Mass shooters actually will choose gun free zones given a choice of targets...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Anti gunners claim that mass shooters do not choose targets based on gun free zones...because most of the time they have a connection to the shooting site...a school, a job....or a place of grievance.....but that is lazy thinking or out right deception....those places are gun free zones choice is needed to be made since they are already gun free zones...

But....when the mass shooter is just picking a target without a connection to it......they actually choose gun free do we least 5 mass shooters have given notice before their attacks in their diaries or videos they made or in confessions to police...

The colorado theater shooter is covered here....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

While Holmesā€™ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodgerā€™s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmesā€™ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

ā€” ā€œReid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packedā€

ā€” ā€œHolmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didnā€™t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did ā€” specifically, ā€˜donā€™t shoot police or they will kill you.'ā€
All anyone has to do is wear one of these. You'll be completely safe. Even on the streets of south Chicago...

And on the Santa Barbara shooter....

Do mentally ill multiple victim killers purposefully pick targets where victims are most vulnerable The case of Elliot Rodger - Crime Prevention Research Center

With all the discussions about mental illness, one has to understand how much care and planning these killers engage in. Here is something from Elliot Rodgerā€™s manifesto that no one seems to understand the importance of:

ā€œThe first thing I had to consider was the exact date it will take place. Valentineā€™s Day would have been very fitting, since it was the holiday that made me feel the most miserable and insulted, the holiday in which young couples celebrated their happy lives together. The problem was that Valentineā€™s Day was only a month away. I needed more time than that. Also, on Valentineā€™s Day most young couples will be spread out in various restaurants in the city instead of being packed together at parties in Isla Vista.

Another option was Deltopia, a day in which many young people pour in from all over the state to have a spring break party on Del Playa Street. I figured this would be the perfect day to attack Isla Vista, but after watching Youtube videos of previous Deltopia parties, I saw that there were way too many cops walking around on such an event. It would be impossible to kill enough of my enemies before being dispatched by those damnable cops.ā€œ
Anti gunners claim that mass shooters do not choose targets based on gun free zones...because most of the time they have a connection to the shooting site...a school, a job....or a place of grievance.....but that is lazy thinking or out right deception....those places are gun free zones choice is needed to be made since they are already gun free zones...

But....when the mass shooter is just picking a target without a connection to it......they actually choose gun free do we least 5 mass shooters have given notice before their attacks in their diaries or videos they made or in confessions to police...

The colorado theater shooter is covered here....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

While Holmesā€™ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodgerā€™s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmesā€™ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

ā€” ā€œReid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packedā€

ā€” ā€œHolmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didnā€™t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did ā€” specifically, ā€˜donā€™t shoot police or they will kill you.'ā€

Your evidence is weak. An airport does have actual security. Not comparing a gun free zone to a place where maybe there will be someone armed.
Anti gunners claim that mass shooters do not choose targets based on gun free zones...because most of the time they have a connection to the shooting site...a school, a job....or a place of grievance.....but that is lazy thinking or out right deception....those places are gun free zones choice is needed to be made since they are already gun free zones...

But....when the mass shooter is just picking a target without a connection to it......they actually choose gun free do we least 5 mass shooters have given notice before their attacks in their diaries or videos they made or in confessions to police...

The colorado theater shooter is covered here....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

While Holmesā€™ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodgerā€™s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmesā€™ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

ā€” ā€œReid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packedā€

ā€” ā€œHolmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didnā€™t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did ā€” specifically, ā€˜donā€™t shoot police or they will kill you.'ā€

Your evidence is weak. An airport does have actual security. Not comparing a gun free zone to a place where maybe there will be someone armed.

Not my evidence, actual statements made by the mass shooters....and they aren't the only two........and yes...they specifically chose gun free zones....
Anti gunners claim that mass shooters do not choose targets based on gun free zones...because most of the time they have a connection to the shooting site...a school, a job....or a place of grievance.....but that is lazy thinking or out right deception....those places are gun free zones choice is needed to be made since they are already gun free zones...

