Mass shootings, Gun killings, Homicides - How Bad Is It?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
When a tragedy occurs involving loss of multiple lives, people often ask, "Why does God allow this to go on?" The answer, while unsatisfying, is apparent. We have unlimited freedom. We ALL have unlimited freedom, even bad guys. That is to say, we are free to do good or do evil, or to live in our own little worlds and try to avoid other people. And since we ALL have unlimited freedom, there will be people who, as a result of pure malice or some mental disorder, choose to harm and/or kill others. If God removed a part of our freedom - the freedom to do evil, then what would be the value of being virtuous? Nothing. What God has done is to give us the "tools" to have a successful life - to be "saved" in BornAgain parlance - so although we are all at risk of being killed or greatly harmed by evil people, we can deal with it.

But what of the massive tolls of homicides, mass shootings, and whatnot? What can "we" do about them?

Let's look at the scope of the problem. In a country of 331 million souls, we have about two million (six tenths of one percent) "untimely" deaths - deaths due to heart disease, cancer, covid, and accidents. We have almost fifty thousand suicides, a little more than half of which are accomplished with firearms. We have about twenty-five thousand homicides, which includes all deaths by "mass shootings," which in fact are a tiny part of a relatively small number. The FBI reports 38 deaths in "mass shootings" in 2020. That includes school shootings. Not a very big number, is it?

If you "circle back" to the theological question mentioned above, the reason why "we" allow this "carnage" to go on is because we CHOOSE to live in a free society - society where firearms are a part of life, even if some of us believe they are unnecessary and a plague upon us all. But if you look at the numbers, the chances that we, as individuals will be the victim of a homicide, those chances are microscopic, even when compared with the chances that we will suffer an "untimely" death by more-or-less natural causes.

The chances that your kid will be killed by a "mass shooter" in his school are much less than the chances he will be killed in a car accident with you behind the wheel. So we really need to be cautious when discussion drastic actions that can be taken to protect our children in school. Put an armed security guard at the door? Insane. That security guard will likely be over seventy years old, and more likely to have a heart attack when it counts than to thwart an insane mass shooter. Further, based on what I read in the papers, those shooters are basically intending to commit suicide themselves - suicide by cop, if you will - and will not be the least bit intimidated by the septuagenarian at the door.

All we can do is,
  • make homicide a crime...check,
  • have enhanced punishment for homicide with a firearm...check,
  • prohibit unauthorized firearms in schools...check,
  • see to it that schools are prepared for "active shooters,"...check
and live with the fact that our free society permits the occasional crazy to have a gun and to do terrible stuff. The alternatives are worse. Gun confiscation, militarized schools, etc.

These incidents drive legislators crazy (although they won't admit it). When they happen, their constituents go up to them and scream, "DO SOMETHING," when there really is nothing more that can be done to prevent these incidents, consistent with our Constitutional freedoms. So they try to pass laws that make no sense, in the hope that their constituents will be satisfied - but not bright enough to see that the law was probably counterproductive.
So far this year, US deaths from mass shootings number more than 4 times all our soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So far this year, US deaths from mass shootings number more than 4 times all our soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

How does that compare to traffic fatalities? ... 43,000 dead in our streets in 2021 from piston-engined rigs ... {Cite} ...

Israel builds sercutiy fences around their public schools, with armed guards and entry checkpoints ... just like our airports ... are airplanes more important here than children? ...
We do not have unlimited freedom with God or man.

With God, there is a limit as he was only going to allow villains like Hitler or Saddam to go only so far. But at the end of the day, there was a limit. Once they crossed the line, they sealed their death certificate.

The same goes for man. Society will allow only so much wickedness for so long, but there is a limit there as well.

As Ben Franklin once said, "In these Sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its Faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years, and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other"

At some point, as society speeds into anarchy the government will have to increasingly take more and more freedoms from the said society it order to try and maintain civility. I think that is why the Left has attacked morality specifically. It is because they know that only a moral people can be free, otherwise, you need to build a wall around society and hire a warden, the choice is for soceity to make. This is what the Left wants. In fact, jail is the ultimate Progressive utopia. No guns, everything is "free" everyone is equal, and every day is gay pride day.

