Mark Meadows Planning to Flip on Trump in Georgia Case Along With Other Indicted Co-Conspirators, Per Report

There is no need for any such thing by anyone. Putrid politicized corrupt charges don’t lend themselves to such behavior.
Your delusional act is getting old, Liability. And it has to be an act because I know you're not a stupid person, like some of the Trumper jackasses on this site. So, I know that you are aware that 91 felony charges are not made up out of whole cloth. You know these are actual charges, based on actual crimes, committed by your Orange God.

You're not fooling anyone. You're just making yourself look like a fool.
A new report connected the dots among Donald Trump’s co-conspirators for his indictment in Georgia, and it established a pattern of behavior indicating the former president’s allies will turn against him to legally save themselves.

Politico reported on Mark Meadows’ potential legal strategy as the White House chief of staff faces charges connected with Trump’s alleged conspiracy to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results. The report referred to court documents showing a strong likelihood that Meadows will join Trump’s other former allies who will blame the ex-president and portray him as the “primary diver” of the racketeering enterprise they’ve been accused of.

From the report:

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Is Mark Meadows now a part of the Deeeeeeep State.

Amazing what folks will do when they start threatening you with that time.

Trump will not be convicted, nor be jailed, nor ever go to prison.

But good use of millions in taxpayer dollars; persecuting one’s political opposition is a REALLY good look; very Stalin.

I've been chronicling these developments in my award-winning thread

Sure you have, Sputnik, I bet you've accumulated about as many "awards" as Milley has! :auiqs.jpg:

Cracker Jack thanks you!

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Spoken like a true Nazi. Trump CONTESTED an election. That's totally legal and even when a biased jury convicts him, it won't stand up on appeal and the sistah who's running this circus knows it won't. She and the others just want to try to convince Americans not to vote for him. How's that been workin' for ya so far? Tools...
Trump contested, 60 courts told him no. So then he planned the overthrow. Trump is on tape. So is Meadows. If he tries to appeal, he will get the same thing. And just remember that trump has never won the popular vote in a general election. Republicans voting in Republican primaries don't mean anything.

Trump will not be convicted, nor be jailed, nor ever go to prison.

But good use of millions in taxpayer dollars; persecuting one’s political opposition is a REALLY good look; very Stalin.

He probably won't go to jail, he will just be stripped of the possiblity of ever holding any public office again and hit with huge fines. Either way, as long as, his ass is old news is a good thing.

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