Masks Still Don’t Work

University of BC - COVID19 size -Screenshot 2021-10-02 .png

Trying to stop a virus the size of 0.137 microns with masks that have holes at 100 microns doesnt work and if you do not have an airtight seal around the edges of it, throw it away. it is useless...
If you are not going for full quarantine, then the only thing that ends an epidemic is herd immunity.
And since masks prevent herd immunity, then masks do NOT at all "HELP".
They are a terrible idea if most people wear them, and they should only be worn by the vulnerable.
"only be worn by the vulnerable"?
But, but, but the mask don't all
Otherwise the epidemic can never end, and you get an infinite death toll.
Has the flu ended?
I believe we are stuck with this for the foreseeable future, in one variant or the other.
View attachment 681710

Trying to stop a virus the size of 0.137 microns with masks that have holes at 100 microns doesnt work and if you do not have an airtight seal around the edges of it, throw it away. it is useless...
If you cough into your semi-closed hand is better than coughing into the air, without covering your mouth.
The mask keeps the particles from dispersing EVERYWHERE.
No, it isn't.
The facts are that we never tried full quarantine, so than the only alternative is herd immunity, which can't work if enough people wear masks.
But they don't work...............remember.
So, how are mask preventing herd immunity?
Once the strategy is not full quarantine, then you can't end an epidemic until enough people got it and recovered.
So widespread use of masks prevents the epidemic from ever ending.
See above.
View attachment 681710

Trying to stop a virus the size of 0.137 microns with masks that have holes at 100 microns doesnt work and if you do not have an airtight seal around the edges of it, throw it away. it is useless...
funny how our resident libs disagree with scientific facts. Their indoctrination is complete, they are obedient sheep to their government masters. Its really quite sad to see human beings transformed into docile slaves.
More lies and misinformation
Medical masks have worked for a hundred years
Fauci himself, in one of his many-many episodes of double-talk, accurately described why they don't work.
Before he said they did, after he said they didn't, before he said "if it makes you feel safe why not" which was after he said everyone should wear one.
only particles larger than .3 microns, a virus cell is .0125 microns.
WTF does microns have to do with..................ANYTHING?
The masks dissipate a sneeze or a cough.
It doesn't prevent them from escaping the mask enclosure.
WTF does microns have to do with..................ANYTHING?
The masks dissipate a sneeze or a cough.
It doesn't prevent them from escaping the mask enclosure.
It has to do with the filtering ability of the mask. the very best surgical masks have a .3 micron filter. They will not stop a .0125 virus cell from going out of or into the mask. The decorative cloth masks are a total joke and total waste of time and effort.
It has to do with the filtering ability of the mask. the very best surgical masks have a .3 micron filter. They will not stop a .0125 virus cell from going out of or into the mask.

The masks dissipate a sneeze or a cough.
It doesn't prevent them from escaping the mask enclosure.

Don't think "dissipate" means what you think it means.
It doesn't mean STOP.
The decorative cloth masks are a total joke and total waste of time and effort.
Much like Trump and his cult.

The masks dissipate a sneeze or a cough.
It doesn't prevent them from escaping the mask enclosure.

Don't think "dissipate" means what you think it means.
It doesn't mean STOP.

Much like Trump and his cult.
Ok, dissipate. I understand your attempt at justifying masking. So with a mask the virus cells may not go as far out of your mouth when you sneeze or cough. So what? they are still released into the air to be taken in by others. But the CDC just said the social distancing is no longer required or necessary, so they refuted your theory about dissipation. AND, the masks will allow virus cells from others to be taken in by you when you inhale. Its basic chemistry, physics, and biology. But wear one your entire life if it makes you feel good. I really don't care what you do.
Ok, dissipate. I understand your attempt at justifying masking. So with a mask the virus cells may not go as far out of your mouth when you sneeze or cough. So what?
They reduce the distance of anything coming out of your mouth and nose.
they are still released into the air to be taken in by others.
Sure they can be but touching the same item as a person with the flu, will produce the same result..............FLU.
If people wiped down their shopping cart handle with an alcohol wipe, it reduces their exposure.
But the CDC just said the social distancing is no longer required or necessary, so they refuted your theory about dissipation. AND, the masks will allow virus cells from others to be taken in by you when you inhale.
No, they didn't.
Did the CDC say masks do NOT dissipate germs?

Its basic chemistry, physics, and biology.
It sure is.
But wear one your entire life if it makes you feel good. I really don't care what you do.
They reduce the distance of anything coming out of your mouth and nose.

Sure they can be but touching the same item as a person with the flu, will produce the same result..............FLU.
If people wiped down their shopping cart handle with an alcohol wipe, it reduces their exposure.

No, they didn't.
Did the CDC say masks do NOT dissipate germs?

It sure is.
The CDC last week said that social distancing is no longer required or recommended. If you think a mask protects you, by all means wear one 24/7/365. I don't care what you do or what foolishness you believe. Sure masking dissipates whatever you exhale, sneeze, of cough. That is not the point. The point is that mask filters do NOT catch virus cells going in or out. The filters are simply not small enough to catch virus cells. The CDC and every medical professional knows that. But you are free to believe otherwise if you choose.
The CDC last week said that social distancing is no longer required or recommended. If you think a mask protects you, by all means wear one 24/7/365. I don't care what you do or what foolishness you believe. Sure masking dissipates whatever you exhale, sneeze, of cough. That is not the point.
YES, it was.
The point is that mask filters do NOT catch virus cells going in or out.
I already stated that.
The filters are simply not small enough to catch virus cells. The CDC and every medical professional knows that. But you are free to believe otherwise if you choose.
I already stated that too.
Sure, just like motorcycle helmets and seat belts are.

And traffic laws do NOTHING to prevent vehicle accidents.
your tired analogy attempts just don't work. Helmets and seat belts were never supposed to prevent accidents only to save lives when accidents happen. We were told by the "experts" that masks would prevent covid infection and spreading. Those were lies.
If you cough into your semi-closed hand is better than coughing into the air, without covering your mouth.
The mask keeps the particles from dispersing EVERYWHERE.
When you cough you create AEROSOLIZED PARTICLES that no mask can stop. It is these aerosolized particles that are breathed deep into your lungs. These are the ones that cause massive infections. An aerosolized particle is one that is 3 microns OR SMALLER. Even your N-95 mask begins its filtering process at 2.5 to 5.0 microns. MY favorite thing to watch is Doctors who have beards who wear an N-95 mask. Because there is no seal around the mask, it is useless just like all your fake face coverings. No seal means no filtering, none!

Large droplets fall to the floor, aerosolized particles do not. Your mask does little to nothing to stop the spread of this virus. Its physical attributes say it cannot. Even the CDC's own data sets show masking having a 99.6 % failure rate. Doctors and nurses using N-95 masks all became infected even though they wore full PPE.

Simply put, the empirical evidence shows masks are nothing more than theater or control training.

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