But....when the mass shooter is just picking a target without a connection to it......they actually choose gun free do we least 5 mass shooters have given notice before their attacks in their diaries or videos they made or in confessions to police...

The colorado theater shooter is covered here....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

While Holmesā€™ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodgerā€™s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmesā€™ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

ā€” ā€œReid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packedā€

ā€” ā€œHolmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didnā€™t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did ā€” specifically, ā€˜donā€™t shoot police or they will kill you.'ā€

Your evidence is weak. An airport does have actual security. Not comparing a gun free zone to a place where maybe there will be someone armed.

Not my evidence, actual statements made by the mass shooters....and they aren't the only two........and yes...they specifically chose gun free zones....

No he chose a place with less security. Airports have way more than average security.
I wonder why these 'mass shooters' do not choose gun shows or shooting competitions for their rampages.
I wonder why anti-gun loons refuse to understand that these shooters -look- for 'gun free zones'.
Anti gunners claim that mass shooters do not choose targets based on gun free zones...because most of the time they have a connection to the shooting site...a school, a job....or a place of grievance.....but that is lazy thinking or out right deception....those places are gun free zones choice is needed to be made since they are already gun free zones...

But....when the mass shooter is just picking a target without a connection to it......they actually choose gun free do we least 5 mass shooters have given notice before their attacks in their diaries or videos they made or in confessions to police...

The colorado theater shooter is covered here....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

While Holmesā€™ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodgerā€™s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmesā€™ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

ā€” ā€œReid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packedā€

ā€” ā€œHolmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didnā€™t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did ā€” specifically, ā€˜donā€™t shoot police or they will kill you.'ā€

Once we finish studying him, should tie him to a stake in the hot afternoon sun and shoot him once in the stomach and leave him there to suffer a few hours then die.
Believe me, I'd much rather get Dexter on people and tie em down and do messed up stuff to them, but I'm willing to compromise. :)

If the death penalty is to act as a deterrent among other things give the condemned to someone who liked those 80s gore movies and has a really great imagination. :)

Lethal injection, gas chamber, hanging, firing squad, and electric chair it's over in moments. Make em suffer and die of heart attacks from the pain if you want it to be a deterrent and scary.
Believe me, I'd much rather get Dexter on people and tie em down and do messed up stuff to them, but I'm willing to compromise. :)
If the death penalty is to act as a deterrent among other things give the condemned to someone who liked those 80s gore movies and has a really great imagination. :)
Lethal injection, gas chamber, hanging, firing squad, and electric chair it's over in moments. Make em suffer and die of heart attacks from the pain if you want it to be a deterrent and scary.
"Walk of Punishment" - mass public crucifixions.
Think the death penalty should be expanded to include all violent person-on-person crimes. Everyone knows not to assault other people except for reasons of lawful self-defense, if you do it any way society's better off without you. Off with your head! :)
Anti gunners claim that mass shooters do not choose targets based on gun free zones...because most of the time they have a connection to the shooting site...a school, a job....or a place of grievance.....but that is lazy thinking or out right deception....those places are gun free zones choice is needed to be made since they are already gun free zones...

But....when the mass shooter is just picking a target without a connection to it......they actually choose gun free do we least 5 mass shooters have given notice before their attacks in their diaries or videos they made or in confessions to police...

The colorado theater shooter is covered here....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

While Holmesā€™ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodgerā€™s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmesā€™ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

ā€” ā€œReid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packedā€

ā€” ā€œHolmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didnā€™t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did ā€” specifically, ā€˜donā€™t shoot police or they will kill you.'ā€

Your evidence is weak. An airport does have actual security. Not comparing a gun free zone to a place where maybe there will be someone armed.

