Mass shooting near school in Baltimore

Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?

More reason to ban guns

Fine, pass a Constitutional Amendment & you can ban guns like we banned booze in the 20s. That worked out fabulous didn't it....

I'll try to simplify the issue:
  • Very few advocate a total ban on guns.
  • Not everyone who wants more gun control wants to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.
  • Gun violence in America is a problem.
  • Gun control debates seek a solution.
  • Victims of guns - those killed and their loved ones - have had their life infringed forever.
  • Prohibition does not work, regulations do but can never be perfect.

--the political leadership of the democrat party wants a total ban on guns..they just don't have the power yet.
--but the ones in power actually do, they just can't get the power to do it

--Gun violence is not a problem….there are over 90 million homes with guns in them and only 8,124 gun murders. Those murders are confined to tiny, multi block areas of our democrat controlled inner cities, the rest of those cities and the rest of the country are as safe or safer than Europe.

--the solution you guys propose do not work.

--unarmed victims of criminals and mass shooters..disarmed by your policies have their lives infringed forever.

--regulations only work to keep guns from normal gun owners. Catching criminals who break the law with guns actually works.
Basically you're dishonest. I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Still waiting for you to demonstrate the necessity of doing so.
Gun license / registration -- a sound argument? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Asked and answered several times,
This is a lie.
Cite your response

I have, oh, and fuck you!
Basically you're dishonest.
Not at all. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Good. What do you offer in return? Nothing of value?

Posting lies won't change my policy positions no matter how often those on the fringe try to rewrite it.
What lies? I posted no lies.

We have a problem and that problems is gun violence.
No. YOU have a problem with "gun violence." For the rest of us the problem is violence... ALL of it. You obviously find violence entirely acceptable, provided only that no gun is involved.

Probably because in your romanticized notions of violence, guns allow for an unfair advantage... for victims.

It impacts families, schools, small business, government services on all levels and health care.
Right. Not violence... ONLY "gun violence."

The NRA and its followers offer no solutions, for their rights to enjoy their fetish, supersede the rights of everyone else.
100% denial of reality from a superstitious gun-queer.

Thus it is my opinion that the NRA and its members are culpable for more deaths of innocent Americans than all the terrorists have accomplished.
An opinion based entirely on logical fallacy and OBVIOUS disinformation.

Nothing you've posted reflects reality. Thus, you are schizophrenic or a liar.
Nonsense. None of your factually baseless accusations have any merit.

Which logical fallacy do you suppose I've committed?
Ignoratio Elenchi, Argumentum Ad-hominem, Du Chaudron, Strawman Fallacy, Fallacy of Composition, Magical Thinking, Appeal to Emotion, Post Hoc, Affirming the Consequent... the list goes on--pick one, Princess.

BTW, I recommend you look up the work "culpable", maybe your ignorance will defend your foolish remarks.
Done. Now let's see if you can make a point using valid logic applied to verifiable facts of reality.

Anyone can go on line and list logical fallacies. Without providing examples you have done nothing beyond mentally masturbating (MM).

That you think, oops, that you believe your response is anything but MM is sad.

Guns are ubiquitous in our culture and easily obtained by all of us, even those most of us agree should never own, possess or have one in their custody and control.

Gun sales to those who should never have access to them can be limited if a national registry existed, where anyone who sold a gun could check to see if the buyer was legally licensed on line.

There exists no Constitutional Right to Privacy, no matter how the NRA and its supporters want to spin "infringed".

Thus the sale a of a gun to an unlicensed person would become a felony, and cause to suspend or revoke the license of the seller.

For the seller would by definition become a criminal.

It would also make sense for all new guns sold to be registered to the buyer, and when the gun is sold, it is sold to a buyer licensed, and the record of the sale be forwarded to the DOJ.

Thus, if the weapon is used in a crime, it can be tracked to its lawful owner; and, if the gun is stolen, it can be reported as such and recorded on the same registry.

Can and will fraud continue? Of course, but laws are made because (1) honest citizens understand the need for laws and respect them, and (2) those who violate the law are punished. That is why they mostly work. To not have laws is anarchy.

