
Originally posted by clumzgirl
You know, this really has very little to do with the thread, but recently I thought of applying for a support job with the local FBI, and you have to go through extensive background checks, including a lie detector test. The day before my high school graduation I took one drag off a joint. The pathetic thing is, my friends had to teach me how to "inhale." Does that mean I can pull a Clinton if I ever interview with them? :p:

You will not get a job with the FBI, State Department, etc. by lying.
So I would just be up front about it.
I imagine that was quite a while ago and it shouldn't be a problem for you.
I know someone who recently applied fore a job with the State Department and they were basicly told that if they hadn't been clean in the past year not to bother to apply.

I don't think they want to disqualify a potentially terrific candidate based on a toke taken long ago, so I wouldn't worry about it.

But remember, Big Brother is always watching ;-)
Originally posted by NewGuy
I say the Constitution holds no place to make any naturally occuring plant or substance illegal. As far as alcohol, that was prohibited for tax reasons. -Again, not a valid Constitutional reason to ban it.

In any case, if alcohol can be used for so many other positive things, and so can any other herb, these being plant products should remain legal. It would be irrational to ban the natural plantlife.

That being said, I think it is metally weak minded for someone to WANT to consume alcohol or drugs, but that is their choice.

Dude... you lost me there. Alcohol is not an herb, for one thing.
Also, your argument lacks logical progression.
But now I'm being an ass so I'll shut up ;-)
My father had a 1000 acre farm that he had worked his entire life...Wheat corn, and beans. He was 75 years old when someone told him marijuana would relieve his glaucoma and emphesema. He decided to plant part of his farm with marijuana and there he made his mistake... Even though the marijuana relieved his symptons and made his life livable again, the feds caught wind and busted him. They took his farm, they sentenced him to 15 years in the penetentiary . He lost all he cared about, his family was disgraced, and he died of grief 2 years later...I ask you, is that justice???? Did he deserve that????That folks is your stupid marijuana growing law in Missouri, which btw now is 20 t0 life without perole....Is that fucking fair????I don't think so
Originally posted by nycflasher
Dude... you lost me there. Alcohol is not an herb, for one thing.
Also, your argument lacks logical progression.
But now I'm being an ass so I'll shut up ;-)

Aw hell bro were all on the same ship, maybe we should have a drink and think about it.

Legalize it!

1. MJ is not as dangerous as alcohol. You can't OD on it.

2. MJ is the premier gateway drug for the hard drug dealers. Take away MJ, the drug dealers have lost their #1 hook to get new customers.

3. Hemp products, such as paper, rope, and clothes, will increase competition in the marketplace and CREATE JOBS!!! What a way to expand the economy!

Now I personally have never smoked MJ, nor do I plan to, but I am strongly in favor of legalizing its use.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Dude... you lost me there. Alcohol is not an herb, for one thing.
Also, your argument lacks logical progression.
But now I'm being an ass so I'll shut up ;-)

Someone remarked about alcohol and prohibition. Alcohol is made from vegitable matter mashed and purified.

I didn't know you wanted a whole story.
the gateway drug argument both for and against is convoluted.

addiction is a symptom of other psychological disorder not an effect of using marijuana.
Originally posted by MadMax
Aw hell bro were all on the same ship, maybe we should have a drink and think about it.


Cheers. You too, NewGuy.
I'm through for the night. Exhausted. Food for though til tommorrow.
Nice thread, just what I hoped for more or less. Bottoms up...

And that's not a porn reference ;-)
Absolutely legalize marijuana. We waste too much time and too many resources battling this drug. Take all the money we waste on enforcement and incarceration on marijauna charges and put it towards education and rehab for drug users.

Originally posted by NewGuy
I say the Constitution holds no place to make any naturally occuring plant or substance illegal. As far as alcohol, that was prohibited for tax reasons. -Again, not a valid Constitutional reason to ban it.

In any case, if alcohol can be used for so many other positive things, and so can any other herb, these being plant products should remain legal. It would be irrational to ban the natural plantlife.

That being said, I think it is metally weak minded for someone to WANT to consume alcohol or drugs, but that is their choice.

The Constitution doesnt cover all things. Anything that isnt covered by the Constitution is given to the power of the legistlative branch by the Constitution to control. Making an argument about the Constitution in the drug debate is moot since its ultimately congress who controls it legality.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
The Constitution doesnt cover all things. Anything that isnt covered by the Constitution is given to the power of the legistlative branch by the Constitution to control.

If you mean that the Constitution covers only the highest level of order, I agree. It DOES give the Congress authority over the next level.

Making an argument about the Constitution in the drug debate is moot since its ultimately congress who controls it legality.

Right. Which was a point I was making indirectly. Since prohibition was a Constitutional ammendment and had no place there, the whole marriage act and any future drug related issue wouldn't belong there either.

If laws were passed by congress regarding these things, it would be rediculous to ban plantlife or natural products of such like alcohol.
I think that it would be crazy to legalize marijuana. I understand the concept some of you bring up, especially the example of alcohol and prohibition. However, the US wouldn't want to condone the use of marijuana. Furthermore, alcohol is a much weaker drug that can be used responsibly. Marijuana is much more addictive and destroys the brain. A substance like that shouldn't be legal. Yes people should make their own choices but the government has to step in some time to try to protect people.

If you think the drug abuse is bad now, everyone will be on drugs if this would happen. There's a lot of people doing drugs now, but there's still pressure on them because they know it's illegal. What we need to do is continue with the fight against drugs. I see people on the streets of Detroit walking around smoking weed. Where are the police? This is what needs to be improved: police awareness. I don't think these people should go to jail of course, just to rehabilitation facilities which is already being done obviously.
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
I think that it would be crazy to legalize marijuana. I understand the concept some of you bring up, especially the example of alcohol and prohibition. However, the US wouldn't want to condone the use of marijuana. Furthermore, alcohol is a much weaker drug that can be used responsibly. Marijuana is much more addictive and destroys the brain. A substance like that shouldn't be legal. Yes people should make their own choices but the government has to step in some time to try to protect people.

