Maryland's ban on rifles, and 4th Circuit court decision appealed to the Supreme Court.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The 4th Circuit ignored the 2nd Amendment and ignored at least three prior Supreme Court rulings to make up their decision to ban rifles with magazines, and magazines that hold more than 10 is now being appealed to the Supreme Court...

Maryland "Assault Weapon" Ban Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court - The Truth About Guns

This is an area of law the Supreme Court should address. Handguns are used in crime, murder and even mass killings far more often than semi-automatic rifles. If handguns are protected by the Second Amendment, it would be absurd to conclude that semi-automatic rifles and standard capacity magazines are not.

Moreover, the Second Amendment has a clear military component. If one purpose of the Second Amendment is to be able to form effective militias, then the right to keep and bear effective militia weapons is protected. Semi-automatic rifles are the epitome of a militia weapon.


In a case reviewed by the Supreme Court, but not addressed by the Fourth Circuit, the Supreme Court unanimously held, in the Caetano PER CURIAM decision (pdf), that:

The Court has held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 582 (2008), and that this “Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States,” McDonald v.Chicago, 561 U. S. 742, 750 (2010).

Rifles, as a group, are arms that are least likely to be used in homicides. The Fourth Circuit cleverly avoided considering that fact by preemptively excluding those rifles from the protection of the Second Amendment. Because they excluded the rifles from Second Amendment protection, the Court avoided the requirement to apply strict scrutiny to the law.
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What a mish mash of contradictory or irrelevant assertions. Typical gun nut lunacy.
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Great news! I might be able to ship all those 20 and 30 round magazines to buyers in Maryland soon. I sure seem to have collected a bunch of them during the Obama years.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

No.....the limit is pointless and stupid...and only hurts law abiding people who may need them....

This is the bait and even did it think.....Rifle, magazine limit.......but those limits apply to pistols the very gun someone may need to survive is shorted on bullets because anti-gunners have an irrational fear of guns.....

There are over 8 million of these rifles in the country, the most popular rifle in America......and one or two a year have been misused......

Rifles kill fewer people each year than knives, clubs or bare hands.....this is simply low hanging fruit for gun grabbers...who will come back to get the 10 round magazines after a few years......

This is how stupid this ban is.....rifles with magazines were used to kill 167 people......over 35 years...knives murder over 1,500 people every single year......

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



knives 1,544

clubs 437

hands 624
The 4th Circuit ignored the 2nd Amendment and ignored at least three prior Supreme Court rulings to make up their decision to ban rifles with magazines, and magazines that hold more than 10 is now being appealed to the Supreme Court...

Maryland "Assault Weapon" Ban Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court - The Truth About Guns

This is an area of law the Supreme Court should address. Handguns are used in crime, murder and even mass killings far more often than semi-automatic rifles. If handguns are protected by the Second Amendment, it would be absurd to conclude that semi-automatic rifles and standard capacity magazines are not.

Moreover, the Second Amendment has a clear military component. If one purpose of the Second Amendment is to be able to form effective militias, then the right to keep and bear effective militia weapons is protected. Semi-automatic rifles are the epitome of a militia weapon.


In a case reviewed by the Supreme Court, but not addressed by the Fourth Circuit, the Supreme Court unanimously held, in the Caetano PER CURIAM decision (pdf), that:

The Court has held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 582 (2008), and that this “Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States,” McDonald v.Chicago, 561 U. S. 742, 750 (2010).

Rifles, as a group, are arms that are least likely to be used in homicides. The Fourth Circuit cleverly avoided considering that fact by preemptively excluding those rifles from the protection of the Second Amendment. Because they excluded the rifles from Second Amendment protection, the Court avoided the requirement to apply strict scrutiny to the law.
I get it. If you can't own a gun with a magazine or have magazines with a capacity of more then ten, you can't be armed.

We had an assault rifle ban in the past.

It must be sasd if you are that pathetic that you can't be armed unless you own a semi-automatic rifle with a 150 round magazine.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

This is from the judges ruling stopping the California magazine ban.....he goes through why everything the anti gunners say about rifles and magazines is silly......

The professor did not need to speculate about some unlikely, hypothetical, future case.

The scenario has actually played out in the past. And it turns out that his speculation was a bit off. Among the Attorney General’s evidentiary presentation is a news account of a law-abiding woman and her husband who late one night needed to fire a gun in self-defense against armed robbers. Oppo. Gordon Declaration, Exh. 41.

As two armed men broke in, Susan Gonzalez was shot in the chest. She made it back to their bedroom and found her husband’s .22 pistol. Wasting the first rounds on warning shots, she then emptied the single pistol at one attacker.

Unfortunately, out of ammunition, she was shot again by the other armed attacker. She was not able to re-load or use a second gun. Both her and her husband were shot twice.