There is no rational rebuttal to this argument; only an emotional challenge; such challenges always includes a recitation of the Second Amendment, which only fools and those challenged by reality believe is sacrosanct.

Getting a license will be easy, as long as one has never been convicted of a crime of violence, has never been civilly detained as a danger to themselves or others, found by a court to be a member of a criminal gang, sanctioned with a restraining order or on probation.

Of course anyone prohibited by the Gun Control Act of 1968 should be unable to secure a license.
Northern Illinois had a bomb threat yesterday. No gun, so if there was a bomb would someone need a license to buy the material to make it?

Boston Bomber used pressure cookers instead of gun. All pressure cookers require a license to buy? As already stated nicely by others in here, you don't know what you're talking about.

And I'm telling you that you have no idea what the problem is to solve. Find that answer first. hint, has nothing to do with guns.

The problem? Easy to define, mentally ill people and political extremists. In short, asshole like you.
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?

More reason to ban guns

Fine, pass a Constitutional Amendment & you can ban guns like we banned booze in the 20s. That worked out fabulous didn't it....

I'll try to simplify the issue:
  • Very few advocate a total ban on guns.
  • Not everyone who wants more gun control wants to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens.
  • Gun violence in America is a problem.
  • Gun control debates seek a solution.
  • Victims of guns - those killed and their loved ones - have had their life infringed forever.
  • Prohibition does not work, regulations do but can never be perfect.

--the political leadership of the democrat party wants a total ban on guns..they just don't have the power yet.
--but the ones in power actually do, they just can't get the power to do it

--Gun violence is not a problem….there are over 90 million homes with guns in them and only 8,124 gun murders. Those murders are confined to tiny, multi block areas of our democrat controlled inner cities, the rest of those cities and the rest of the country are as safe or safer than Europe.

--the solution you guys propose do not work.

--unarmed victims of criminals and mass shooters..disarmed by your policies have their lives infringed forever.

--regulations only work to keep guns from normal gun owners. Catching criminals who break the law with guns actually works.

Keep looking for that village that needs and idiot, then you'll find a function which fits your 'skills'.
Basically you're dishonest. I want everyone who wants to own, possess or ever have in their custody and control licensed by their state.
Still waiting for you to demonstrate the necessity of doing so.
Gun license / registration -- a sound argument? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Asked and answered several times,
This is a lie.
Cite your response

I have, oh, and fuck you!
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?
Sounds like a drive by. The school just happened to be close. Thats what "near" means Don't know too many 20 year olds in elementary school. From your link.

"Five people — ages 17, 24, 23, 26 and 55 — were shot Tuesday afternoon in West Baltimore, police said."

This incident will no doubt be added to the list of school shootings since Sandy Hook.
No, it won't. We have ample without adding any that don't qualify. You fools are going to create a situation with gun control that I won't like. But you will well deserve it.
We should look at banning guns in the gang community.

Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?


Steal them, straw buyers, trunk of a car.

But liberals say if we have better background checks, and waiting periods, and stop selling guns to questionable people, then all gun related problems will go away ?
That would stop a certain amount. There are some other rational steps that could be taken without infringing on most gun owners, also. But people like you will prevent any such steps from being taken until we reach a decision such as Australia made in 1996. And there has not been a mass shooting since then in that nation. There were more than one a year in the decade prior to 1996.
We should look at banning guns in the gang community.

Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?
How did people get booze during Prohibition? How do people get heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, etc., today?

The War on Drugs has been raging for more than three decades. More than a trillion dollars have been wasted on it. The lives of millions of otherwise peaceful Americans, most of whom were also productive, have been ruined by the stigma of imposed criminal status, many of whom have also been tortured and tormented by long prison sentences for doing something that harmed no one. Yet drugs are no less available today than they were when Ronald Reagan saw fit to escalate Richard Nixon's already failed drug war.

Any kind of drug you want to buy is available within a few miles of any inhabited part of the U.S. If you want a gun, and if you are willing to pay for it, start asking around. Sooner or later you will have what you are looking for.

