Mark Kelly Defeats Blake Masters

To what effect. ? plus no he ain't.Nowhere near.
He's a punk pol.Had no business going into Politics.
He saw an opportunity when his Wife Gabby got shot.
Where Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz,practically
camped out at Giffords Hospital room to help enable a political
strategy.At the time Giffords and Hubby were both strong
gun rights owners.Giffords even stating having target practice with
an assualt rifle.There's video of Mark Kelly with his 9 mm glock
on his ranch,The same pistol used to go after his wife.
Kelly wasted little time being a steadfast gun grabber.
That was his indoctrination into Politics.
His extreme tepidness over the Border crisis is Apolitical of
All Democrats.
Only punks become astronauts, am I right, fool?
Astronauts has the reputation of being smart.

Mark Kelly is proof that you can be dumber, than a doorknob, dishonest and a piece of shit and still be allowed into the program.
Well then, apparently as you say, it is not as big an issue to the majority of Arizonians as y'all may have thought, and other issues like reproductive freedom, and democracy, meant more.....

Yes inflation is bad, affecting everyone's wallet, but inflation can solve itself with time, taking away a woman's right to make personal and private decisions for herself after 50 years of that right was much more of a concern, and picking people who were not against our Democratic republic and our institutional backbones, was more important, than simply their wallet!
Some states took away the right to reproduce? We are a Democracy? I agree with your point that killing babies, being able to tell children they can change their sex through mutilating their genitalia, and getting their college debt payed for by people who didn't take them out, was most important. Shame on them!!!!
He had a stroke, his brain is recovering, whereas Walker never had one to begin with.
Yeah, he is a stay at home son till he was 50, and wants to legalize heroin, and open up safe injections sites, what a genius.
STFU retard
I saw the stupid sonofabitch campaigning last week.

He is a fucking piece of shit Democrat that supports Potatohead letting million of goddamn Illegals flood across the border. He gladly sides with the Democrat filth ALL the time. How despicable is that?

He was lying and telling the people of Arizona that now he will "work to secure the border".

You would have to be a moron to believe anything this jackass says.

Anybody that supports Democrat policies is dumber than a door knob. Even the ones that lie about doing it.
Give us proof that " it was received and counted the day they
receive it. " Just like how Clean and Secure the Election of 2020.
pack of bunk.Same smelly holdups in a few states that are desperate
to hold Democrats.All it takes is a one county in each state like in
Atlanta,Detroit,and Philly.Only this is a Midterm.Not a Presidential.
Trump won 2,497 counties.
Biden won 477 counties.
Trump won 18 of 19 Bellwether Battleground counties.
No Incumbent GOP lost their Re-election.Except a couple
who where put in via off year replacement.Taking office to fill
a vacancy.
No President in over 150 years Lost their Re-election
when they Increased their lead.Trump had over 3 million
More votes in 2020 than 2016.
And which candidate’s counties have more voters in total? Trump or Biden?
You lied about him wanting to legalize heroin.
it’s weed.
Never call me a liar again
Never call me a liar again
your source is “truth press”. You are downgraded to super liar.
your source is “truth press”. You are downgraded to super liar.
Ive been over this and over this. Stroke victims typically are who they are going to be by 6 months. Which is about where Fetterman is/was at the time of the debate. The odds of him gaining much function beyond where he is currently are extremely low. The people of PA elected a mentally handicapped individual to the Senate.

Which goes to show how important it is to nominate good candidates at all levels especially at the top of the ticket. Oz wasn't a particularly good candidate, but Mastriano was terrible had the GOP just nominated a generic "R" candidate Oz likely would have beaten Fetterman. Look at Ga. Kemp drug Walker to a tie with Warnock. (btw neither of those candidates in GA are good) We will see how much Kemp not being on the ballot hurts Walker. Hershal needs to go to Kemp and beg his support if he wants to have any shot at winning IMO..
Yea, I really can't argue with what you are saying, but just because someone does not fully recover their speaking ability does not mean they necessarily lose their cognitive function, either. I'm not saying Fetterman is, or was, the sharpest knife in the drawer, and since I don't live in Pennsylvania, I don't know exactly how he was the candidate for Senator, but both Walker and Trump are on another level, both are professional grade stupid, so to hear ANYONE attacking Fetterman who supports either Trump or Walker shows some serious cognitive dissonance.

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