Forty-two bullets were fired. Id., Exh. 41 (Jacksonville Times-Union, July 18, 2000) (“Suddenly the door flew 46 17cv1017-BEN Case 3:17-cv-01017-BEN-JLB Document 28 Filed 06/29/17 PageID.4162 Page 46 of 66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 open and two masked men burst into the doublewide wearing gloves and camouflage jackets and waving guns . . . . She was shot in the chest . . . dialed 911 . . . then grabbed her husband’s Ruger .22 from a drawer . . . fired several shots over the robbers’ heads to scare them off . . . saw one of the gunmen . . . crouched near her refrigerator. . . sneaked up behind him and emptied the Ruger, hitting him twice with her seven or eight remaining bullets.

The other gunman . . . then shot Susan Gonzalez, now out of ammunition.

[The gunman] fled from the house but returned . . . [.] He put a gun to Susan Gonzalez’s head and demanded the keys to the couple’s truck.”); cf. Oppo. Gordon Declaration, Exh. 102 at 388 (Washington Post, Jan. 30, 2013, Transcript of Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Gun Violence), Senator L. Graham remarks: “I do not know if 10 versus 19 is common or uncommon. I do know that 10 versus 19 in the hands of the wrong person is a complete disaster.

I do know that six bullets in that hands [sic] of a woman trying to defend her children may not be enough. . . [.]

One bullet in the hands of the wrong person we should all try to prevent.

But when you start telling me that I am unreasonable for wanting that woman to have more than six bullets, or to have and AR-15 if people [are] roaming around my neighborhood, I reject the concept.”). The Attorney General’s own evidence casts doubt on the reliability of his experts’ opinions.
History on Rome's MARY Land and it's significance. Watch this video which reveals the history you most likely haven't heard about before:

The founding fathers warned about Rome's Jesuits and their agenda and there is a book entitled "Washington in the lap of Rome" which was meant quite literally. You should read the book.
The 4th Circuit ignored the 2nd Amendment and ignored at least three prior Supreme Court rulings to make up their decision to ban rifles with magazines, and magazines that hold more than 10 is now being appealed to the Supreme Court...

Maryland "Assault Weapon" Ban Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court - The Truth About Guns

This is an area of law the Supreme Court should address. Handguns are used in crime, murder and even mass killings far more often than semi-automatic rifles. If handguns are protected by the Second Amendment, it would be absurd to conclude that semi-automatic rifles and standard capacity magazines are not.

Moreover, the Second Amendment has a clear military component. If one purpose of the Second Amendment is to be able to form effective militias, then the right to keep and bear effective militia weapons is protected. Semi-automatic rifles are the epitome of a militia weapon.


In a case reviewed by the Supreme Court, but not addressed by the Fourth Circuit, the Supreme Court unanimously held, in the Caetano PER CURIAM decision (pdf), that:

The Court has held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 582 (2008), and that this “Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States,” McDonald v.Chicago, 561 U. S. 742, 750 (2010).

Rifles, as a group, are arms that are least likely to be used in homicides. The Fourth Circuit cleverly avoided considering that fact by preemptively excluding those rifles from the protection of the Second Amendment. Because they excluded the rifles from Second Amendment protection, the Court avoided the requirement to apply strict scrutiny to the law.
I get it. If you can't own a gun with a magazine or have magazines with a capacity of more then ten, you can't be armed.

We had an assault rifle ban in the past.

It must be sasd if you are that pathetic that you can't be armed unless you own a semi-automatic rifle with a 150 round magazine.

Dipshit....bait and switch...we are't talking 150 round drum magazines...but that is the lie the anti gunners used to get bans on standard pistol magazines......we are talking 19 - 30 round, standard issue magazines...that have no bearing on criminals or mass shootings....

You guys want those and then you will come back for the 10 round have already set it up .... calling some guns Weapons of War.....which will include any gun that takes a magazine...even 10 shot, semi auto pistols....

We know your tactics and we are going to fight you each attack you make.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.
The 4th Circuit ignored the 2nd Amendment and ignored at least three prior Supreme Court rulings to make up their decision to ban rifles with magazines, and magazines that hold more than 10 is now being appealed to the Supreme Court...

Maryland "Assault Weapon" Ban Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court - The Truth About Guns

This is an area of law the Supreme Court should address. Handguns are used in crime, murder and even mass killings far more often than semi-automatic rifles. If handguns are protected by the Second Amendment, it would be absurd to conclude that semi-automatic rifles and standard capacity magazines are not.

Moreover, the Second Amendment has a clear military component. If one purpose of the Second Amendment is to be able to form effective militias, then the right to keep and bear effective militia weapons is protected. Semi-automatic rifles are the epitome of a militia weapon.