If you don't think that's possible it's because you are a super-honest, super-clean, naive individual, which means you, and others like you, clean, honest, naive Americans, cannot be armed. But if you are a criminal type, a street creature as it were, please be assured you would have no trouble buying a gun. And that is the bottom line of the "gun-control" issue: It disarms the peaceful, honest citizen -- but not the criminal.
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?
Sounds like a drive by. The school just happened to be close. Thats what "near" means Don't know too many 20 year olds in elementary school. From your link.

"Five people — ages 17, 24, 23, 26 and 55 — were shot Tuesday afternoon in West Baltimore, police said."

This incident will no doubt be added to the list of school shootings since Sandy Hook.
No, it won't. We have ample without adding any that don't qualify. You fools are going to create a situation with gun control that I won't like. But you will well deserve it.

No, it won't. We have ample without adding any that don't qualify.

Bullshit. All those lists of school shootings since Sandy Hook contain examples like this.
We should look at banning guns in the gang community.

Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?
From people like you. You can sell them to such people in a parking lot quite legally. And any laws that would prevent that are stopped by you and the NRA.

and if the guy buying the gun is prohibited, then when he is caught by the police with the gun he can be don't need universal background checks to do that.

and again...since you guys fail to understand truth and reality......sales by an individual selling a gun to another individual are not the problem. criminals steal their guns, or get someone with a clean record to buy the gun......

so...that means that if you force individuals to get a background check for the gun sales that are not the problem....those gun sale background checks will be,avoided the same way current background checks are...the guns will be stolen, or the criminal will send someone with a clean background to buy the gun from the individual seller.

what is actually going on here is simple....the gun grabbers know that the avearge person doesn't realize that individuals selling old guns at gun shows are not a problem....and that if you have an individual trafficking in actual large quantities of guns you can catch him the same way you catch any other send in under cover police officers...that way you actually focus on the problem gun sellers rather than arresting and ruining the life of John Q. citizten who is selling an old pistol to pay for a mew or different one or the widow Jones who is selling her dead husbands gun.

The truth...and reality...the hard core, anti gun extremists know that universal background checks will require universal gun registration to actually work. you can't know when an individual sells a gun if you can't prove who owned it in the first place.

as has been pointed out in Washington State where they have implemented universal background checks, they have to figure a way to get past the problem of people who may buy a gun and then claim they were always the owner..thus defeating the universal background check...even if they bought the gun after the law went into effect.

so now...after the universal background checks fail to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting gums...then the anti gunners will come back and say...well, how are universal xhecks supposed to work if we don't register guns....and the next push will begin.....and all we will hear about is how the majority of Americans support registering all guns...

And when that fails.....the banning will begin in earnest...

WE know how you think and what you want.....
We should look at banning guns in the gang community.

Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?


Steal them, straw buyers, trunk of a car.

But liberals say if we have better background checks, and waiting periods, and stop selling guns to questionable people, then all gun related problems will go away ?
That would stop a certain amount. There are some other rational steps that could be taken without infringing on most gun owners, also. But people like you will prevent any such steps from being taken until we reach a decision such as Australia made in 1996. And there has not been a mass shooting since then in that nation. There were more than one a year in the decade prior to 1996.

there have been three mass shootings in Australia since the ban and last week a 15 year old immigrant kid got a pistol amd murdered a police officer as a jihadi...amd all he had to do was switch targets to a school since he already had a fun....

And before that you had the immigrant in Australia take hosatges, with a gun at the coffee shop....and again, if he had changed targets and just shot people you would have had another mass shooting.....

australia hasn't had more mass shootings only because their people haven't decided to do them....their nuts and their criminals have gotten their hands on guns as easily as our criminals have...and their actual gun crime is now increasing...and the levels of gun ownership are now back to the levels before the confiscation....please do some research so yypou can post in a more informed way.
We should look at banning guns in the gang community.

Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?
From people like you. You can sell them to such people in a parking lot quite legally. And any laws that would prevent that are stopped by you and the NRA.

