MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

A real agnostiocs knows the difference between belief and knowledge. The "modern" agnostics are only atheists but they do not like to believe this - they like to know this. That's why they misuse agnostsicism for their purpose. A real agnostics not only not knows whether god exists or not exists. A real agnostics also knows that it makes not any sense to say gods exists and not exists the same time - although god could really exist and not exist the same time. But to say so breaks down our standard logic and suddenly everything is true and never anything is wrong.

Agnostics acknowledge that there is neither evidence for, or against, the existence of God.

That's it.
Agnostics acknowledge that there is neither evidence for, or against, the existence of God.

That's it.

It's not so easy because god created existence.

And this is by the way also wrong. Kurt Gödel made a mathematical proof for the existene of god which is still not falsified. The problem: Nearly no one is able to understand this proof - but everyone who is able to understand it or to control it with the help of computers saw up to now nothing what makes this proof wrong. Nevertheless this is unimportant for the beliefers in god.
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Oh - and not to forget: We are existence on our own and we do not know what not-existence really is in sense of natural science. Even the vacuum is full of so called virtual particles which have real consequences and are not able to be ignored. They come from nothing and go back into nothing and are even able to become real particles (for example in the Hawking-radiation).
It's not so easy because god created existence.

And this is by the way also wrong. Kurt Gödel made a mathematical proof for the existene of god which is still not falsified. The problem: Nearly no one is able to understand this proof - but everyone who is able to understand it or to control it with the help of computers saw up to now nothing what makes this proof wrong. Nevertheless this is unimportant for the beliefers in god.

According to you. Not according to me.
According to you. Not according to me.
There is only one truth. If you do not agree and the same time you do not like to argue then "we" will just simple never know who is right. But you are anyway always right: You have a gun., isn't it? You will kill me and then you are right.
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There is only one truth. If you do not agree and the same time you do not like to argue then "we" will just simple never know who is right.

If there is a God is not knowable. That's why religion is based on faith, not evidence.
If there is a God is not knowable. That's why religion is based on faith, not evidence.

You are an atheist in my eyes. Do not try to speak with me about god any longer, criminal. I do not believe in the theatre you are playing on your own stage for yourselve.

It's really disgusting how you try with all your might to deny that people are dying because of the lack of gun laws in the US.
You are an atheist in my eyes. Do not try to speak with me about god any longer, criminal. I do not believe in the theatre you are playing on your own stage for yourselve.

An atheist believes there is no God. An agnostic says there may be, but there is no evidence, for or against.

You, are the criminal. You demand I believe as you do.

I can care less what you believe.
Indeed. You have proven yourself quite myopic.

You are a structural Nazi - so do not try to tell a grand...son of David like me that you believe in god. It is more than only a gigantic impertinence what you and your accomplices here said to me. Who trusts in lost people like you is lost. And now it's really enough. It's your own country which you fight. It are your people who will die because you and many others are evilwilling idiots.
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You are a structural Nazi - so do not try to tell a grand...son of David like me that you believe in god. It is more than only a gigantic impertinence what you and your accomplices here said to me.

Nope. YOU are the nazi. You demand that I believe as you do. That is authoritarian.

I don't care what you believe.

The opposite of authoritarian.

Nazis were authoritarian.

You're welcome.
Nope. YOU are the nazi. You demand that I believe as you do. That is authoritarian.

I don't care what you believe.

The opposite of authoritarian.

Nazis were authoritarian.

You're welcome.

You are a structural Nazi - you showed this very clear. And everyone who knows me will believe me when I say so. That structural Nazis call victims of the holocaust "Nazi" is not new to me. I give you permission to withdraw now. For me, this absurdity is now over.

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