Put another way, mass shootings began to occur at the later end of the 20th century, mostly in the 1980's. The Left blames the NRA and gun rights. Problem is, the NRA was founded in 1871.

So what changed between 1871 and the 1980's other than society becoming increasingly secular and hostile to those of faith?
So we really need to be cautious when discussion drastic actions that can be taken to protect our children in school. Put an armed security guard at the door? Insane. That security guard will likely be over seventy years old, and more likely to have a heart attack when it counts than to thwart an insane mass shooter. Further, based on what I read in the papers, those shooters are basically intending to commit suicide themselves - suicide by cop, if you will - and will not be the least bit intimidated by the septuagenarian at the door.
Couple of points here- why is it insane to have an armed security guard?
If schools were allowed armed security guards, why would they choose to hire a "septuagenarian" instead of an ex-soldier or younger person with the skills necessary?

Also, these school shooters choose gun free zones for a reason & letting them know we will not have an armed response until they have butchered the innocent victim children is what I consider insane.

Armed guards with a hardened school would stop those shootings over night.
Banks, politicians, celebrities, athletes- all have armed security.
Aren't our kids at least as valuable to us all?
How does that compare to traffic fatalities? ... 43,000 dead in our streets in 2021 from piston-engined rigs ... {Cite} ...

Israel builds sercutiy fences around their public schools, with armed guards and entry checkpoints ... just like our airports ... are airplanes more important here than children? ...
There is a constant effort to make cars safer. They aren't afraid to DO SOMETHING. We already have armed guards in banks. Didn't work, did it?
There is a constant effort to make cars safer. They aren't afraid to DO SOMETHING. We already have armed guards in banks. Didn't work, did it?

Robbing banks is far and away the least profitable crime in the entire universe ... the police catch them all, or near enough ...

But great point about making cars safer, without taking them away ... we can make guns safer, without taking them away ... there's common sense restrictions on how we petition the government for the redress of grievances, why not common sense restrictions on how guns are used ... let the NRA back into our public schools and include gun safety in the general curriculum ... women can make hand guns on the hip into a fashion statement ... and an anti-rape statement as well ...
Robbing banks is far and away the least profitable crime in the entire universe ... the police catch them all, or near enough ...

But great point about making cars safer, without taking them away ... we can make guns safer, without taking them away ... there's common sense restrictions on how we petition the government for the redress of grievances, why not common sense restrictions on how guns are used ... let the NRA back into our public schools and include gun safety in the general curriculum ... women can make hand guns on the hip into a fashion statement ... and an anti-rape statement as well ...
Armed guards didn't prevent all those dead people at that bank, did they? 300 fully armed cops surrounded a school for an hour while one crazy teenager was inside killing little kids with a gun specifically designed to kill people. . All that firepower didn't save those kids, did it?
So far this year, US deaths from mass shootings number more than 4 times all our soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
COVID has produced an average of 400 deaths / daily... for a total of 41K deaths to date. If death is a factor .. where is the outrage? Why are firearm deaths different when the underlying problem (like COVID) can be addressed?
COVID has produced an average of 400 deaths / daily... for a total of 41K deaths to date. If death is a factor .. where is the outrage? Why are firearm deaths different when the underlying problem (like COVID) can be addressed?
I gotta believe your heart just isn't in it if a goofy remark like that is the best you can do.
So something that hasn't changed has suddenly become the problem? Explain that
Don't be so silly. Many more guns on the street than ever before. The NRA scaring the crazies into believing that their government was going to attack them had a lot to do with that.
Don't be so silly. Many more guns on the street than ever before. The NRA scaring the crazies into believing that their government was going to attack them had a lot to do with that.
A very nice non-answer answer. Guns haven't changed .. what has? If an individual owns 1 weapon or 100 weapons with millions of rounds of ammo, how does that change their behavior?
Covid deaths are tragic. Your remarks are goofy.
A death is a death .. and when it is preventable, like COVID and gun deaths, it becomes more significant. You just disagree on what steps are required to minimize mass shootings .. It's okay though .. it can be complicated to get through emotion and into a rational state of mind to address problems.
A very nice non-answer answer. Guns haven't changed .. what has? If an individual owns 1 weapon or 100 weapons with millions of rounds of ammo, how does that change their behavior?
I know you think that is a rational question. It is not.

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