Not one law you propose would stop the illegal sale of guns from the back of a car....universal background checks do not work.....Washington state has put universal background checks in and they already can't enforce has already failed....

oregon just passed universal background checks......and the shooter at the community college would have passed them and still gotten his gun....and criminals can easily get around them.....

UNiversal background checks do not work, amd are simply the gateway to registering guns...which also will not work.
And there you have it, why an Australian type of law will be put in place here. There will come a time when the vast majority of the citizens of this nation are simply fed up with the gun nutters putting their children in the line of fire. And they will elect people that will emplace the laws with the advice of Constitutional lawyers. And the laws will stick. And you will have only yourselves to blame for not taking the measures that would have prevented the horrors we are seeing on a weekly basis now.
Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?


Steal them, straw buyers, trunk of a car.

But liberals say if we have better background checks, and waiting periods, and stop selling guns to questionable people, then all gun related problems will go away ?
That would stop a certain amount. There are some other rational steps that could be taken without infringing on most gun owners, also. But people like you will prevent any such steps from being taken until we reach a decision such as Australia made in 1996. And there has not been a mass shooting since then in that nation. There were more than one a year in the decade prior to 1996.

there have been three mass shootings in Australia since the ban and last week a 15 year old immigrant kid got a pistol amd murdered a police officer as a jihadi...amd all he had to do was switch targets to a school since he already had a fun....

And before that you had the immigrant in Australia take hosatges, with a gun at the coffee shop....and again, if he had changed targets and just shot people you would have had another mass shooting.....

australia hasn't had more mass shootings only because their people haven't decided to do them....their nuts and their criminals have gotten their hands on guns as easily as our criminals have...and their actual gun crime is now increasing...and the levels of gun ownership are now back to the levels before the confiscation....please do some research so yypou can post in a more informed way.
Link? Or is this more lies?

Australia's 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings

In the 18 years before the gun law reforms, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia, and none in the 10.5 years afterwards. Declines in firearm‐related deaths before the law reforms accelerated after the reforms for total firearm deaths (p = 0.04), firearm suicides (p = 0.007) and firearm homicides (p = 0.15), but not for the smallest category of unintentional firearm deaths, which increased. No evidence of substitution effect for suicides or homicides was observed. The rates per 100 000 of total firearm deaths, firearm homicides and firearm suicides all at least doubled their existing rates of decline after the revised gun laws.

Australia's 1996 gun law reforms were followed by more than a decade free of fatal mass shootings, and accelerated declines in firearm deaths, particularly suicides. Total homicide rates followed the same pattern. Removing large numbers of rapid‐firing firearms from civilians may be an effective way of reducing mass shootings, firearm homicides and firearm suicides.
And there you have it, why an Australian type of law will be put in place here. There will come a time when the vast majority of the citizens of this nation are simply fed up with the gun nutters putting their children in the line of fire. And they will elect people that will emplace the laws with the advice of Constitutional lawyers. And the laws will stick. And you will have only yourselves to blame for not taking the measures that would have prevented the horrors we are seeing on a weekly basis now.

What measures would have stopped the mass say this like there is authority to your words....

the shooter would have gotten a license for his that would not have stopped him.

the shooter would have passed a universal background check....just like he passed current federally npmamdated background checks when he bought his guns at the licensed gun unicpversal background checks would not have stopped him.

The shooter would have registered each and everyone of the guns he that wolud not have stopped him.

The shooter brought at least 6 hand guns so magazine limits would not have stopped him..

what exactly are these magical measures that you use like magical incantations that would have stopped this shooter...we are all waiting for you to save us with these "measures."
How do they get them then ?


Steal them, straw buyers, trunk of a car.

But liberals say if we have better background checks, and waiting periods, and stop selling guns to questionable people, then all gun related problems will go away ?
That would stop a certain amount. There are some other rational steps that could be taken without infringing on most gun owners, also. But people like you will prevent any such steps from being taken until we reach a decision such as Australia made in 1996. And there has not been a mass shooting since then in that nation. There were more than one a year in the decade prior to 1996.

there have been three mass shootings in Australia since the ban and last week a 15 year old immigrant kid got a pistol amd murdered a police officer as a jihadi...amd all he had to do was switch targets to a school since he already had a fun....