If you think the drug abuse is bad now, everyone will be on drugs if this would happen. There's a lot of people doing drugs now, but there's still pressure on them because they know it's illegal. What we need to do is continue with the fight against drugs. I see people on the streets of Detroit walking around smoking weed. Where are the police? This is what needs to be improved: police awareness. I don't think these people should go to jail of course, just to rehabilitation facilities which is already being done obviously.

Why isn't rat poison illegal?
Spray paint?
Whipped cream?
Juniper trees?

You can come up with millions of ways people can intoxify themselves but you cannot make them all illegal nor ban them. People have freedom to do what they want (under our Constitution) as long as it does not affect 2 basic rules:

1. Doing all that you agree to do

2. Not encroaching upon another

Violating these 2 is what the rest of law really stems from. If those are violated, and the drugs/alcohol are involved, then the charge should be raised due to incompetence of the user.

You can't reasonably ban natural substances nor can you legislate by infringing upon individual liberty.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Why isn't rat poison illegal?
Spray paint?
Whipped cream?
Juniper trees?

You can come up with millions of ways people can intoxify themselves but you cannot make them all illegal nor ban them. People have freedom to do what they want (under our Constitution) as long as it does not affect 2 basic rules:

1. Doing all that you agree to do

2. Not encroaching upon another

Violating these 2 is what the rest of law really stems from. If those are violated, and the drugs/alcohol are involved, then the charge should be raised due to incompetence of the user.

You can't reasonably ban natural substances nor can you legislate by infringing upon individual liberty.

I understand where you're coming from like I said, but the US isn't going to condone drug use.

As far as the items you mentioned, they aren't illegal because their primary use is not to get high. However, it would still in a way be illegal to use them in that way.

Marijuana is good for not much more than destroying yourself and others around you. Other than for medical uses, there is no reason that anyone should have marijuana. There's no reason the the US "should" condone drug use.
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
I understand where you're coming from like I said, but the US isn't going to condone drug use.

As far as the items you mentioned, they aren't illegal because their primary use is not to get high. However, it would still in a way be illegal to use them in that way.

Marijuana is good for not much more than destroying yourself and others around you. Other than for medical uses, there is no reason that anyone should have marijuana. There's no reason the the US "should" condone drug use.

I understand, but condoning is not up to our government, either. Is this a liberty that belongs regulated by law? -Or is it an infringement? Is it an infringement in the home?

Interesting questions.
Vinnie. Alcohol is much more addictive and dangerous. It's impossible to overdose on weed. You may wish you were dead, but that's a different story, that's just paranoia!
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
I think that it would be crazy to legalize marijuana. I understand the concept some of you bring up, especially the example of alcohol and prohibition. However, the US wouldn't want to condone the use of marijuana. Furthermore, alcohol is a much weaker drug that can be used responsibly. Marijuana is much more addictive and destroys the brain. A substance like that shouldn't be legal. Yes people should make their own choices but the government has to step in some time to try to protect people.

Vinnie, you are wrong. Alcohol is a stronger drug than MJ - though alcohol is a depressant, and MJ is a narcotic. But as has been stated, you can't OD on MJ, but you can OD on alcohol (alcohol poisoning). MJ is not physically addictive, though it is pscyhologically addictive - but most people who smoke it don't smoke enough to get addicted to it. And alcohol kill brain cells just like MJ does. So if you are going to argue for the continued prohibition of MJ, you need to address the prohibition of the more dangerous drug of alcohol - but we tried that once, and it didn't work.

If you think the drug abuse is bad now, everyone will be on drugs if this would happen. There's a lot of people doing drugs now, but there's still pressure on them because they know it's illegal. What we need to do is continue with the fight against drugs. I see people on the streets of Detroit walking around smoking weed. Where are the police? This is what needs to be improved: police awareness. I don't think these people should go to jail of course, just to rehabilitation facilities which is already being done obviously.

I'm sure that the number of MJ users would spike initially, but I think that number would go down as people tried and rejected marijuana use for themselves.

And if you want to fight the war on drugs - real drugs, that is - then the best thing to do is take the gateway drug of marijuana out of the hands of drug dealers.
Don't forget, MJ trashes the crap out of your lungs due to the heat which is far greater than cigarettes.
Very true NewGuy. I'm certainly not going to start smoking it anytime soon, legal or not. But I think that legalization is the smart route to go.
quoted from Cousin Vinnie
Furthermore,alcohol is a much weaker drug that can be used responsibly.Marijuana is much more addictive and destroys the brain.
Alcohol weaker? you never heard of Everclear? 190 proof allgrain alcohol, made to be drank? you cant condense weed to make it stronger. There are some potent strains out there that will get you very high but I have never heard of someone smoking them selves to death from weed. People drink themselves to death everyday. as for being addictive. BULLSHIT. Just as you can use alcohol responsibly so can you do with weed. I myself have went years without a toke. Alcohol is the addictive drug. I have also never heard of a pot-smokers anon....but there is an AAA in every town. And no it doesnt destroy the brain, that would be alcohol again. My guess would be that you dont care for it because it has a foreign word in it...Juan.

From cousin Vinnie
If you think the drug abuse is bad now, everyone will be on drugs if this were to happen

Marijuani is not a "Gateway" drug. Its a choice that people make, just like wither to have a single shot or a double shoot of booze....What you have stated in your post is mere opinion, can you back up your claims with valid sites?

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