Mark Kelly Defeats Blake Masters

Yea, I really can't argue with what you are saying, but just because someone does not fully recover their speaking ability does not mean they necessarily lose their cognitive function, either. I'm not saying Fetterman is, or was, the sharpest knife in the drawer, and since I don't live in Pennsylvania, I don't know exactly how he was the candidate for Senator, but both Walker and Trump are on another level, both are professional grade stupid, so to hear ANYONE attacking Fetterman who supports either Trump or Walker shows some serious cognitive dissonance.
Fetterman was stupid before having the stroke. Pennsylvania voters didn't seem to care.
Fetterman was stupid before having the stroke. Pennsylvania voters didn't seem to care.
I don't think most people even pay attention to the candidates anymore. It's just a partisan turf war - all about scoring points for your "side", even if it means electing dipshits like Fettermen or Walker.
It's amazing to thinking people that Herschel Walker has even a slight chance to be a United States Senator.
he should stroke out and not be able to form a coherent thought without a teleprompter.....then he would be a shoe in.
She is running out of time, but it is still possible
It is possible! If you look at outstanding votes by county and how the percentage of votes came in per county already by candidate, she could win by about 2000 votes, when all counted!
If there are 600K outstanding ballots in AZ then how can they call it for the sonofabich? Is he 600K ahead?
It is possible! If you look at outstanding votes by county and how the percentage of votes came in per county already by candidate, she could win by about 2000 votes, when all counted!

She needs 60 percent of the remaining vote
Possible but not much margin for error
If there are 600K outstanding ballots in AZ then how can they call it for the sonofabich? Is he 600K ahead?

I don’t think the state did

Some media outlets may have called the race for Kelly, but it is not official
Not so fast my friend. When the 'walk up' mail in ballots are counted, all those Republicans will win.

And that is exactly what is happening. A couple of days after the polls closed, Frisk went from winning to trailing. One would think that mailin votes would go to the Democrat. But not in this case. Makes me wonder what is going on. And I wonder if the powers we can't see has just figured out the number of votes to prevent an automatic recount.

Using the MAGAts own logic, this thing doesn't sound quite right.
When your wife is shot and nearly killed on the street by a stranger, and becomes permanently disabled for the rest of her and your life, let's see if your gun positions don't evolve and change some.... :rolleyes:
I guess the whole idea'r of : ' the only way to STOP a bad guy with a gun,
is with a good guy with a gun. "
Same mindset throughout America's history.No matter the Wild Wild West.
Most all wars and especially in the sprawling urban cities run by
Liberals.Guns do not have a mind of their own.They reguire { demand }
a human finger pull the trigger.Or if mistakenly dropped.
You lied about him wanting to legalize heroin.
it’s weed.
The guys virtually Off his rocker.Not a single policy that even
remotely is Americana.I doubt most Communist countries would
have a real problem if this Fetterman decided to visit.
the perfect Dave Wasserman of Cook Political Report.
That adds up to what.There's something as likely voters outstanding.
As in where are the votes coming from that still need counting.
From In person ,mail-in ballots dropped off on Election day.
Each county knows where and when ballots arrived.Meaning
in traditional Republican or Democrat strong districts.
As of this morning there were around 300,ooo votes still
outstanding in the Masters/Kelly race.

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