And before that you had the immigrant in Australia take hosatges, with a gun at the coffee shop....and again, if he had changed targets and just shot people you would have had another mass shooting.....

australia hasn't had more mass shootings only because their people haven't decided to do them....their nuts and their criminals have gotten their hands on guns as easily as our criminals have...and their actual gun crime is now increasing...and the levels of gun ownership are now back to the levels before the confiscation....please do some research so yypou can post in a more informed way.
Link? Or is this more lies?

Australia's 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings

In the 18 years before the gun law reforms, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia, and none in the 10.5 years afterwards. Declines in firearm‐related deaths before the law reforms accelerated after the reforms for total firearm deaths (p = 0.04), firearm suicides (p = 0.007) and firearm homicides (p = 0.15), but not for the smallest category of unintentional firearm deaths, which increased. No evidence of substitution effect for suicides or homicides was observed. The rates per 100 000 of total firearm deaths, firearm homicides and firearm suicides all at least doubled their existing rates of decline after the revised gun laws.

Australia's 1996 gun law reforms were followed by more than a decade free of fatal mass shootings, and accelerated declines in firearm deaths, particularly suicides. Total homicide rates followed the same pattern. Removing large numbers of rapid‐firing firearms from civilians may be an effective way of reducing mass shootings, firearm homicides and firearm suicides.

And this is wrong....crime in New Zealand went down too, and they didn't ban guns....similar culture similar gun ownership rates before the Port Arthur shooting...and there have been 3 mass shootings in Australia since the ban, and gun crime is going up in Australia after the ban...also true. And yes, other studies have shown that suicide rates stayed the same.

And another thing...if banning guns prevents suicide.....why does Japan, South Korea and China all have higher suicide rates than Australia?
How do they get them then ?


Steal them, straw buyers, trunk of a car.

But liberals say if we have better background checks, and waiting periods, and stop selling guns to questionable people, then all gun related problems will go away ?
That would stop a certain amount. There are some other rational steps that could be taken without infringing on most gun owners, also. But people like you will prevent any such steps from being taken until we reach a decision such as Australia made in 1996. And there has not been a mass shooting since then in that nation. There were more than one a year in the decade prior to 1996.

there have been three mass shootings in Australia since the ban and last week a 15 year old immigrant kid got a pistol amd murdered a police officer as a jihadi...amd all he had to do was switch targets to a school since he already had a fun....

And before that you had the immigrant in Australia take hosatges, with a gun at the coffee shop....and again, if he had changed targets and just shot people you would have had another mass shooting.....

australia hasn't had more mass shootings only because their people haven't decided to do them....their nuts and their criminals have gotten their hands on guns as easily as our criminals have...and their actual gun crime is now increasing...and the levels of gun ownership are now back to the levels before the confiscation....please do some research so yypou can post in a more informed way.
Link? Or is this more lies?

Australia's 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings

In the 18 years before the gun law reforms, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia, and none in the 10.5 years afterwards. Declines in firearm‐related deaths before the law reforms accelerated after the reforms for total firearm deaths (p = 0.04), firearm suicides (p = 0.007) and firearm homicides (p = 0.15), but not for the smallest category of unintentional firearm deaths, which increased. No evidence of substitution effect for suicides or homicides was observed. The rates per 100 000 of total firearm deaths, firearm homicides and firearm suicides all at least doubled their existing rates of decline after the revised gun laws.

Australia's 1996 gun law reforms were followed by more than a decade free of fatal mass shootings, and accelerated declines in firearm deaths, particularly suicides. Total homicide rates followed the same pattern. Removing large numbers of rapid‐firing firearms from civilians may be an effective way of reducing mass shootings, firearm homicides and firearm suicides.

They didn't mention this shooting...

Monash University shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he Monash University shooting refers to a school shooting in which a student shot his classmates and teacher, killing two and injuring five. It took place at Monash University in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on 21 October 2002. The gunman, Huan Yun Xiang, was acquitted of crimes related to the shootings due to mental impairment, and is currently under psychiatric care.
Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?