No....he chose a theater that was farther away from his home than several others...all had the same movie, at the same time, the same night....but that theater had a gun free zone policy while the others did not........
Anti gunners claim that mass shooters do not choose targets based on gun free zones...because most of the time they have a connection to the shooting site...a school, a job....or a place of grievance.....but that is lazy thinking or out right deception....those places are gun free zones choice is needed to be made since they are already gun free zones...

But....when the mass shooter is just picking a target without a connection to it......they actually choose gun free do we least 5 mass shooters have given notice before their attacks in their diaries or videos they made or in confessions to police...

The colorado theater shooter is covered here....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

While Holmesā€™ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodgerā€™s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmesā€™ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

ā€” ā€œReid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packedā€

ā€” ā€œHolmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didnā€™t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did ā€” specifically, ā€˜donā€™t shoot police or they will kill you.'ā€

Your evidence is weak. An airport does have actual security. Not comparing a gun free zone to a place where maybe there will be someone armed.

No....he chose a theater that was farther away from his home than several others...all had the same movie, at the same time, the same night....but that theater had a gun free zone policy while the others did not........

Or is that the one where the movie playing had a door he could leave ajar so he could get in? You don't really know. The fact he was considering an airport is very counter to your claim.
Anti gunners claim that mass shooters do not choose targets based on gun free zones...because most of the time they have a connection to the shooting site...a school, a job....or a place of grievance.....but that is lazy thinking or out right deception....those places are gun free zones choice is needed to be made since they are already gun free zones...

But....when the mass shooter is just picking a target without a connection to it......they actually choose gun free do we least 5 mass shooters have given notice before their attacks in their diaries or videos they made or in confessions to police...

The colorado theater shooter is covered here....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

While Holmesā€™ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodgerā€™s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmesā€™ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

ā€” ā€œReid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packedā€

ā€” ā€œHolmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didnā€™t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did ā€” specifically, ā€˜donā€™t shoot police or they will kill you.'ā€

Your evidence is weak. An airport does have actual security. Not comparing a gun free zone to a place where maybe there will be someone armed.

No....he chose a theater that was farther away from his home than several others...all had the same movie, at the same time, the same night....but that theater had a gun free zone policy while the others did not........

Or is that the one where the movie playing had a door he could leave ajar so he could get in? You don't really know. The fact he was considering an airport is very counter to your claim.

Brain....the theater he attacked was the only one with a gun free zone was farther away than the other theaters from where he lived......and he considered the airport...and rejected it...why...because people there had guns....are you really that....challenged brain.....?

it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€
Anti gunners claim that mass shooters do not choose targets based on gun free zones...because most of the time they have a connection to the shooting site...a school, a job....or a place of grievance.....but that is lazy thinking or out right deception....those places are gun free zones choice is needed to be made since they are already gun free zones...

But....when the mass shooter is just picking a target without a connection to it......they actually choose gun free do we least 5 mass shooters have given notice before their attacks in their diaries or videos they made or in confessions to police...

The colorado theater shooter is covered here....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

While Holmesā€™ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodgerā€™s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmesā€™ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

ā€” ā€œReid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packedā€

ā€” ā€œHolmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didnā€™t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did ā€” specifically, ā€˜donā€™t shoot police or they will kill you.'ā€

Your evidence is weak. An airport does have actual security. Not comparing a gun free zone to a place where maybe there will be someone armed.

No....he chose a theater that was farther away from his home than several others...all had the same movie, at the same time, the same night....but that theater had a gun free zone policy while the others did not........

Or is that the one where the movie playing had a door he could leave ajar so he could get in? You don't really know. The fact he was considering an airport is very counter to your claim.

Brain....the theater he attacked was the only one with a gun free zone was farther away than the other theaters from where he lived......and he considered the airport...and rejected it...why...because people there had guns....are you really that....challenged brain.....?

it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their ā€œsubstantial security.ā€

He needed a door he could leave ajar that wouldn't be noticed to get back in. That I'm sure played a far bigger role in his decision. Given how few of people carry I doubt he though about it. And you've done nothing to prove it. Your arguments are empty.

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