Marquette law school poll shows DeSantis gaining popularity and Trump is losing popularity among Republicans.

Nope. Trump will burn the GOP and poison the well of GOP voters....leeching support from DeSantis if Trump loses the nomination.

Trump needs only a small percentage of his base to write Trump in, join a party Trump makes up, refuse to show up DeSantis, or believe Trump's fraud claims and feel there's no point in voting.....

And Biden wins.

There's 0% chance Trump wouldn't torch the GOP and insist the republican primary was rigged. Want proof? Iowa, 2016.

“Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it,” Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted. “That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”

and later:

“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified,” Trump wrote.

Trump doesn't give a shit about the GOP. This is all about him. And that makes him the GOP's problem.
I agree with you. But Trump is losing his power within the GOP. He will try to burn the GOP down if he does not get the nomination but I am not sure he will be successful
He will make a lot of people's lives miserable.
Why are you guys so obsessed about Trump you think about him 24/7?
Trump is a risk to our nation. Trump is an embarrassment to our country. Trump and Trumpism must be neutered before it does lasting damage to our country.

Trump's danger, is not necessarily, policy. His danger is to over ride the key protection of our Constitution, seperation of the powers. Trump has done everything he can to not allow DOJ or congress check his power. Then to claim the election is rigged is inexcusable.
Trump said the 2016 election was rigged until he won. If he was so concerned about our elections why didn't he do something about it in his 4 years as President.
Trump is a dangerous man. He has one motive in life, his own power. He is so insecure he cannot handle losing. There is nothing he will not do to prevent losing.
It's going to be amusing as hell watching you all flip your Trump attacks to Desantis, proving what all of us already know about you.

The attacks will come from those who do not agree with DeSantis. That is normal politics.

It will be nothing like Trump. I see many Republicans and independents extremely concerned about Trump.

Don't you see the difference between DeSantis and Trump? The biggest difference is in morals and ethics. Trump has none. All politicians can be morally and ethically challenged but nothing like Trump.
Trump incited a rightwing domestic terrorist attack and coup attempt in an effort to overthrow a lawful, accurate, Constitutional election – and Republicans still support him; they won’t let Trump being in prison dissuade them from voting for him again.
It baffles me that these people can support him after see what he has done. I have friends who voted for Trump in 2016. They voted against Democrats not for Trump.

I come to this site to see the thinking of the Trump cult members.
Who doesn't look to a liberal law school for accurate presidential candidate polling?
I agree with you. But Trump is losing his power within the GOP. He will try to burn the GOP down if he does not get the nomination but I am not sure he will be successful
He will make a lot of people's lives miserable.
If either one of you fascist goons thought for even a second this was true, you'd be campaigning for DeSantis in hopes of ending the Constitutional Republic and ushering in the fascist dictatorship you yearn for.
---Trump Is Gaining Big Among Gen Z And Millennials---

The ToeSucker?

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