Steal them, straw buyers, trunk of a car.

But liberals say if we have better background checks, and waiting periods, and stop selling guns to questionable people, then all gun related problems will go away ?
That would stop a certain amount. There are some other rational steps that could be taken without infringing on most gun owners, also. But people like you will prevent any such steps from being taken until we reach a decision such as Australia made in 1996. And there has not been a mass shooting since then in that nation. There were more than one a year in the decade prior to 1996.

there have been three mass shootings in Australia since the ban and last week a 15 year old immigrant kid got a pistol amd murdered a police officer as a jihadi...amd all he had to do was switch targets to a school since he already had a fun....

And before that you had the immigrant in Australia take hosatges, with a gun at the coffee shop....and again, if he had changed targets and just shot people you would have had another mass shooting.....

australia hasn't had more mass shootings only because their people haven't decided to do them....their nuts and their criminals have gotten their hands on guns as easily as our criminals have...and their actual gun crime is now increasing...and the levels of gun ownership are now back to the levels before the confiscation....please do some research so yypou can post in a more informed way.
I have a cousin who owns a farm in Australia.
He tells me when the gun buy-back AKA confiscation was enacted many people in the cities who had an old gun laying around they had inherited got rid of it by selling it to the government.
He tells me, and there's no reason not to believe him, pretty much 100% of long guns owned by people living in rural areas were never turned in. They were simply put away where the authorities could not find them if they came looking.
100% of these rural folk would never use their guns to commit violent crimes.
Now it's fucking rag head terrorists who are attacking people in Australia in the cities. Funny that. The fucking rag heads NEVER attack anyone in the rural areas where THEY KNOW there's a good chance their potential victims will have a gun.
Just like you NEVER see a bunch of sub-human negro thugs try to commit a home invasion in rural Nevada.
How do they get them then ?


Steal them, straw buyers, trunk of a car.

But liberals say if we have better background checks, and waiting periods, and stop selling guns to questionable people, then all gun related problems will go away ?
That would stop a certain amount. There are some other rational steps that could be taken without infringing on most gun owners, also. But people like you will prevent any such steps from being taken until we reach a decision such as Australia made in 1996. And there has not been a mass shooting since then in that nation. There were more than one a year in the decade prior to 1996.

there have been three mass shootings in Australia since the ban and last week a 15 year old immigrant kid got a pistol amd murdered a police officer as a jihadi...amd all he had to do was switch targets to a school since he already had a fun....

And before that you had the immigrant in Australia take hosatges, with a gun at the coffee shop....and again, if he had changed targets and just shot people you would have had another mass shooting.....

australia hasn't had more mass shootings only because their people haven't decided to do them....their nuts and their criminals have gotten their hands on guns as easily as our criminals have...and their actual gun crime is now increasing...and the levels of gun ownership are now back to the levels before the confiscation....please do some research so yypou can post in a more informed way.
Link? Or is this more lies?

Australia's 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings

In the 18 years before the gun law reforms, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia, and none in the 10.5 years afterwards. Declines in firearm‐related deaths before the law reforms accelerated after the reforms for total firearm deaths (p = 0.04), firearm suicides (p = 0.007) and firearm homicides (p = 0.15), but not for the smallest category of unintentional firearm deaths, which increased. No evidence of substitution effect for suicides or homicides was observed. The rates per 100 000 of total firearm deaths, firearm homicides and firearm suicides all at least doubled their existing rates of decline after the revised gun laws.

Australia's 1996 gun law reforms were followed by more than a decade free of fatal mass shootings, and accelerated declines in firearm deaths, particularly suicides. Total homicide rates followed the same pattern. Removing large numbers of rapid‐firing firearms from civilians may be an effective way of reducing mass shootings, firearm homicides and firearm suicides.