In a case reviewed by the Supreme Court, but not addressed by the Fourth Circuit, the Supreme Court unanimously held, in the Caetano PER CURIAM decision (pdf), that:

The Court has held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 582 (2008), and that this “Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States,” McDonald v.Chicago, 561 U. S. 742, 750 (2010).

Rifles, as a group, are arms that are least likely to be used in homicides. The Fourth Circuit cleverly avoided considering that fact by preemptively excluding those rifles from the protection of the Second Amendment. Because they excluded the rifles from Second Amendment protection, the Court avoided the requirement to apply strict scrutiny to the law.
I get it. If you can't own a gun with a magazine or have magazines with a capacity of more then ten, you can't be armed.

We had an assault rifle ban in the past.

It must be sasd if you are that pathetic that you can't be armed unless you own a semi-automatic rifle with a 150 round magazine.

From the Judge granting the injunction against the California magazine ban...

But when you start telling me that I am unreasonable for wanting that woman to have more than six bullets, or to have and AR-15 if people [are] roaming around my neighborhood, I reject the concept.”). The Attorney General’s own evidence casts doubt on the reliability of his experts’ opinions.
The 4th Circuit ignored the 2nd Amendment and ignored at least three prior Supreme Court rulings to make up their decision to ban rifles with magazines, and magazines that hold more than 10 is now being appealed to the Supreme Court...

Maryland "Assault Weapon" Ban Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court - The Truth About Guns

This is an area of law the Supreme Court should address. Handguns are used in crime, murder and even mass killings far more often than semi-automatic rifles. If handguns are protected by the Second Amendment, it would be absurd to conclude that semi-automatic rifles and standard capacity magazines are not.

Moreover, the Second Amendment has a clear military component. If one purpose of the Second Amendment is to be able to form effective militias, then the right to keep and bear effective militia weapons is protected. Semi-automatic rifles are the epitome of a militia weapon.


In a case reviewed by the Supreme Court, but not addressed by the Fourth Circuit, the Supreme Court unanimously held, in the Caetano PER CURIAM decision (pdf), that:

The Court has held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 582 (2008), and that this “Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States,” McDonald v.Chicago, 561 U. S. 742, 750 (2010).

Rifles, as a group, are arms that are least likely to be used in homicides. The Fourth Circuit cleverly avoided considering that fact by preemptively excluding those rifles from the protection of the Second Amendment. Because they excluded the rifles from Second Amendment protection, the Court avoided the requirement to apply strict scrutiny to the law.
I get it. If you can't own a gun with a magazine or have magazines with a capacity of more then ten, you can't be armed.

We had an assault rifle ban in the past.

It must be sasd if you are that pathetic that you can't be armed unless you own a semi-automatic rifle with a 150 round magazine.

We have in this country what are called "choices". You can actually choose to buy the low-capacity stripped down version of a Chevy or Ford, or you can choose to buy the high-capacity BMW.

Ain't this a great country?
Great news! I might be able to ship all those 20 and 30 round magazines to buyers in Maryland soon. I sure seem to have collected a bunch of them during the Obama years.
I still have metal AK mag's.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Jams? If you keep your firearms cleaned and lubricated, and use good ammunition, that never happen. I can also clear a malfunction in under two seconds.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

No.....the limit is pointless and stupid...and only hurts law abiding people who may need them....

This is the bait and even did it think.....Rifle, magazine limit.......but those limits apply to pistols the very gun someone may need to survive is shorted on bullets because anti-gunners have an irrational fear of guns.....

There are over 8 million of these rifles in the country, the most popular rifle in America......and one or two a year have been misused......

Rifles kill fewer people each year than knives, clubs or bare hands.....this is simply low hanging fruit for gun grabbers...who will come back to get the 10 round magazines after a few years......

This is how stupid this ban is.....rifles with magazines were used to kill 167 people......over 35 years...knives murder over 1,500 people every single year......

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



knives 1,544

clubs 437

hands 624

Your stat is bogus. I correct you before but you are incapable of learning.

Knives, baseball bats, hands, rifles have other purposes.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Jams? If you keep your firearms cleaned and lubricated, and use good ammunition, that never happen. I can also clear a malfunction in under two seconds.
Never? Right.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES
2nd amendment is not for hunting game. You need to see the video I posted and learn the history about Rome's Mary Land (MARYLAND) it's quite revealing. Jesuits have been very busy for a very long time, Rosie. Who wants US disarmed? Rome does.

The true history of the founding of America - Puritan Christians and Jews who wanted to be free of Roman Catholic oppression in Europe and live in a free land. Columbus was a Jew. Rome came later through their evil Jesuits. Note the history of Jesuit Georgetown. Quite an eye opener.
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