupt completely. Spin a circle, think of the ones in these positions and see most all were nutz! And $50,000.000.000 in Debt. Debt is a Constant Crazy Mans acceptable Cliff Toss out. Especially when the world Economy is a trip to the dump.

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Only a hair brain would not command our Force of B2 to not disburse to different Air Bases around the World. Whitman is a Joke due to its centrality of ignorance.

I get a Generals choice of a couple of crews to maintain an air wing gut it out asshole, your fired. Yep you Poc politicians who force the whimsy Generals to make the choices, so swallow a mouth full assholes.
We are her to serve our allies in their needs for survival! Mr. Zelensky stepping on USA soil off an official AF US of A. aircraft.

↑ ↑ ↑ A bat and baseball together cost $1.10.
The bat cost $1 more than the ball.
How much does the baseball cost?

Kids are more into mind games / internet games than things that are really out of their interest like Baseball, softball and toss the horseshoe crapl They just don't care about our past conjunctiva problem, are thinking about theirs own interests. Out of touch we are!
Well, Your Armed forces are protecting you
One guy or girl is protecting you and thas 1 for 1.
OK, they are done with their Armed Forces time.
They got full constitutional rights to own a Firearm of choice,
buy ammo of choice and live. So do you, so do I. Just maybe
you who doubt the wisdom of our forefathers should think about
who among us are protecting you. You believe someone is gonna. I think you are another walked on Chinese target. Thats not one on one, they outnumber you 2 billion to one. Maybe you need a helping hand to get out of bed too.

Trust the fact that the spoken word is B.S. The Chinese will simply laugh and cap ya.
sounds like a c9ckiroach echo!
why should not anybodys echo income before all taxes be taxed exactly the same. why the, I didn't make a dime but live an unbelievable billionaire life be different from mine tax em from the very top 0 the day
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Big guy, you know where this is going, a long slow drive to Moscow and east. Its just the way stuff happens and you know.
The Intelligent young of Russia hate this crap. its the Mafia thas harming you. You got ta kill it!


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