And here is a list...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • 25 January 1996 – Hillcrest murders – Peter May shot and killed his three children, his estranged wife and her parents in the Brisbane suburb of Hillcrest before killing himself.[54]
  • 16 August 1998 – Victorian police officers Gary Silk and Rodney Miller were shot dead in an ambush by Bendali Debs and Jason Joseph Roberts in the Moorabbin Police murders.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[60][61]
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
    • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
    • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
    • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families, 24-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom, up to 100 shots were fired into the house from four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
    • 26 July 2004 – Security guard Karen Brown shot dead armed robber William Aquilina in a Sydney carpark after he violently bashed her and stole the hotel's takings. Brown was charged with murder but acquitted on the grounds of self-defence.[66][67]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]
  • 10 April 2010 – Rajesh Osborne shot and killed his three children, 12 year-old Asia, 10-year-old Jarius and 7-year-old Grace before killing himself in Roxburgh, Victoria.[citation needed]
  • 29 January 2012 – Giovanni Focarelli, son of Comancheros gang member Vincenzo Focarelli, was shot dead whilst Vincenzo survived the fourth attempt on his life.[79]
  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
  • 23 May 2012 – Christopher 'Badness' Binse, a career criminal well known to police, was arrested after a 44-hour siege at an East Keilor home in Melbourne's north west. During the siege, Binse fired several shots at police and refused to co-operate with negotiators; eventually tear gas had to be used to force him out of the house, at which point he refused to put down his weapon and was then sprayed with a volley of non-lethal bullets.[citation needed]
  • 15 December 2012 – Aaron Carlino murdered drug dealer Stephen Cookson in his East Perth home by shooting him twice in the head and then he cut up and dismembered his body. He buried his arms legs and torso in the backyard of his house and he wrapped his head in a plastic bag and dumped it on Rottnest Island. The head of Cookson was later found washed up on Rottnest Island by an 11-year-old girl. Carlino was convicted of the murder and was sentenced to life in prison.[citation needed]
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
  • 29 July 2013 – Two bikie gang associates, Vasko Boskovski and Bassil Hijazi were shot dead in two separate shooting incidents minutes apart in South West Sydney. The previous week Bassil Hijazi had survived a previous attempt against his life after he was shot inside his car.[citation needed]
  • 9 September 2014 – Lockhart massacre – Geoff Hunt shot and killed his wife, Kim, his 10-year-old son Fletcher, and his daughters Mia, eight and Phoebe, six before killing himself on a farm in Lockhart in the Riverina district near Wagga Wagga New South Wales. The body of Geoff Hunt and a firearm are later found in a dam on the farm by police divers and a suicide note written by Geoff Hunt is also found inside the house on the farm.[citation needed]
  • 22 October 2014 – Wedderburn shootings – Ian Jamieson shot dead Peter Lockhart, Peter's wife Mary and Mary's son Greg Holmes on two farm properties in Wedderburn, Victoria over a property dispute. Jamieson surrendered to police after a three-and-a-half hour siege.[citation needed]
  • 7 November 2014 – Jordy Brook carjacked a Channel 7 news cameraman at gun point during a crime spree on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. He was later captured and arrested by police after luring police on a high speed chase and crashing the car.[citation needed]
  • 12 November 2014 – Jamie Edwards and Joelene Joyce a married couple who were drug dealers are found shot dead in a car on a highway in the town of Moama, New South Wales.[86]

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
  • 27 June 2015 – Hermidale triple murder – the bodies of three people, two men and a woman are found shot dead on a property in a rural farming community in the town of Hermidale west of Nyngan, the bodies of 28-year-old Jacob Cumberland his father 59-year-old Stephen Cumberland and a 36-year-old woman were found with gun shot wounds, the body of Jacob Cumberland was found on the drive way of the property, the body of the 36-year-old woman was found in the backyard of the property and the body of Stephen Cumberland was found in a burnt out caravan on the property. 61-year-old Allan O'Connor is later arrested and charged with the murders.
  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.

  • 2 October 2015 - 2015 Parramatta shooting On 2 October 2015, Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, a 15-year-old boy, shot and killed Curtis Cheng, an unarmed police civilian finance worker, outside the New South Wales Police Force headquarters in Parramatta, Australia. Jabar was subsequently shot and killed by special constables who were protecting the police station.
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